A question about treatments

queenieb52 Member Posts: 48 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Just wondering if any of you 'veterans' have any input about subsequent treatments. I am going for my 2nd one next week..( Taxol/Cisplatin), and I have thus far been fortunate. With that I mean, I had no nausea, appetite is good, and my CBC have right on the money. My Oncology nurse said so far I have been 'textbook'. I did have a couple of days that were not real pleasant after the Neulasta shot, but me & Tylenol got thru ok. Now I'm afraid that my 2nd treatment will just behave totally different. I've been told that I'll feel better after each one, but I tend not to take people who have not actually been thru it at their word! Any advice? Thanks you guys....Beth


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  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    Hi Beth,
    Nancy and I obviously found it the same, the affects of chemo are cumulative.

    I found the fatigue got worse with each treatment, and it was the only side affect the doctors can't help us with. I just had to go with it, and you can't work your way through it.

    Every time I'd call with a new side affect, my oncologist would also say I was "textbook, and right on target", and tell me what to take to alleviate it.

    Be sure to call, or keep a list to go over with your Doc. or the oncology nurses, they're amazing and so helpful.
    I was told to drink cranberry juice, not only to avoid UTI's but that it helps the chemo work better. And to take 100mg of Vit. B6 to help avoid neuropathy. Of course you'll check with your Dr. on that.

    Hope I helped a little, good luck,
  • queenieb52
    queenieb52 Member Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks Jane & Nancy
    Thank u ladies for ur input. I really am a proactive person, and I just want to get a scope of whats in store. I know everyone reacts differently, but to be honest....I haven't felt bad at all(I hope that statement doesn't some back to haunt me!!), so I'm kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop-so to speak! LOL! Thank God all of you are here to talk to...I have a lot of time here by myself, and sometimes my thoughts get away from me. I lost my job a week ago, and I was so looking forward to getting out at least part time. maybe thats why I haven't been bothered to much...my mind is to full of everything else! by the way...where does the neuropathy happen....legs & feet? I also heard about this asparagus thing that you can do that supposedly helps...has anyone heard that one? Thankfully, my youngest son moved back home in April-before all this came down, and he is helping me. More importantly...he's very much into organic foods and so on, so I am eating pretty good. I do worry about losing my appetite tho...I only weigh 115, and I don't want to look any worse than I do! (I know..how vain!)anyways...Thank you. I appreciate your helpfulness!With warm thoughts...Beth
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Although everyone is different, I found that getting out and walking some everyday helped. I increased the distance by a city block each day. The neuropathy affects the hands and feet. I took Vit. B-6 and L-glutamine to help counteract it and had very little trouble with the "numbness". Each treatment was a little different than others. I had little nausea. Lots of fatugue. Good appetite. Saundra
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645

    Ditto to all and don't forget water. Helps move everything - chemo out and bowels too. I too don't weigh much and this is my second bout with cancer.

    I find that the decadron and zofran will help keep your appetite going. I do tend to loose weight in the beginning - nerves and such finding out you have cancer and then I usually maintain.

    In His Grip,
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