Treatment options for newly dx of endometrial adenocarcinoma



  • bonniesue
    bonniesue Member Posts: 124 Member
    kathybd said:

    2 words-my boss, a doctor
    I think I can work and my Dr says I can work, but my boss was pushing me to take disability! He is worried I am going to make "mistakes." I had my postop visit and am most likely going to do the chemo. once every 3rd week. Figure Fridays may be the best day to get it, but you got it on Thurs? This guy was unbelievable on the phone with me today. He actually told me he had emails lined up for people to interview "while I was off." Been with him for a year and wish I had never taken the job. Love the patients, though.
    Thank you for your wishes...even if I am Irish, I am going to need all the luck I can get when I go back on the 10th. Kathy

    Sorry your boss( a physician is a louse). He could work with you on this one. You need support and some kindness. Does he have a wife and how would he appreciate someone treating her like this?? Ask him how he would treat you if you were pregnant?? If you get short term disability maybe that is an option but if you need health benefits this is why some people need to work. Take Care and be selfish(THIS IS ABOUT YOU) get well and blessings.
  • kathybd
    kathybd Member Posts: 126
    bonniesue said:

    Sorry your boss( a physician is a louse). He could work with you on this one. You need support and some kindness. Does he have a wife and how would he appreciate someone treating her like this?? Ask him how he would treat you if you were pregnant?? If you get short term disability maybe that is an option but if you need health benefits this is why some people need to work. Take Care and be selfish(THIS IS ABOUT YOU) get well and blessings.

    Thanks, Bonnie Sue!
    Believe it or not...his wife is a therapist! But I do need the paycheck and the insurance. My husband who is stage 4 colon cancer just got laid off on Mon. I am basically going to go in on the 10th with a positive attitude (he has done this to me when my husband had his diagnosis and 2 surgeries) and do the best I can. God forbid, if I can't and have problems I will take the disability. My Doc says he has 2 pts that are 75 and 80 that have tolerated it will. I will need a minimum of 4 cycles, max of 8 if I can tolerate. One every 3 weeks. I AM going to be selfish and the blessings are happily received! Best to you!
  • kathybd
    kathybd Member Posts: 126
    npl8261 said:

    working during chemo
    For me, chemo was pretty rough, and I couldn't imagine working during chemo in my condition. During my first chemo treatment I made the comment to the nurse and social worker (she visited everyone during chemo) that I expected to feel like I did when I was pregnant, which was pretty lousy. Then during the first week of treatment I felt LOUSY and called the nurse, who changed my medicine to EMEND. She said that they sort of expected me to get extra sick because of how I described my pregnancy sickness and I have since learned that women have worse reactions to chemo then men. Since starting chemo I have become very forgetfull and find it difficult to focus. There are many times I am in one room and need to get something in another and once in the room I completely forget what I went into the room for. I clearly had "Chemo Brain" and it made become somewhat of a Scatterbrain at times, which is why I say for me working would be difficult.

    I think it would be unfair for me to have someone pay me and get far less than 100%. I realize that everyone is different and everyone reacts different to chemo but for me it was 8 days of feeling very lousy and having to have family members take my kids during the day.

    In the beginning, I would start to feel sick within 24 hours of the chemo treatment but by the third treatment I felt sick by the end of the day. Even just getting the Benedryl made me feel lousy. I would go in on Monday's and didn't feel better until the following Monday. The worst days for me were Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I chose Monday because I knew the rest of the week my kids were in pre-school and I figured I would just feel lousy at home when they were gone. Perhaps my system just couldn't tolerate it as well. During my first pregnancy I was sick until about week 18 but chemo was a lot worse than that feeling.

    I don't want to discourage anyone with my comments but to just share my experience.

    Hello I appreciate
    Hello I appreciate everyone's input. Hopefully I won't have your experience. Both my pregnancies were morning sickness and I worked until I delivered. Hope you are doing well now! Take good care. k
  • bonniesue
    bonniesue Member Posts: 124 Member
    kathybd said:

    Thanks, Bonnie Sue!
    Believe it or not...his wife is a therapist! But I do need the paycheck and the insurance. My husband who is stage 4 colon cancer just got laid off on Mon. I am basically going to go in on the 10th with a positive attitude (he has done this to me when my husband had his diagnosis and 2 surgeries) and do the best I can. God forbid, if I can't and have problems I will take the disability. My Doc says he has 2 pts that are 75 and 80 that have tolerated it will. I will need a minimum of 4 cycles, max of 8 if I can tolerate. One every 3 weeks. I AM going to be selfish and the blessings are happily received! Best to you!

    Oh, sorry to hear of your husband's plight. Hope he can get unemployment. Best on the 10th and wish you well with tx. Still dissapointed in your boss but we cannot control/change others behaviour even if it is takes too much energy.
  • Lusafag
    Lusafag Member Posts: 21
    Kindly send me the Endometrial Adenocarcinoma material.

    See if you can send me the recently updated material on the above subject.


    Hope you are well now.

    My humble regards.

  • Lusafag
    Lusafag Member Posts: 21
    edited June 2021 #27

    Personally, I'd do some chemo with any Grade 3 cancer.
    If your Gyn-Onc's recommendatation concurs with your friend-of-a-friend-doctor, then you do have a togh decision ahead. But if your Gyn-Onc suggests chemo, with some Grade 3 cells showing up in your pathology report, I would personally want to do some chemo, just to be sure ALL of those aggressive sneaky Grade 3 cells were killed. But that's me.

    Grade 1 Stage 2b


    Have you read anything here upon this staging and grading ?

    Kindly see.

  • Lusafag
    Lusafag Member Posts: 21
    edited June 2021 #28
    bonniesue said:

    dilemma and understanding
    My mother was Grade 1, stage 1C or 2B, over one half of the myometrium --differing reports or very borderline. She had a davinci hyst. she had differing opinions which ranged from just brachy to brachy plus external beam to just external beam. She got three opinions and it was HER decision which is hard (frustrating)to put on someone that is not in the medical field. She also had another opinion with the pathology report to make sure there was some agreement. that also came out a little different. When it is all said and done she took both but it was a tough decision. No chemo was suggested.

    So how did it went ?

    Kindly tell us,if possible,what were the treatment outcomes.


  • Lusafag
    Lusafag Member Posts: 21
    edited June 2021 #29
    How are you now,kindly update

    Hi,I am a fairly newbie,diagnosed in February,operated in March,wounds still not healed,waiting for radiotherapy,the two radiotherapist I consulted have different opinions about my pathological staging of T2b.


    Would like to hear of your wellbeing now and your experiences.


    It may not exactly help me,because my locale and facilities there plus doctors concerns,empathy,and expertise are different,but still I can strive for more.


    Kindly do also suggest other places on web if you know of them where I can have more info.


    Good luck ladies.


    My regards.

  • Lusafag
    Lusafag Member Posts: 21
    kathybd said:

    Thanks, Bonnie Sue!
    Believe it or not...his wife is a therapist! But I do need the paycheck and the insurance. My husband who is stage 4 colon cancer just got laid off on Mon. I am basically going to go in on the 10th with a positive attitude (he has done this to me when my husband had his diagnosis and 2 surgeries) and do the best I can. God forbid, if I can't and have problems I will take the disability. My Doc says he has 2 pts that are 75 and 80 that have tolerated it will. I will need a minimum of 4 cycles, max of 8 if I can tolerate. One every 3 weeks. I AM going to be selfish and the blessings are happily received! Best to you!


    Sometimes you feel you are all alone,and people have already forsaken you,except maybe your immediate dear ones.

    My husband was issued a show cause notice during my surgery despite of having a leave,because of a new boss.

    We had been very helpful doctors for all,never did private practices,treated and tought patients and people selflessly,helped every relative,became their primary source of information and hope,struggled whenever there was some negligence,but we feel we have been written off already.


    It seems,people live for them self alone now.


    But they conveniently forget,anyone can have such situations and diseases,and when faced with apathic medical care,they will need people like us.


    They don't think,without people like us,their lives will be more miserable.

    They think their money will save them.


    Money is important but not the everything.


    But sadly,they will learn very late.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,471 Member
    edited June 2021 #31
    Lusafag said:

    So how did it went ?

    Kindly tell us,if possible,what were the treatment outcomes.


    Lusafag, sometimes it is hard

    Lusafag, sometimes it is hard to tell, but this is a thread that is many years old.  I would suggest checking the dates on the right hand side.  I don't know if you will get an answer on some of these old messages.