Received some difficult news

Kelli22 Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Depressed household!! I took my husband to the ER last Friday to address a painful abscess he had. He was admitted. While in surgery to have the abscess removed the surgeon found a tumor. POSITIVE! All we know is that we have to call an ONCOLOGIST this AM to make an appointment, one of many i've been told.


  • luv3jay
    luv3jay Member Posts: 533 Member
    Hang in there Kelli22. It
    Hang in there Kelli22. It is very difficult to hear news like that, but you both will be able to get through it if you just remain strong and determined. Keep us updated on how it goes with your husband.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Yes, many...until it gets straightened out!!!
    Welcome to the board! There are many of us here with roughly the same story...a chance situation that led to our diagnosis....

    Please post any and all questions you have, we are one of the best knowlege bases around!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • donnare
    donnare Member Posts: 266
    KathiM said:

    Yes, many...until it gets straightened out!!!
    Welcome to the board! There are many of us here with roughly the same story...a chance situation that led to our diagnosis....

    Please post any and all questions you have, we are one of the best knowlege bases around!

    Hugs, Kathi

    Hang In - welcome
    Hi Kelly,

    So sorry about your husband's dx. I'm a caregiver too and know how you feel - my husband was just recently dx too. Keep reading and posting your questions. This is a great place to gather information and the support can't be beat. Remember to take care of yourself too, and let us know how you are doing.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    So sorry that you had to find us because of your husband's diagnosis but there is a lot of hope for colorectal cancer now. Welcome to the board and here you will find a lot of support and people going through different stages of cancer and different types. Please ask any questions you have and keep us posted as to your husband's progress.

  • Kelli22
    Kelli22 Member Posts: 9

    So sorry that you had to find us because of your husband's diagnosis but there is a lot of hope for colorectal cancer now. Welcome to the board and here you will find a lot of support and people going through different stages of cancer and different types. Please ask any questions you have and keep us posted as to your husband's progress.


    Thank you!
    Thanks so much! Really does help! I was looking up the diagnoses and found this SITE. We were told to call Oncologist and another doctor. Problem is he can't do anything until his wounds from surgery heal. All new to us. This board is really helping me to get educated. I am assuming these doctors will get us on the road to recovery~! Again, thank you very much! GOD BLESS!
  • Kelli22
    Kelli22 Member Posts: 9
    donnare said:

    Hang In - welcome
    Hi Kelly,

    So sorry about your husband's dx. I'm a caregiver too and know how you feel - my husband was just recently dx too. Keep reading and posting your questions. This is a great place to gather information and the support can't be beat. Remember to take care of yourself too, and let us know how you are doing.


    Thank you!
    Thank you Donna!! I am very glad to have found this and yes it is a great place to become educated. I feel like I have already learned so much and after reading through the message center it really does feel like there is hope for recovery. YOU also take care!! I guess we'll all get through it together! Thanks again!
  • Kelli22
    Kelli22 Member Posts: 9
    KathiM said:

    Yes, many...until it gets straightened out!!!
    Welcome to the board! There are many of us here with roughly the same story...a chance situation that led to our diagnosis....

    Please post any and all questions you have, we are one of the best knowlege bases around!

    Hugs, Kathi

    Thank you!
    Thank you Kathi! Hugs right back to you!
  • Kelli22
    Kelli22 Member Posts: 9
    luv3jay said:

    Hang in there Kelli22. It
    Hang in there Kelli22. It is very difficult to hear news like that, but you both will be able to get through it if you just remain strong and determined. Keep us updated on how it goes with your husband.


    Thank you!
    Thank you Sheri! Boy, it really helps to know there is a support system available to get through it all and to ensure folks that we are not alone. Thanks again, Kelli
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    I'm sorry to meet you this way, but I'm glad you've found the group. I think it will be a great help and comfort to you and your husband. I know it's been a lifesaver for me.

  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Welcome to the board, Kelli! Please keep us updated on your husbands condition. This board is the absolute best with answering questions, and giving support.

    Good luck with the oncologist appt., if you find a good one, it will be worth gold to you!
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    hi Kelli
    HI Kelli,
    Welcome to the board. My husband is the one who is fighting cc and I have to tell you the folks on this board have been amazing with information and support. When you have a question just throw it out here and someone will try to answer it and share their experience.
    I know you mentioned the many appointments that are coming up. May I suggest a three ring binder with different sections ie.. phone numbers, appointment, questions, notes, etc.. Hang in there.
    We are here for you.
  • sharpy102
    sharpy102 Member Posts: 368 Member

    hi Kelli
    HI Kelli,
    Welcome to the board. My husband is the one who is fighting cc and I have to tell you the folks on this board have been amazing with information and support. When you have a question just throw it out here and someone will try to answer it and share their experience.
    I know you mentioned the many appointments that are coming up. May I suggest a three ring binder with different sections ie.. phone numbers, appointment, questions, notes, etc.. Hang in there.
    We are here for you.

    good luck Kelli
    Good luck Kelli for your hubby! I'm sure things will work out pretty well. I will pray for him as well! And when I'll grow up, I'll be a scientist, and I will be working in tumor biology to make everything possible to kill these mean-headed things! I will put my life into their "end of life"!!!! That's for sure!
  • daydreamer110761
    daydreamer110761 Member Posts: 487 Member
    sharpy102 said:

    good luck Kelli
    Good luck Kelli for your hubby! I'm sure things will work out pretty well. I will pray for him as well! And when I'll grow up, I'll be a scientist, and I will be working in tumor biology to make everything possible to kill these mean-headed things! I will put my life into their "end of life"!!!! That's for sure!

    another welcome!
    Sorry to see you found us, glad you did. Did anyone mention yet about staying off the internet since it's scary? That was the first bit of advice someone here gave me back in December. Unfortunatly, I had already been through all the scary reading and was shaking in my boots before I got the nerve to ask anything!

    I am, however surprised that the hospital/doctors didn't hook you up with the coordinator and that you have to look for the oncologist. The appointment making is half the battle. I wouldn't have known where to start, although my fiance is good at alot of things, this was something totally new to his also. I was perfectly happy with being handed appointment cards and being told where to go and when to be there.

    Best wishes to your husband in the coming months ahead, and to you, don't forget to take care of yourself. Like someone above me said, bring a notebook, take notes, ask questions. Keep questions in the book for future appointments. As the caregiver, you should pay close attention to what the doctors say, I know that as the patient, I never remembered anything he said. Once I heard the "C" word I could barely think. Thank goodness for Nick. Caregivers are the most important part of the "team." And once you see the doc, come back here and ask away - there is always someone who can answer and make it even more understandable!

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Hi Kelli....
    Hi, Kelli

    I'm late responding to this post, but wanted to say Hi and welcome to the board.

    I wanted to thank you for your comments on a post I had going, thank you for that.

    Best of luck and we're all hoping and praying for you.

  • amcp
    amcp Member Posts: 251 Member
    Welcome too!!
    Kelli...sorry we had to meet this way but this is a great place for encouragement and hope. I too am a caregiver. My husband's cancer was dx also by accident. Have hope and courage. You can do this. We went from despair to hope. If you would like read my story. My husband was sent to Vanderbilt because nothing left to try and now he is doing great. I recommend getting at least two opinions. We will be keeping you and your husband in our thoughts and prayers.
  • krystle singer
    krystle singer Member Posts: 108
    Difficult news, indeed
    Hi Kelli,
    Your oncologist will be helpful. My cancer was the result of what was to be a routine colonoscopy and there was the tumor. I had no idea. Yes, there will be many other doctors, not just oncologist but surgeons and techs and many tests. Take deep breaths and give both of yourselves time to absorb the news you get each time. Once you get to the oncologist, things may begin to move a lot faster. I was operated on 10 days after my diagnosis. None of this will be easy, but know that there are prayers beyond counting out here for you and your husband...mine included.

    Keep posting us and remember the love is here and everywhere for both of you.

    God's blessings on you both.

    Hugs and prayers,
  • eric38
    eric38 Member Posts: 583

    Difficult news, indeed
    Hi Kelli,
    Your oncologist will be helpful. My cancer was the result of what was to be a routine colonoscopy and there was the tumor. I had no idea. Yes, there will be many other doctors, not just oncologist but surgeons and techs and many tests. Take deep breaths and give both of yourselves time to absorb the news you get each time. Once you get to the oncologist, things may begin to move a lot faster. I was operated on 10 days after my diagnosis. None of this will be easy, but know that there are prayers beyond counting out here for you and your husband...mine included.

    Keep posting us and remember the love is here and everywhere for both of you.

    God's blessings on you both.

    Hugs and prayers,

    Live with cancer until you kill it.
    This is a great place to come to. It`s a good thing you found it early. I see comments from people who say they wish they had found it earlier. You will see posts from people who were in seemingly impossible situations and have either beat this thing or have been living with it for a long time. Hopefully your husband is not very advanced but if he is there is still plenty of hope and if he is not this disease is very curable if found early. I myself showed no evidence of anything in my normal bloodwork. The doctor sent me for a routine colonoscopy and they found a very large surprise in my colon. The proctologist was as surprised as I was because of my age. - I was 38, 3 months away from my 39th birthday. Happy birthday to me. After futher testing they found my situation to be very advanced. I am stage 4 with 3 - 4 liver metastisis and lymph involvement throughout my pelvic and abdominal region. Even in that condition the doctor seems to think he can keep me alive for many years or maybe until the the next best thing comes around. There is always hope with colon cancer because it is one of the most researched and they are always coming out with new stuff. Just remember, whatever happens , cancer does not define you and don`t let it steal your joy.