Please Share Your BC Type, Stage, Tumor Size, etc.

NYGMom Member Posts: 34
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello Everyone!! I FINALLY FINISHED CHEMO On Wednesday!!!!!!WoooooooooHooooooooWoooooooHooooooooo!!!!!!!! Now as I ponder the next step (rads) and my future... I have that scary question in the back of my mind "Did the chemo work, am I going to be OK"? I know we all have this on our mind (hopefully not too often)and I think it is helpful, at least for me to hear from people who have had success in killing the beast. To hear someone say "this is what I went through and I am a survivor of however many years" just gives us all so much hope and encouragement. So..... if you would like to share your cancer specifics with us that would be great!!!(Year diagnosed, Your age at the time, Kind of BC, Stage, How many positive nodes, Any other details about tumors, Surgery, Treatment you had or are having, and most importantly how may years you have been a SURVIVOR!!)

Thanks so much for sharing!!!! Kelly ~ preparing to celebrate life and the wonderful joys that come after chemo!

Me - 48 yrs. old, Stage 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma right breast, two dominant tumors (4.4cm and 4.5 cm) and multiple smaller tumors. 1st tumor ER/PR positive, 2nd tumor ER positive, PR negative. 13 out of 31 nodes cancer positive. No known cancer anywhere else. Sister had BC at age 41 - we do not have the BC gene. Chose bilateral mastectomy with expanders and reconstruct. Treatment: 4 AC followed by 12 weeks of Taxol and Carboplaten, Rediation 5 days per week for 5 weeks.


  • confused123
    confused123 Member Posts: 251
    WOOOOHOOOO!!! So happy for
    WOOOOHOOOO!!! So happy for you. I too get nervous about it coming back. I am doing rads, just finished #13 today. Mine is 6 weeks if I do boosters and i think 5 without. Does yours include boosters? My rad onc said some places do them for people with mastectomies and some don't. Usually always done for lumpectomies.

    BC runs in my family, mom, grammie, grammies siser had it but the gene test was negative, weird huh?
    I am 33, had invasive ductal carcinoma, 3 tumors, not too big, forget the sizes. Had double mastectomy, A/C treatment, Taxol and am on Hepceptin until April 2010. Doing radiation now. Had expanders and port put in during mastectomy. I am er and pr positive and her2 positive.

    Good luck with rads

  • florist
    florist Member Posts: 45
    59 yrs old
    diagnosed Dec

    59 yrs old
    diagnosed Dec 08
    stage 1
    grade 3
    her-2 positive
    ER/PR negative
    no positive nodes
    clear margins
    6 chemos -taxol, carboplatin, herceptin for 1 year

    32 rads (4 left, yeah)

    Hopefully after all that it is nipped in the bud!
  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    Diagnosis and lumpectomy January 2009. No chemo, 33 rads. No nodes were taken. Mom had BC, genetic testing is negative. On tamoxifen.

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    What a relief to be done with chemo!! It's so normal to worry about your future and whether the chemo got everything. There are so many survivors. I agree it's inpiring to hear about them. I am still early on, but:

    Diagnosed in November 2008
    At age 34
    Invastive Ductal Carcinoma
    Stage IIa, grade 3 (9/9 on the nottingham scale), 2.6 cm.
    Zero positive nodes
    ER/PR/HER negative
    6 TAC chemotherapy
    33 Radiation treatments
    Zometa and peptide clinical trial to come
    April MRI -- NED
    May Mammogram -- NED
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    mimivac said:

    What a relief to be done with chemo!! It's so normal to worry about your future and whether the chemo got everything. There are so many survivors. I agree it's inpiring to hear about them. I am still early on, but:

    Diagnosed in November 2008
    At age 34
    Invastive Ductal Carcinoma
    Stage IIa, grade 3 (9/9 on the nottingham scale), 2.6 cm.
    Zero positive nodes
    ER/PR/HER negative
    6 TAC chemotherapy
    33 Radiation treatments
    Zometa and peptide clinical trial to come
    April MRI -- NED
    May Mammogram -- NED

    I was diagnosed in January

    I was diagnosed in January 2000 with a small amount (less than 1 cm) of invasive lobular cancer, LCIS and DCIS, with no node involvement (in right breast). Had a lumpectomy and 30+ radiation treatments. Took Tamoxifen for 6 months and developed blood clots (probably totally unrelated to the Tamoxifen), but doctor advised that I stop taking it.

    In January 2009, I was diagnosed with DCIS in the same breast; first found with an MRI. Had a bilateral mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction in April. So, I've been a survivor for nine years, and I am ever thankful for early detection and the expertise of all the doctors. Although the treatments have been a pain, my doctor says that there should be little or no impact on my life expectancy, because the cancers were caught and treated early!

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Congratulations, NYGMom!
    Chemo done = huge accomplishment! YES, onwards to Life After Cancer. Best wishes to you!

    On July 29th, it'll be SIX years since diagnosis for me.
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    You got through alot of tough stuff already. You will soon be on your way surviving and enjoying life!
    I was diagnosed Nov. 08, 2.5 tumor, stage 3a
    ER/Pr NEG. Her pos.
    Mastectomy L side Dec. 08
    Chemo (carboplatin, taxatere, Herceptin) Jan-May 09
    Rads 28 with 5 boosters June-July 8th 09
    6 pos. nodes out of 27
    Herceptin continuing for the year.

    I know the fear of reoccurance but plan on living life as if it will never be back and enjoy each minute!
    love, jackie
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Not telling you my weight, but here are my Breast Stats!
    Age : OMG~ a hair's breath from being 60!

    Dx March 10, 2003, Lumpectomy March 29, 2003

    Tumor size: 3cm

    Lymphnode Involvement: 3 of 15 positive

    Estrogen Positive BC~ Finished 5 Years of Arimidex, February 2009

    Oh yeah, did the Chemo Cocktail of Cytoxan, Adriamycin, and Taxotere, followed by Rads.

    That was six years ago...light years!

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    chenheart said:

    Not telling you my weight, but here are my Breast Stats!
    Age : OMG~ a hair's breath from being 60!

    Dx March 10, 2003, Lumpectomy March 29, 2003

    Tumor size: 3cm

    Lymphnode Involvement: 3 of 15 positive

    Estrogen Positive BC~ Finished 5 Years of Arimidex, February 2009

    Oh yeah, did the Chemo Cocktail of Cytoxan, Adriamycin, and Taxotere, followed by Rads.

    That was six years ago...light years!


    Dx - late October 2008, wire
    Dx - late October 2008, wire guided lumpectomies late Nov 2008
    Right - 1 cm IDC, some DCIS also, no node involvement, ER/PR positive Her-Neg
    Left - 9 mm atypical hyperplasia
    Radiation to right breast and node area, 30 +5 boosts
    Armidex for 5 years - started 4/1/09
    oncotype DX score - 22, doing the clinical trial, randomized for no chemo
    I, like Claudia, take the 5th on weight.
    I am 61 years young.

  • Paula1001
    Paula1001 Member Posts: 35
    I'm 51 and was diagnosed Feb. 9, 2009
    I've had 4 rounds of A/C with a double mastectomy in the middle of it.
    Currently I have 4 more of 12 Taxol/Herceptin weeks left, and the Herceptin continuing every 3 weeks until May 30, 2010.
    In September I begin 6 weeks daily of radiation and 5 years of Arimidex.
    There were 5 tumors, 3 lymph nodes of 13 removed were involved, Stage III.
    I'm ER/PR and HER2 positive. (My own hat trick LOL)

    Good luck for your LONG and fun future.
  • joesjoey
    joesjoey Member Posts: 4
    I am a Cancer Survivor. Jan 2008 I was diagnosed with infiltrating ductal carcinoma (two tumors) 4cm to 5cm, Stage 2 in my left breast. On my right breast, ductal carcinoma in situ, 3cm Stage 1. Tumors were palpable. Used visualizehealing cd's along with chemo. Oncologist said the chemo would only help the left breast (infiltrating). I asked her to check both breasts each week. To her surprise, they were both shrinking. On May 16, 2009, she no longer felt any tumors on any breasts. I later had the bi-lateral mastectomy. Radiation since they found microscopic cells in 5 of the 7 lymph nodes. Having a positive attitude helped during the healing journey. I will continue to use her cd's to prevent recurring.
    Staying positive. Looking at the bright side of things. Realize Hope.

    Many Blessings and Happy thoughts

    PS I will post my healing journey soon. The mind is powerful but most of us don't know how to tap into it.
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    6 year survivor
    Dx at 49
    Stage 2a Invasive Ductal Carcinoma left breast
    1.3 cm tumor with 2 positive nodes
    ER/PR positive
    lumpectomy, AC followed by Taxoter and 33 rads
    Tamoxifen for 2 yrs then switched to Aromasin (still on)
    Zometa infusion every 6 months

    Congrats on finishing treatment-means to celebrate!
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    joesjoey said:

    I am a Cancer Survivor. Jan 2008 I was diagnosed with infiltrating ductal carcinoma (two tumors) 4cm to 5cm, Stage 2 in my left breast. On my right breast, ductal carcinoma in situ, 3cm Stage 1. Tumors were palpable. Used visualizehealing cd's along with chemo. Oncologist said the chemo would only help the left breast (infiltrating). I asked her to check both breasts each week. To her surprise, they were both shrinking. On May 16, 2009, she no longer felt any tumors on any breasts. I later had the bi-lateral mastectomy. Radiation since they found microscopic cells in 5 of the 7 lymph nodes. Having a positive attitude helped during the healing journey. I will continue to use her cd's to prevent recurring.
    Staying positive. Looking at the bright side of things. Realize Hope.

    Many Blessings and Happy thoughts

    PS I will post my healing journey soon. The mind is powerful but most of us don't know how to tap into it.

    My story
    Diagnosed 12/08. Left breast
    Surgery 2/2/09(my 45th birthday)Double mastectomy with tissue expanders.
    Invasive ductal carcinoma grade II tumor size 1.6 cm
    Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
    Estrogen/Progesterone Negative
    Her2 positive 3+
    Lymph nodes negative

    Port 3/2
    A/C 4 treatment once every two weeks started 3/10
    Taxol w/Herceptin once a week for 12 wks(2 more left)
    Herceptin once every three weeks for one year.

    Never have to have a mammogram again.
    BRCA1 & BRCA2 negative

    Oh I forgot to mention Stage 1.
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    chenheart said:

    Not telling you my weight, but here are my Breast Stats!
    Age : OMG~ a hair's breath from being 60!

    Dx March 10, 2003, Lumpectomy March 29, 2003

    Tumor size: 3cm

    Lymphnode Involvement: 3 of 15 positive

    Estrogen Positive BC~ Finished 5 Years of Arimidex, February 2009

    Oh yeah, did the Chemo Cocktail of Cytoxan, Adriamycin, and Taxotere, followed by Rads.

    That was six years ago...light years!


    What happens now that you have completed the Arimidex? (and congrats by the way!) I am now into 18 months and was wondering what happens after that. Do they let you go?
    and sorry, but I don't have good stats on my dx, I haven't looked at it since surgery. what I do know:

    diagnosed 2/19/07
    surgery - partial mastectomy 3/22/07
    chemo - A/C 4 infusions, Taxol 4 infusions - April 2007 through September 2007
    Rads - October 2007 through December 2007
    Arimidex - January 2008 -

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Just call me "Grey"Don't
    Just call me "Grey"

    Don't have a treatment plan

    dx May 20, 2009
    Stage 1
    no nodes involved
    Partial masectomy/lumpectomy June 9th
    ER PR +
    HER2 ??? one test says - one says +, 3rd test says equivicable

    OncotypeDX 22

    No treatment plan yet... will find out July 28th...

    PS...Congrats on finishing!!! Celebrating with you!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    cats_toy said:

    What happens now that you have completed the Arimidex? (and congrats by the way!) I am now into 18 months and was wondering what happens after that. Do they let you go?
    and sorry, but I don't have good stats on my dx, I haven't looked at it since surgery. what I do know:

    diagnosed 2/19/07
    surgery - partial mastectomy 3/22/07
    chemo - A/C 4 infusions, Taxol 4 infusions - April 2007 through September 2007
    Rads - October 2007 through December 2007
    Arimidex - January 2008 -


    5 yrs of Arimidex
    Heck if I know, cat! Our "cancer odometer" goes back to zero, I suppose~ we have passed the Magic 5 Year Mark, and all medical professionals pat you on the back and tell you "way to go". I actually don't think there are a lot of long term studies out every day is either a blessing or a crap-shoot depending on one's outlook on any given day! :-)

  • LRM216
    LRM216 Member Posts: 26
    I am Linda

    62 years young
    Diagnosed 2/23/09
    IDC 1.2 cm, Stage 1, Grade III
    Nottingham Score 9
    No node involvement, triple negative (ugh!)
    Lumpectomy on 3/25/09 - reexcision for clean margin on 4/8/09
    Finished 4 DD AC every two weeks
    7/09 first Taxol of 4DD every two weeks
    then on to 6 wks. of radiation
    and then I pray....

    God bless to all of us.

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    chenheart said:

    5 yrs of Arimidex
    Heck if I know, cat! Our "cancer odometer" goes back to zero, I suppose~ we have passed the Magic 5 Year Mark, and all medical professionals pat you on the back and tell you "way to go". I actually don't think there are a lot of long term studies out every day is either a blessing or a crap-shoot depending on one's outlook on any given day! :-)


    Dear Cat & Kindred Spirit:
    I'll hit 6 years since diagnosis near the end of this month.

    That "Magic 5 Year Mark" does not really apply to me, unfortunately. As my onc explained in March - mine is more like 10 years...

    Following completion of all invasive treatment (almost a whole year), I took Tamoxifen for 2 years. Then, switched to Arimidex - 3+ years now and still counting (per current clinical trial). Unless unfavorable results surface during this time - I could be on the Arimidex for 8 years. So, for now - my game plan is most likely 10 years total on meds (2 yrs. Tamoxifen/8 yrs. Arimidex). Unless "something better comes along" - per my onc. He also "hopes" there will be "something" for me to continue with after the 10 years end. Lastly, I will continue to see him for check-up/follow-up appointments for the rest of my life. No "cutting loose" for me.

    We're all different.

    Kind regards, 12/25
    (a/k/a The Brat)
  • dmc_emmy
    dmc_emmy Member Posts: 549
    LRM216 said:

    I am Linda

    62 years young
    Diagnosed 2/23/09
    IDC 1.2 cm, Stage 1, Grade III
    Nottingham Score 9
    No node involvement, triple negative (ugh!)
    Lumpectomy on 3/25/09 - reexcision for clean margin on 4/8/09
    Finished 4 DD AC every two weeks
    7/09 first Taxol of 4DD every two weeks
    then on to 6 wks. of radiation
    and then I pray....

    God bless to all of us.


    Stage 2b IDC dx Dec 13, 2005 at age 52
    Radical partial mastectomy, not a candidate for reconstruction (too many prior surgeries)
    ~2.6 cm tumor in breast/~3.6 in one lymph node (Jan '06)
    Chemo:4 C/A, 4 T every 2 weeks (finished week prior to Mother's Day)
    Radiation: 36 treatments (daily during summer of '06, after going to Mall of America for my daughter's grad from high school)
    Hormonal therapy: Arimidex (too many se), Arommasin (worse than Arimidex), Femara (worse than both combined) Stopped all hormone therapy after ~2.5 years of off/on regiment beginning in Oct '06
    Currently, only taking Vit D and Calcium for Femara/age induced osteopennia (?) and aspirin for blood clots
    40-50% chance of surviving 10 years without cancer from date of surgery--but, I plan to beat those odds and so I can spoil my grandkids!

    Considering homeopathy meds.
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Diagnosed May 2006
    At age

    Diagnosed May 2006
    At age 52
    Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
    Stage 2B, Grade 3 with micromets
    2.2 cm
    3/6 nodes Pos
    ER+ PR+ HER2-
    3 FEC treatments and 3 Taxotere tx
    Tamoxifen/Arimidex ~2 yrs but off them due to se
    Now on Aromasin.......fingers crossed
    All check ups clear so far :)