Medical Humour.........

tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
A 52 year old woman won the national lottery and decided to have plastic surgery ALL OVER!
First she got on her knees and prayed to her God.....Please Lord...Tell me I am doing the right thing...Or is it my time to come to you.........God answered "This is NOT your time........I will see you in 25 years"

This delighted the lady and made her decission for her.....The surgery was worth it!

So she went ahead with a Nose Job, Boob Job, cellulite removal, Botox, Hair translant, liposuction, laser eye surgery The works!..... When the bandages were off she looked and felt like a 25 year old! WOW!

She bounced out into the street feeling like a million dollars and.........immediately got hit by an ambulance!........Fatally!

She arrived at the pearly gates and asked,,"God why did you take me so soon? You promised me another 25 years!"

God replied.............."I didn't recognise you!!!!!!!!!!!"


Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Good, very good, thanks :)

    Good, very good, thanks :)
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    That's funny
    Tash! Thank you.
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Hahaha J!
    One of these days, you are going to make me pee my pants! But I will blame my shame on you!! LOL!!


  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    CR1954 said:

    Hahaha J!
    One of these days, you are going to make me pee my pants! But I will blame my shame on you!! LOL!!



    hahahahaha OMG... hahahahaha

    hahahahaha OMG... hahahahaha
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    Another good one Tash!
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    I bet thats a true story! haha.
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    LOL Thanks for the laugh
    LOL Thanks for the laugh AGAIN Tasha!
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    You always make me laugh!
    This one was timely Tasha. I was at my plastic surgeons office yesterday for reconstruction updates and what I refer to as the "beautiful people" were all there. They usually schedule recon's and such type on the same day and lifts and tucks on different days. I told my guy "man I hate being there on beautiful people day" he just told me not to worry, just the fact that they are there proves they are not so perfect after all. Amazing, he knew just what to say.

    Thanks for the laugh!

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Ha ha!
    Love it!
