pain-pills and radiation burns

rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Good evening sisters and bro's.
Now I know what our Tasha meant when the radiation crew laughingly told her to walk "like a sista" with attitude and hand on hip!haha I cannot walk with my arms at my side, any skin rubbing on skin kills me! I am burn't to a crisp! I don't mean to scare anyone..and i know that ususally doesn't happen. At least not this bad. I do know they wee using a bullis for a more concentrated dosage of rads. I am open, raw, purple and red all over. What am I? grouchy as a bear with a sore ****! I am in so much pain. I took my oxycodone and got relief for about four hours, between this and lying with gauze-pads soaked in saline (feels very soothing) I am making it. I was so careful to save one last pain-pill over the weekend so i would have enough to make it till i got another script in Billings. Well the Doctor wrote me one out..and i went to get it filled today. Dr. said i could have 1-2 every 4 hours, but The pharmacy said medicaide wouldn't pay for it unless i waited 2 more days. I growled "but i need it NOW!! they said I was only supposed to take 1-2 before bedtime and if i wanted it i had to pay for it myself! which i did but I have never heard of such a thing. I didn't realize the State kept track of how many pills I take LOL!

Anyway thanks for letting me vent.I only have 2 days left. and I will be done Wed. YEAH! The pain will subside, I will heal...pull up those big girl panties and go enjoy life! I Will Survive!
love and hugs, jackie


  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    The End Is In Sight
    You are sooooo close to the end, Jackie... and you are going to make it in two short days! I'm sorry to hear the state is being so $hitty about the extra pain pills, and I wish I had something to say that could help even a little bit. But you already know that everyone here is cheering you along every step of the way, and we are going to rock this place in your honor on Wednesday!

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Jackie... hang in there...
    Jackie... hang in there... the finish line is in sight... I am so sorry that you are having a hard time of it... You are in my thoughts.. and prayers.... and just waiting until the moment that I see that wonderful post from you claiming..."I'm finished"...

    I hope the pain pills work... and shame on the state for counting your pain pills with all the states wastefull spending you think that would be the last concern on their list... take them when you need to, I pray they bring you quick releif!


  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    Jackie, I am so sorry for what you are going thru. If I could have had it and taken it away from you, I would have. I think all of my tanning years maybe helped me both times so that I didn't burn much. But, you are almost done! Isn't that great? And, it will be a few weeks before you heal, even when you are finished. So, be patient. It will happen! And, be sure and put something on your radiated skin for weeks yet! I am still putting Aquaphor and some Biafine on occasionly. I used it every night for 4 weeks after I finished rads. And, it really helped! My skin where I got the rads is like a baby's skin. It is unbelievable, and, yours will be too.

    I also pray that everything at your home is better now and that you and your husband can find that happy place where you used to be. Bc is hard on us and on our loved ones.

    So, 2 more days and then that is it lady! I am proud of you Jackie. I know this has been very hard on and for you!

    Love, Jeanne
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    Oh Jackie, so sorry for the burn
    I would have sent you a couple of my vicodin if I had known.. Well at least you know the end is soon, hang in there, you are almost finished cooking! yea!
    Stupid insurance companies, they do not know what we are going through do they?
    will be looking forward to your post on Wednesday!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    So sorry....
    It's too bad Jackie that the pharmacist didn't offer a couple to hold you over for two days then submitted full claim to insurance. My pharmacist has done that for me on several occasions. Especially if a month has 31 days since that can throw a script refill off by a few days after several months. But you are sooooo close. I wish you were not having to go through the burns, but by you sharing your experience with us makes me feel a tiny bit braver since I am witnessing someone actually going through it and making it!! Thank you. I will put you on my Heroine list!! :) Pammy
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Akiss4me said:

    So sorry....
    It's too bad Jackie that the pharmacist didn't offer a couple to hold you over for two days then submitted full claim to insurance. My pharmacist has done that for me on several occasions. Especially if a month has 31 days since that can throw a script refill off by a few days after several months. But you are sooooo close. I wish you were not having to go through the burns, but by you sharing your experience with us makes me feel a tiny bit braver since I am witnessing someone actually going through it and making it!! Thank you. I will put you on my Heroine list!! :) Pammy

    Sorry that you are going through the same as I did, it's pretty horrible, BUT it's soon over.
    Keep using them creams.


    Walk like a SISTA!

    Gentle Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Wow Jackie,
    I'm sorry that your rads experience has been so bad!Hope you start healing soon!
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Two More Days
    Jackie, I hope you are feeling better now...hang on, you are almost done. We will all celebrate with you Wednesday.

    Love, Moopy
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Jeanne D said:

    Jackie, I am so sorry for what you are going thru. If I could have had it and taken it away from you, I would have. I think all of my tanning years maybe helped me both times so that I didn't burn much. But, you are almost done! Isn't that great? And, it will be a few weeks before you heal, even when you are finished. So, be patient. It will happen! And, be sure and put something on your radiated skin for weeks yet! I am still putting Aquaphor and some Biafine on occasionly. I used it every night for 4 weeks after I finished rads. And, it really helped! My skin where I got the rads is like a baby's skin. It is unbelievable, and, yours will be too.

    I also pray that everything at your home is better now and that you and your husband can find that happy place where you used to be. Bc is hard on us and on our loved ones.

    So, 2 more days and then that is it lady! I am proud of you Jackie. I know this has been very hard on and for you!

    Love, Jeanne

    Hi Jeanne
    Thanks for your kind words. As for things being better at home. I always thought they were Ok then came BC, I know how it can change people some for the better some for worse. I am planning on making the changes for me to be happy and enjoy life. I don't want to live only for my job anymore..but to enjoy it more doing only part-time and in activities (more fun). I plan to enjoy friends and family more..not worry so much about housekeeping etc. but concentrate on again the fun stuff (gardening, fishing, taking my dog for runs)..Heck, i might eat dessert first and if there is any room for meals so be it!!lol!
    My husband is not used to my new normal and is fighting change. In fact he is still in denial that I am anything but cancer-free already. I hope so but it would have been nice to have his support these last weeks when I was/am hurting and needed him. He is here with me now fo the last 2 days, because i couldn't drive. I am praying he will wake up to what is really important in life.
    not holding my breathe, Jackie
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Jackie, Just one last one. My husband is like yours. He has supported me as wonderfully as he can, but he is what he is and I love him and thank goodness he is the same way about me! I certainly have thrown my family for a loop these last 9 months! Kind thoughts and very, very, very gentle hugs. You will heal! Love, Lynn
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    taleena said:

    Jackie... hang in there...
    Jackie... hang in there... the finish line is in sight... I am so sorry that you are having a hard time of it... You are in my thoughts.. and prayers.... and just waiting until the moment that I see that wonderful post from you claiming..."I'm finished"...

    I hope the pain pills work... and shame on the state for counting your pain pills with all the states wastefull spending you think that would be the last concern on their list... take them when you need to, I pray they bring you quick releif!



    So sorry Jackie for your
    So sorry Jackie for your burns. But, the good news is YOU ARE ALMOST DONE! We will all

    celebrate with you. I hope your pills work to ease your pain. Hugs, Kristin
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    Wow Jackie,
    I'm sorry that your rads experience has been so bad!Hope you start healing soon!

    Sorry you are burnt so badly
    Sorry you are burnt so badly Jackie. I pray that you start healing soon!
  • mucjud13
    mucjud13 Member Posts: 4
    to Rjjjj me too!
    My 7th week after Radiation with Booster, crisped raw to the point of slightly bloody if touch too much with gauze.
    I have downloaded a few times picturea of under my breast but I think they take them off because too scarey I guess. I am using Biadine right now Medicare denied payment but friend's doc gave boxes and boxes of samples. Some skin has grown back but takes forever!
    I have about an 1 1/2" to go from 3 1/2"x 3 1/2". My doc just says time and patience it will heal but takes a long time.
    I am so darn tired of hearing that. I have felt so alone, tghere are people arounf me but not the same when your well...
    I try and keep going, I tutor a couple of kids, just got back to that since March!!!! That's how long my ordeal has been. I still get so tired an don't feel like doing much. I stay busy and go out once in awhile but funds are tight with n=deny, deny medications from Medicare.
    Even the woman from Cancer Society only time I heard from her was when I called we agreed on alternating calls back and forth. 2 from her and 5 from me and I stopped and haven;t heard again from her. I was going to take her to lunch and had a nice card for her it's still sitting here. I don't know where she lives even. I guess I blew her off or she blew me off. I had tried to be pleasant but honest. Oh well.
    Anyway good luck hang in there and you are not alone. Stay on here and others will help too.
    Judi Mucci
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Aortus said:

    The End Is In Sight
    You are sooooo close to the end, Jackie... and you are going to make it in two short days! I'm sorry to hear the state is being so $hitty about the extra pain pills, and I wish I had something to say that could help even a little bit. But you already know that everyone here is cheering you along every step of the way, and we are going to rock this place in your honor on Wednesday!


    Joe, joe ,joe!!!!!
    Oh help me! Jackie talks about a bear's sore **** and you say the END is in sight! Freudian? As with co-inky-dinkies, I think not, my good man! LOL LOL

    But yikes to you, poor sweet Jackie! I have never heard of such a burn~ I got the ever coverted nipple and underarm tan, and the itchies something awful, but my goodness~ I feel so sorry for you! I am glad you have found some relief with the saline, and the meds.

    Bless your heart; I am so glad that it will soon be Wednesday!

    Be extra gentle with yourself, though I know you don't need that reminder!

    Soft soft hugs from afar,
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    chenheart said:

    Joe, joe ,joe!!!!!
    Oh help me! Jackie talks about a bear's sore **** and you say the END is in sight! Freudian? As with co-inky-dinkies, I think not, my good man! LOL LOL

    But yikes to you, poor sweet Jackie! I have never heard of such a burn~ I got the ever coverted nipple and underarm tan, and the itchies something awful, but my goodness~ I feel so sorry for you! I am glad you have found some relief with the saline, and the meds.

    Bless your heart; I am so glad that it will soon be Wednesday!

    Be extra gentle with yourself, though I know you don't need that reminder!

    Soft soft hugs from afar,

    Thanks for making me feel like a BUM, Chen!
    Your comments verge upon the brink of character assassination, and I want to know who is really behind this affair: perhaps a turquoise terrorist who has been known to sniff the Londonderry air?
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Aortus said:

    Thanks for making me feel like a BUM, Chen!
    Your comments verge upon the brink of character assassination, and I want to know who is really behind this affair: perhaps a turquoise terrorist who has been known to sniff the Londonderry air?

    ;-) No character
    ;-) No character ****-****-ination from me ( there you go again, Joe) I am just way too observant, and have a borderliine sick sense of humor. That, and a good play on words always intriques and amuses me!
