Is There A Time Frame For Chemo To Be Effective?????

DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I thought there was a window for chemo to be effective and it was 60 to 90 days after

surgery? I am sure that my oncologist told me that before I had surgery, when we were

discussing what treatment options might occur, depending on my path report. Gratefully, I

didn't have to have chemo. Anyone else hear this time limit for chemo to be effective?

Thanks! Diane


  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Hi Diane. I was told that
    Hi Diane. I was told that they like to start your chemo within 90 days after your surgery. I am sure they can do it after that, but, I was told it does lose some of the effectiveness, and, you want to start it killing those cancer cells as soon as you can. Hope this helps!
  • zahalene
    zahalene Member Posts: 670
    I don't think...
    the 60 to 90 days referred to the effective 'window', but rather the healing time you need before chemo begins. When ever they start giving you the chemo drugs that is when the effects (and side effects) start to click in. If there are any nasty cancer cells left the chemo will go to work on them, no matter when it is given. But, of course, they want to get started asap to give the nasty buggers as little time as possible to multiply. So most oncos try not to go beyond 60 to 90 days if they can help it.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    I had never heard of a window between surgery and chemo before someone asked on this board. In my case, at least, there was no question of starting chemo until my surgeon decided I was healed enough. My mastectomy was 11/24, with chemo started on Jan 8. Also, I believe I have read that chemo kills cells over time, like rads. The killing of the cells continues after the treatment has ended.
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    Moopy23 said:

    I had never heard of a window between surgery and chemo before someone asked on this board. In my case, at least, there was no question of starting chemo until my surgeon decided I was healed enough. My mastectomy was 11/24, with chemo started on Jan 8. Also, I believe I have read that chemo kills cells over time, like rads. The killing of the cells continues after the treatment has ended.

    I had chemo first them mastectomy so i dont no sorry