Post mastectomy

Mairin Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I recently underwent a bilateral mastectomy. The right had DCIS and was removed in March, my left was removed in June (removed for symetry). I am having chronic nerve pain, which includes tightness in the chest,sides, arms and sides and burnimg, tingling in my chest and arms. Has anyone else out there with those symptoms or had those and have they gotten any relief?


  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Hello and welcome.

    Those all sound pretty familiar to me. I got the tightness in the chest muscle especially after doing much of anything vacuuming or mopping. And yes, for several months, I had sharp pains periodically.
    They (docs) told me that it was because so many nerves have to be cut, and that things will improve as nerves re-generate.

    My mastectomy was last August and things have improved greatly, although the tightness comes back if I overdo it.

    However, it's always a good idea to make your discomfort known to your docs.

    Hope this helps.

  • dmc_emmy
    dmc_emmy Member Posts: 549
    Hello Marin-welcome
    I have to ditto what CR said. You have undergone a major surgery, as many of us did, and it's common to have pain and tingling. Eventually, the tingling goes away and the pain subsides.

    From time to time, I still take a tylenol with codeine on days that I have been especially active. It took me approximately three weeks before I was able to return to work; however, some recover faster.

    I would contact your onc and ask for a prescription pain reliever. I did, and like I said, I continue to have my tylenol refilled as needed and my drs do with no questions asked.

    Over time, you will continue to improve and be able to do much of what your normally did before your surgeries. Be patient, that is one thing we all had to learn--patience. :)
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    Welcome Mairin
    I had a partial on the right just over two years ago, and still get pain at the tumor site. Have had the docs check it out, and they all say it is the normal healing process. It does take awhile.
    Good luck with your recovery

  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    I had a double mastectomy 3
    I had a double mastectomy 3 weeks ago this monday and have been having the same symptoms. My dr said it was due to nerve pain and put me on nurontin (spelling?. This is also given to diabetics for their nerve pain. It does take a week or two to get into your system, but boy does it help. My spasms have become more infrequent and before they were unberable. All of the other symptoms have improved as well. It really has helped me. Good luck.

  • dmc_emmy
    dmc_emmy Member Posts: 549
    lolad said:

    I had a double mastectomy 3
    I had a double mastectomy 3 weeks ago this monday and have been having the same symptoms. My dr said it was due to nerve pain and put me on nurontin (spelling?. This is also given to diabetics for their nerve pain. It does take a week or two to get into your system, but boy does it help. My spasms have become more infrequent and before they were unberable. All of the other symptoms have improved as well. It really has helped me. Good luck.


    What is this drug for? neuropathy?
    I was not given anything for my neuropathy and, after 3+ years, I still have it in my feet. I would love to have something to take care of it. Nurontin (is that how it sounds)? What are the side effects? I'm going to see both my drs this week and I will ask about it.
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    dmc_emmy said:

    What is this drug for? neuropathy?
    I was not given anything for my neuropathy and, after 3+ years, I still have it in my feet. I would love to have something to take care of it. Nurontin (is that how it sounds)? What are the side effects? I'm going to see both my drs this week and I will ask about it.

    another word for the
    another word for the medication is gabapatin. Not sure if that is the generic name or if nurontin is the generic name. NUR ON TIN how it sounds. I honestly have not had any side effects from it. Im glad my dr gave it to me.
  • kichon
    kichon Member Posts: 2
    I just had a bilateral mastectomy on June 11 with tram flap. I have pain, and tingling, stiffness. My doc puts me on Vicodin one tablet every 6 hours. I take it every 12 hours. You can also add Aleve which has naproxen in it which is a muscle relaxant over the counter. Ask you doctor if vicodin with motrin or Aleve is ok for you. Do your exercises right after taking a warm shower. A recliner may help more than sleeping in a regular bed. Massage also relaxes the muscles.
    I hope you find somerelief soon.