Mayo Clinic

tiny one
tiny one Member Posts: 465 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Has anyone had treatment at Mayo Clinic? I'm thinking of going there for a second opinion to see if something can be done about my reversal problems. Wonder what kind of tests they might want to do?


  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    Mayo Clinic
    I did not receive treatments at the Mayo Clinic, but greatly believe in Second, Third and Fourth opinions, so yes, go get a second opinion
  • kitten0385
    kitten0385 Member Posts: 248
    nudgie said:

    Mayo Clinic
    I did not receive treatments at the Mayo Clinic, but greatly believe in Second, Third and Fourth opinions, so yes, go get a second opinion

    I receive treatment at the Mayo Clinic, but for esophageal cancer. I have had nothing but wonderful care from the doctors and nurses there. When I have my scans, I receive results the same day. I drive 4 and a half hours to get there, but I trust Mayo Clinic much more than my home hospitals and clinics.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,064 Member
    Mayo Rocks!
    hi tiny,

    I go to Mayo for diagnostics and have utilized their doctors in different departments for 10 years. I have yet to be disappointed in the way they treat me. And that includes all desk personnel, nurses, doctors, the hotel name it. Even the wait staff at local restaurants (in Rochester, MN)seem extra kind and understanding. The town is so used to people (like me) walking around with urine collectors, IV's, special diets, running to a public toilet in desperation when the Fleet Phospho kicks in, sitting quietly crying in a corner somewhere.....been there done that.

    The Mayo Clinic in Rochester runs like a Swiss Watch....smoothly and with less stress on the patient. You get your testing done in the morning and you meet with your onc in the afternoon with all your RESULTS. If one doc can't help you in a certain department you can go to another that SAME DAY just by waiting for one to be available. They are used to folks traveling from all over the world to come for answers and they try their best to accommodate that fact getting appointments set up conveniently.

    My sister, who had adenocarcinoma of the small intestine, had one bad experience with a radiologist who poohed-poohed her wish to have her ovaries lined with lead to protect them from the HEAVY DUTY radiation they were to perform on her while she was opened up. She fired him on the spot and found someone who took her desire to conceive and give birth seriously.

    She had a beautiful and healthy baby girl 5 months before she died. She gave us a wonderful present and I am eternally thankful that she had the guts to fire him and advocate for herself. THEY WORK FOR US! Always remember that. YOU CALL THE SHOTS.

    The other thing about Mayo and my sister was that she messed around with local doctors (in Milwaukee and Racine, WI) who would not dig deep enough to find what was wrong with her and kept misdiagnosing her condition until it was too late. FINALLY she went to Mayo and they did the proper tests and found her rare cancer and then did what they could.

    I LOVE my oncologist at Mayo who has always been willing to work within my alternative medicine protocols and has been one of my best cheerleaders (and who has become a juicer himself after being dx'ed with Stage II colon cancer!) YEA!

    Ok, I know I am totally singing the praises of Mayo, but when it comes to the devastation that a cancer diagnosis can carry, it's comforting to be so well taken care of--especially for someone like me who is a tad bit "out there" when it comes to Western medicine.

    Hope this helps.

    peace, emily who honestly does not get a kickback from Mayo--I promise! HA! :-)
  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    My 2 surgeries were done at Mayo. I am having a hernia repair on the old stoma site on July 15th there. I love Mayo- every part of my care from the surgeon, to her fellows, to the nursing staff, to all the incredible Mayo people, all was exceptional, respectful and spot-on. Absolutely get a second opinion there!
  • polarprincess
    polarprincess Member Posts: 202 Member
    i went to mayo as well and my experiences were mostly very good. It is such a very nice place and so clean and everyone is so friendly. You are able to get in quickly and as was already mentioned you get your results fast. When i got my ct scan the radiologist was in the room right behind me already reading it as i was on the table. Even the preps they give you for tests are way more tolerable than i have had in other places. I asked for a copy of my medical records and i had them in my hand in less than 15 minutes free of charge...just so many good things i can say. I highly recommend Brentwood on Fifth if you want a very cheap ($75.00 a night ) very clean place to stay with a kitchenette and very large rooms and walking distance to mayo. They did have me on quite a rollercoaster because they misinterpreted a report in a medical record i had brought with me from my local hospital, and instead of believing what i was telling them that the doctor had told me and instead of actually calling him to verify that they pretty much told me i had a very advanced cancer that could be "managed" when in fact i had a malignant polyp basically a stage 1 except for 1 lymph node...but that was only 2 doctors and they were still very nice. One other thing i thought was strange is that they don't do the substages .. you are just stage II or stage III for example not stage III a etc.. i didn't care for that because when they gave me my statistics it was for ther overall stage.
  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    Patteee said:

    My 2 surgeries were done at Mayo. I am having a hernia repair on the old stoma site on July 15th there. I love Mayo- every part of my care from the surgeon, to her fellows, to the nursing staff, to all the incredible Mayo people, all was exceptional, respectful and spot-on. Absolutely get a second opinion there!

    I thought I would mention- not sure if other hospitals do this, but Mayo does all it's own testing. They accepted medical records from my tests done in Mpls, but then basically redid them all there. They didn't redo the biopasy, because they had the actual slides sent to them. But colonoscopy #1 was done on May 20th in Minneapolis- I was so obstructed that the doctor could not or would not go through it. It was a horrible experience because the doctor did NOT medicate me. So on June 2, Mayo wanted to redo it- man I resisted totally. It was explained that they had to try to get through to the other side of the colon- and the worse case would be I would hemorrage and then that would bump my colon surgery to the top of the list as in emergency surgery. I had 6 medical docs in on the colonoscopy (Mayo is a teaching hospital so everybody is learning something all the time), one doctor holding my hand, wiping my tears reassuring me that he would indeed medicate me and was sorry the other place had not done that before. The outcome was the same, to obstructed to get through- but the overwhelming professsionalism, the care, the compassion made the experience 1000 times better.
    What sold me on Mayo- and I am sure many if not all Mayo patients would agree- I know I am getting the best possible care, the best colorectal surgeon, the best stoma nurses, the BEST that medicine has to offer at Mayo. No matter what happens in the future, I know I have done what I could do to beat this. It is like I can face what lays ahead knowing that there is no other place, no other surgeon and no team of professionals that would have given me different/better care.