Got admitted to hospital today
RoRo10 said:Thank you everyone for the HUGS and prayers
I had the CT guided aspiration of the "fluid accumulation" today. There was not much fluid there. Only about 1/2 teaspoon, but it was a light green color. The radiologist did not think this was the source of my fevers. But my onocologist came in this evening and said it was showing bacteria already. But it will be 48 hours for the final results.
I had a fever of 101 again last night. So I had 2 more blood cultures drawn. So far today the temperature has been down. My white blood cell count today was 13.5 (that high usually means an infection). So here I have gone from one extreme to the other. I am still on the 3 antibiotics. If I am not on the right ones when the culture from the fluid comes back, I will need different antibiotics. That will mean a longer stay here in the hospital.
Because of the fever last night I can not get a port inserted yet. Don't know when that will happen. It will be up to the infection control doctor to make that decision. So I am making small progress, but still have a ways to go.
Thanks again for all of your concerns. In peace and caring. HUGS to you.
Was so hoping to hear you were out of the hospital when I got on line tonight. Sure hope it won't be to much longer till they find what works for you and you start feeling better and you get the heck out of that hospital. Stay positive you have alot of us praying for you.
Hugs.... Teresa0 -
RoTeresa 61 said:Ro
Was so hoping to hear you were out of the hospital when I got on line tonight. Sure hope it won't be to much longer till they find what works for you and you start feeling better and you get the heck out of that hospital. Stay positive you have alot of us praying for you.
Hugs.... Teresa
I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this. You are a strong women and I have you in my prayers.
Hugs....0 -
Thinking of you!Ro10 said:Thank you everyone for the HUGS and prayers
I had the CT guided aspiration of the "fluid accumulation" today. There was not much fluid there. Only about 1/2 teaspoon, but it was a light green color. The radiologist did not think this was the source of my fevers. But my onocologist came in this evening and said it was showing bacteria already. But it will be 48 hours for the final results.
I had a fever of 101 again last night. So I had 2 more blood cultures drawn. So far today the temperature has been down. My white blood cell count today was 13.5 (that high usually means an infection). So here I have gone from one extreme to the other. I am still on the 3 antibiotics. If I am not on the right ones when the culture from the fluid comes back, I will need different antibiotics. That will mean a longer stay here in the hospital.
Because of the fever last night I can not get a port inserted yet. Don't know when that will happen. It will be up to the infection control doctor to make that decision. So I am making small progress, but still have a ways to go.
Thanks again for all of your concerns. In peace and caring. HUGS to you.
Thanks for your update!! Hope the antibiotics are kicking in by now and that you are feeling MUCH better today and soon will be home!
Prayers and hugs!0 -
So sorry Rokkstef said:Thinking of you!
Thanks for your update!! Hope the antibiotics are kicking in by now and that you are feeling MUCH better today and soon will be home!
Prayers and hugs!
Hi Ro,
I've not been in the discussion for awhile. Sorry to hear of your hospitalization.
For what it's worth, I'm very happy with my port. At this point I am going to keep it in - not to be a pessimist, but to be prepared if I need it again.
I wish you a speedy recovery from this "bump in the road". Do you think the vision thing is related to this?
Hugs and prayers. Mary Ann0 -
Feel betterkkstef said:Thinking of you!
Thanks for your update!! Hope the antibiotics are kicking in by now and that you are feeling MUCH better today and soon will be home!
Prayers and hugs!
Ro, I hope you are feeling better today and the antibiotics are working well. It is hard having to get stuck all the time for blood cultures and IV sites. I found that a PICC line worked just great for me. Just had it D/C's last week. It was in for 6 months without a problem. My husband helped me flush it every night to keep it patent. I was able to do everything with the PICC except bathing my arm under the water. When I showered I would wrap saran wrap around it. (Glad Press and Seal works the best!) If one has a PICC line, the dressing needs to be changed once a week by a nurse. She would put a piece of stockinet over the dressing so it would not catch on anything. The PICC line felt less invasive to me so that is why I chose it.
Hope you are home soon and feeling better.
Deb0 -
Thank you everyone, I am feeling betterDeblittleton said:Feel better
Ro, I hope you are feeling better today and the antibiotics are working well. It is hard having to get stuck all the time for blood cultures and IV sites. I found that a PICC line worked just great for me. Just had it D/C's last week. It was in for 6 months without a problem. My husband helped me flush it every night to keep it patent. I was able to do everything with the PICC except bathing my arm under the water. When I showered I would wrap saran wrap around it. (Glad Press and Seal works the best!) If one has a PICC line, the dressing needs to be changed once a week by a nurse. She would put a piece of stockinet over the dressing so it would not catch on anything. The PICC line felt less invasive to me so that is why I chose it.
Hope you are home soon and feeling better.
Still in the hospital for a few more days (I hope). The fluid they took out of me is growing something. The preliminary report shows a bacteria that two of my antibiotics are recommended for. So hopefully they can just add a couple of pills and stop the IV meds. If I do not have a fever then I can go home after being on the pills for 24 hours. My last fever was Monday night at 101. Tomorrow they will have the final results and know which antibiotics the bacteria is sensitive to.
Because of the infection and the fever I cannot get my port inserted. I hope to come in Monday as an outpatient and have it inserted. They only insert Power Ports here. I did not know the difference between that and a regular port. The Power Ports can be used for CT scan injections where as regular ports cannnot. That will mean less sticks for the follow up CT scans every 3 months.
I am feeling so much better today. I have so much energy. They did not do a blood count today, which I do not understand, but maybe one tomorrow. They did draw a blood level for one of the antibiotis I am on, so I still got stuck today. I had to have a new IV last night, so there were two more sticks. They are running out of places.
My hair has not started falling out yet, but my head is hurting, so I know if will start soon and I will lose my "waves".
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. I do appreciate them. In peace and caring. HUGS to all of you.0 -
Soon you'll be home again, dear dear Ro!
Sounds like you are on the mend. I'm so glad! Rest as much as you can and keep us posted. You are in all of our thoughts and prayers, Ro.0 -
Rolindaprocopio said:Soon you'll be home again, dear dear Ro!
Sounds like you are on the mend. I'm so glad! Rest as much as you can and keep us posted. You are in all of our thoughts and prayers, Ro.
Will be happy when I hear you are resting comfortably at home.... Special prayers for you, Teresa0 -
So glad you are feeling better!Ro10 said:Thank you everyone, I am feeling better
Still in the hospital for a few more days (I hope). The fluid they took out of me is growing something. The preliminary report shows a bacteria that two of my antibiotics are recommended for. So hopefully they can just add a couple of pills and stop the IV meds. If I do not have a fever then I can go home after being on the pills for 24 hours. My last fever was Monday night at 101. Tomorrow they will have the final results and know which antibiotics the bacteria is sensitive to.
Because of the infection and the fever I cannot get my port inserted. I hope to come in Monday as an outpatient and have it inserted. They only insert Power Ports here. I did not know the difference between that and a regular port. The Power Ports can be used for CT scan injections where as regular ports cannnot. That will mean less sticks for the follow up CT scans every 3 months.
I am feeling so much better today. I have so much energy. They did not do a blood count today, which I do not understand, but maybe one tomorrow. They did draw a blood level for one of the antibiotis I am on, so I still got stuck today. I had to have a new IV last night, so there were two more sticks. They are running out of places.
My hair has not started falling out yet, but my head is hurting, so I know if will start soon and I will lose my "waves".
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. I do appreciate them. In peace and caring. HUGS to all of you.
Ro, I am so glad that you are feeling better. Thank goodness they found the source of infection and are treating it appropriately. You are on the mend! I too had the telltale sign of losing my hair last Wednesday. Just that short delay in chemo, my hair had grown quite a bit and it is gradually getting thinner and thinner, the eyelashes are gone and the eyebrows are going. Soon you will be finished with treatment and your waves will grow back. I think you will like the port over being stuck so many times.
I had my 3 week post chemo follow up PET/CT scan today. Glad to have it over and hope to hear some results soon... praying for good news of course!
Linda, is that your new hair? It is beautiful! It doesn't seem like it took all that long to grow out. We have a high school class reunion this month and I am trying to work up the courage to go to it.
Hugs to all!0 -
That's a WIG in the new photo; WISH it was my new hair!
Deanna: you asked about the hair in my photo. That's a wig. That photo was taken at the wedding I went to Saturday. The bride is the one person who cried the first time she saw my bald head because she felt so sorry for me. Although I never wear my wig anymore, it was a nice cool day, and I wanted to look my best, so I popped on the wig for the wedding. My real hair is finally thick enough to cover most of my scalp, but is still about 1/2" long all over, and still a strange mix of very fine curly white hairs and thicker straight dark brown hairs. I am at the "is-she-a-lesbian-or-does-she-have-cancer" hair stage. I just liked this photo so much, and I NEVER like myself in a photo. I look as happy as I honestly feel lately. But as soon as I get a good one that shows my new hair, I'll post it. WARNING: It's not NEAR as nice as my wig.
Ro: You're probably thinking, "enough about your HAIR already!!" HA! Sorry! Please post and tell us that they've let you go home and that you are much much better! In my prayers and thoughts, Ro.0 -
I got to come home from hospital todaylindaprocopio said:That's a WIG in the new photo; WISH it was my new hair!
Deanna: you asked about the hair in my photo. That's a wig. That photo was taken at the wedding I went to Saturday. The bride is the one person who cried the first time she saw my bald head because she felt so sorry for me. Although I never wear my wig anymore, it was a nice cool day, and I wanted to look my best, so I popped on the wig for the wedding. My real hair is finally thick enough to cover most of my scalp, but is still about 1/2" long all over, and still a strange mix of very fine curly white hairs and thicker straight dark brown hairs. I am at the "is-she-a-lesbian-or-does-she-have-cancer" hair stage. I just liked this photo so much, and I NEVER like myself in a photo. I look as happy as I honestly feel lately. But as soon as I get a good one that shows my new hair, I'll post it. WARNING: It's not NEAR as nice as my wig.
Ro: You're probably thinking, "enough about your HAIR already!!" HA! Sorry! Please post and tell us that they've let you go home and that you are much much better! In my prayers and thoughts, Ro.
I finally got to come home today on antibiotic pills. I take 2 different ones. One of them is in the same family of an antibiotic I got a rash from. The infection doctor said he has never seen anyone allergic to as many antibiotics as I am. Like he thought I was making it up. I don't know how I can make myself break out in a rash. If I did not try this antibiotic pill at home, he wanted me to come to the hospital everyday for IV antibiotics. I told him I would rather try the pill. So I am taking it with Benadryl. I hope it works, as I do not care to go back in the hospital.
I have to finish the 7 days of antibiotics before I can have my port put in. I am due for chemo next Wednesday, so I don't know what that means. My regular onocologist did not see me the last two days. From all my fevers and sweating I developed a heat rash, so I hope to have that cleared up by the time I get my port. It's just one thing after the other, but this too shall pass.
I feel good and it was so good to be outside today. I have lots of daylilies and they blooming now. It was therapy to go around and take off all the blooms that bloomed since Friday. The daylilies only bloom for one day, but have lots of buds so they bloom for a while.
About the hair........mine has started falling out today. My head has been tender to even lay on the pillow the last two nights, so I knew it was coming. I've enjoyed my waves while I had them. Now it will be back to hats again.
Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers. They are much appreciated. In peace and caring. HUGS to all.0 -
Glad you are HOME!Ro10 said:I got to come home from hospital today
I finally got to come home today on antibiotic pills. I take 2 different ones. One of them is in the same family of an antibiotic I got a rash from. The infection doctor said he has never seen anyone allergic to as many antibiotics as I am. Like he thought I was making it up. I don't know how I can make myself break out in a rash. If I did not try this antibiotic pill at home, he wanted me to come to the hospital everyday for IV antibiotics. I told him I would rather try the pill. So I am taking it with Benadryl. I hope it works, as I do not care to go back in the hospital.
I have to finish the 7 days of antibiotics before I can have my port put in. I am due for chemo next Wednesday, so I don't know what that means. My regular onocologist did not see me the last two days. From all my fevers and sweating I developed a heat rash, so I hope to have that cleared up by the time I get my port. It's just one thing after the other, but this too shall pass.
I feel good and it was so good to be outside today. I have lots of daylilies and they blooming now. It was therapy to go around and take off all the blooms that bloomed since Friday. The daylilies only bloom for one day, but have lots of buds so they bloom for a while.
About the hair........mine has started falling out today. My head has been tender to even lay on the pillow the last two nights, so I knew it was coming. I've enjoyed my waves while I had them. Now it will be back to hats again.
Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers. They are much appreciated. In peace and caring. HUGS to all.
So glad to hear that you are back sure you will rest much better and be much happier in your familiar and beautiful surroundings...Enjoy the flowers! And about the hair...those waves will be back. Hang in there!
Positive thoughts to you!0 -
There is no place like home!Ro10 said:I got to come home from hospital today
I finally got to come home today on antibiotic pills. I take 2 different ones. One of them is in the same family of an antibiotic I got a rash from. The infection doctor said he has never seen anyone allergic to as many antibiotics as I am. Like he thought I was making it up. I don't know how I can make myself break out in a rash. If I did not try this antibiotic pill at home, he wanted me to come to the hospital everyday for IV antibiotics. I told him I would rather try the pill. So I am taking it with Benadryl. I hope it works, as I do not care to go back in the hospital.
I have to finish the 7 days of antibiotics before I can have my port put in. I am due for chemo next Wednesday, so I don't know what that means. My regular onocologist did not see me the last two days. From all my fevers and sweating I developed a heat rash, so I hope to have that cleared up by the time I get my port. It's just one thing after the other, but this too shall pass.
I feel good and it was so good to be outside today. I have lots of daylilies and they blooming now. It was therapy to go around and take off all the blooms that bloomed since Friday. The daylilies only bloom for one day, but have lots of buds so they bloom for a while.
About the hair........mine has started falling out today. My head has been tender to even lay on the pillow the last two nights, so I knew it was coming. I've enjoyed my waves while I had them. Now it will be back to hats again.
Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers. They are much appreciated. In peace and caring. HUGS to all.
Glad you got to go home and I hope you don't have any problems with your antibiotics. Being able to relax in your own home and the comfort of your flowers should go a long way toward healing. Sorry about the hair... soon it will be coming back in for good!
Love and hugs,
Deanna0 -
Good News Ro!deanna14 said:There is no place like home!
Glad you got to go home and I hope you don't have any problems with your antibiotics. Being able to relax in your own home and the comfort of your flowers should go a long way toward healing. Sorry about the hair... soon it will be coming back in for good!
Love and hugs,
Ro, so happy to hear your home from the hospital.Hope the antibiotics work for you and you don't have any bad reactions from them. Hope you have smooth sailing for the rest of your treatments. Hugs.... Teresa0 -
Glad that you are back inTeresa 61 said:Good News Ro!
Ro, so happy to hear your home from the hospital.Hope the antibiotics work for you and you don't have any bad reactions from them. Hope you have smooth sailing for the rest of your treatments. Hugs.... Teresa
Glad that you are back in your comfy surroundings. Rest and be well.
Mary Ann0
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