Farrah Fawcett affecting me

ohilly Member Posts: 441 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
First of all, to all who wrote about my depression, thank you. I woke up today feeling better for the first time, so I hope it lasts. This Sunday I will be going to my first meditation class.

But that's not why I'm writing: did anyone else feel affected by the death of Farrah Fawcett? Her death hit me hard, because it seemed like she fought so hard but still she died. I admire her for fighting like that to the very end, and it's what I will do if I have a recurrence. It did fan my fears of recurrence, however.

What are others' reactions, if any?




  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I feel it is what it is....
    We don't have as much control as we may think over our lives. BUT, Farrah had a star-studded life, and will be forever remembered on her 'red suit' poster...

    Hugs, Kathi

    BTW, anal cancer is a very tricky cancer. She had a 'growth' removed at birth that was suspicious. It could very well be that it was hereditary for her. It is not easy to remove the affected area, because that means a permanent colostomy. So, radiation and chemotherapy is the normal arsenal. And, sometimes, it doesn't get it all....

    That's why I worry. With me surviving rectal cancer, and my sister with anal cancer, I so worry about my daughter...but, again, it is what it is....I fought too hard for my life to not enjoy it.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    I think her death is very
    I think her death is very sad and I pray for her loved ones to heal soon. And, I am so glad that you are feeling better ohilly! What I think the most now is that if she would have done the "big" drugs right from the start, if she would still be alive. They said that because she didn't want to lose her hair, they didn't give them to her because she didn't want them. But, at the very end, they did. It is just sad, as any death. Which is why I will do anything and everything to fight the beast. Vanity won't even be considered..I just want to live a full life and I will!
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I didn't find it so
    I didn't find it so surprising as she has been sick a long time. She went to Germany as a last ditch effort. When she returned they said treatment didn't work. I found it more surprising that Michael Jackson died the same day or was it the day after...wasn't expecting that.
  • lady4law
    lady4law Member Posts: 7
    Marcia527 said:

    I didn't find it so
    I didn't find it so surprising as she has been sick a long time. She went to Germany as a last ditch effort. When she returned they said treatment didn't work. I found it more surprising that Michael Jackson died the same day or was it the day after...wasn't expecting that.

    I am also very upset when I heard of Farrah's death, for something very special that happened to me because of her.

    A few weeks ago, my husband and I watched her special. I was very tired and feel asleep before it finished. However, to my surprise, my husband watched the entire program. Yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of my BC DX, and the day Farrah died. During those very long two years, I underwent 9 surgeries 2 different sets of chemo treatments. hair lost twice, same old story, going through Hell.

    The worst part of it all - my husband never seemed concerned. He even left the hospital during my 8-hours surgery, as he needed to remodel the bathroom (why?) He was present for all of our son's chemos, somewhere around 20 treatments over 2 years. His presence was not needed as our son's an adult and had me and his wife as his support team. Didn't matter, my DH HAD to take off work, to be there.

    When it was my turn (My chemo started the day after our son's last chemo) he was too busy. My son was by my side for every treatment. My DIL was so concerned after a Nulastia shot, she rushed me to the ER at 2 in the morning. One of my girl friends and her DH took me to one session, my son had a college exams. However he did come and sit with me for about an hour or 2, then returned to UCLA.

    My "DH" even went so far as to tell me I brought my cancer on myself - for attention. (Guess he thought I didn't like my son getting attention - can you believe that?)

    Well after watching Farrah's special, my DH changed. Only once in 25 years of marriage have I ever received flowers from him. My birthday was a day or 2 after the program aired. I came home to a huge bouquet of roses and a birthday cake. (Never got a cake from him before). A few days after those flowers died, he brought me another huge bouquet. I asked why and he said because I sounded (phone) like I was not feeling well. SHOCK.

    He's a ship's captain and actually arranged his schedule so he could go with me for my CT/PET, which wound up taking EIGHT HOURS, mistake after mistake. He did the same thing this week to go with me to 4 doctors and another hospital visit for more xrays. He has been hugging me and telling me he loves me, and that he now understands my fear and what I have been going through. This has all happened since he watched Farrah's Story.

    I will forever be thankful to Farrah for sharing that very painful part of her life and how her sharing that terrible time - in her life - with the world.

    I wonder how many know that if not for one of Farrah's nightmares, the exposure of her private medical files (UCLA), there would not be new laws and regulations protecting our medical records. Her suffering and death has changed the lives of many of us, and specially me. I will not forget Farrah.

    Both Micheal Jackson and Farrah were superior starts. As talented as Mr Jackson was, there will always be that area we all wonder about - his relationship with children. I feel badly that we lost both of these super stars on the same day, but much worse that ONLY Mr Jackson is getting the attention. When this is all over, Farrah's life will effect us all far more, possibly by encouraging the public with regards to their own personal medical care, cancer treatments and our medical privacy. - Jean
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    lady4law said:

    I am also very upset when I heard of Farrah's death, for something very special that happened to me because of her.

    A few weeks ago, my husband and I watched her special. I was very tired and feel asleep before it finished. However, to my surprise, my husband watched the entire program. Yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of my BC DX, and the day Farrah died. During those very long two years, I underwent 9 surgeries 2 different sets of chemo treatments. hair lost twice, same old story, going through Hell.

    The worst part of it all - my husband never seemed concerned. He even left the hospital during my 8-hours surgery, as he needed to remodel the bathroom (why?) He was present for all of our son's chemos, somewhere around 20 treatments over 2 years. His presence was not needed as our son's an adult and had me and his wife as his support team. Didn't matter, my DH HAD to take off work, to be there.

    When it was my turn (My chemo started the day after our son's last chemo) he was too busy. My son was by my side for every treatment. My DIL was so concerned after a Nulastia shot, she rushed me to the ER at 2 in the morning. One of my girl friends and her DH took me to one session, my son had a college exams. However he did come and sit with me for about an hour or 2, then returned to UCLA.

    My "DH" even went so far as to tell me I brought my cancer on myself - for attention. (Guess he thought I didn't like my son getting attention - can you believe that?)

    Well after watching Farrah's special, my DH changed. Only once in 25 years of marriage have I ever received flowers from him. My birthday was a day or 2 after the program aired. I came home to a huge bouquet of roses and a birthday cake. (Never got a cake from him before). A few days after those flowers died, he brought me another huge bouquet. I asked why and he said because I sounded (phone) like I was not feeling well. SHOCK.

    He's a ship's captain and actually arranged his schedule so he could go with me for my CT/PET, which wound up taking EIGHT HOURS, mistake after mistake. He did the same thing this week to go with me to 4 doctors and another hospital visit for more xrays. He has been hugging me and telling me he loves me, and that he now understands my fear and what I have been going through. This has all happened since he watched Farrah's Story.

    I will forever be thankful to Farrah for sharing that very painful part of her life and how her sharing that terrible time - in her life - with the world.

    I wonder how many know that if not for one of Farrah's nightmares, the exposure of her private medical files (UCLA), there would not be new laws and regulations protecting our medical records. Her suffering and death has changed the lives of many of us, and specially me. I will not forget Farrah.

    Both Micheal Jackson and Farrah were superior starts. As talented as Mr Jackson was, there will always be that area we all wonder about - his relationship with children. I feel badly that we lost both of these super stars on the same day, but much worse that ONLY Mr Jackson is getting the attention. When this is all over, Farrah's life will effect us all far more, possibly by encouraging the public with regards to their own personal medical care, cancer treatments and our medical privacy. - Jean

    What a wonderful post
    What a wonderful post Lady4law
    I think what struck me most in the Farrah story was the amazing love and support she had from her friends and Ryan. I guess that touched your hubby's heart too.
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    lady4law said:

    I am also very upset when I heard of Farrah's death, for something very special that happened to me because of her.

    A few weeks ago, my husband and I watched her special. I was very tired and feel asleep before it finished. However, to my surprise, my husband watched the entire program. Yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of my BC DX, and the day Farrah died. During those very long two years, I underwent 9 surgeries 2 different sets of chemo treatments. hair lost twice, same old story, going through Hell.

    The worst part of it all - my husband never seemed concerned. He even left the hospital during my 8-hours surgery, as he needed to remodel the bathroom (why?) He was present for all of our son's chemos, somewhere around 20 treatments over 2 years. His presence was not needed as our son's an adult and had me and his wife as his support team. Didn't matter, my DH HAD to take off work, to be there.

    When it was my turn (My chemo started the day after our son's last chemo) he was too busy. My son was by my side for every treatment. My DIL was so concerned after a Nulastia shot, she rushed me to the ER at 2 in the morning. One of my girl friends and her DH took me to one session, my son had a college exams. However he did come and sit with me for about an hour or 2, then returned to UCLA.

    My "DH" even went so far as to tell me I brought my cancer on myself - for attention. (Guess he thought I didn't like my son getting attention - can you believe that?)

    Well after watching Farrah's special, my DH changed. Only once in 25 years of marriage have I ever received flowers from him. My birthday was a day or 2 after the program aired. I came home to a huge bouquet of roses and a birthday cake. (Never got a cake from him before). A few days after those flowers died, he brought me another huge bouquet. I asked why and he said because I sounded (phone) like I was not feeling well. SHOCK.

    He's a ship's captain and actually arranged his schedule so he could go with me for my CT/PET, which wound up taking EIGHT HOURS, mistake after mistake. He did the same thing this week to go with me to 4 doctors and another hospital visit for more xrays. He has been hugging me and telling me he loves me, and that he now understands my fear and what I have been going through. This has all happened since he watched Farrah's Story.

    I will forever be thankful to Farrah for sharing that very painful part of her life and how her sharing that terrible time - in her life - with the world.

    I wonder how many know that if not for one of Farrah's nightmares, the exposure of her private medical files (UCLA), there would not be new laws and regulations protecting our medical records. Her suffering and death has changed the lives of many of us, and specially me. I will not forget Farrah.

    Both Micheal Jackson and Farrah were superior starts. As talented as Mr Jackson was, there will always be that area we all wonder about - his relationship with children. I feel badly that we lost both of these super stars on the same day, but much worse that ONLY Mr Jackson is getting the attention. When this is all over, Farrah's life will effect us all far more, possibly by encouraging the public with regards to their own personal medical care, cancer treatments and our medical privacy. - Jean

    I agree that the death


    I agree that the death of Michael Jackson, though very tragic, is also over shadowing the loss of a warrior of the "beast" who faught the good fight, and whose journey benifited all of us.. Farah .. what a wonderful story you have shared on how her sharing her story affected you life on a very personal level..


  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    taleena said:

    I agree that the death


    I agree that the death of Michael Jackson, though very tragic, is also over shadowing the loss of a warrior of the "beast" who faught the good fight, and whose journey benifited all of us.. Farah .. what a wonderful story you have shared on how her sharing her story affected you life on a very personal level..



    The death of Michael Jackson
    The death of Michael Jackson and Farrah are both tragic. I pray for their families!
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Kylez said:

    The death of Michael Jackson
    The death of Michael Jackson and Farrah are both tragic. I pray for their families!

    Both of their deaths are
    Both of their deaths are sad. Michael was so young still. And, has the small children. I pray that they will be strong.