Radiation, another question

confused123 Member Posts: 251
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hey guys, I have a question...
Those of you who have had the rads already, were you exhausted? I have a hubby, three kids age 6,4 and just about 2 and dog and cat. I live one hour away from the hospital and have my sisters and dad taking turns babysitting for me. Or, my parents have offered to keep us at their house for the 6 weeks, dog included. They live 20 minutes from the hospital. My hubby will have to visit a couple times per week since he works 5 minutes from our house. So my question is am I going to be to tired to make the long trip alone, should I move for 6 weeks? I will have to make one trip a week to my area anyway for kids weekly activities of dance and horseback riding( I am trying to keep their schedules as normal as possible). Any advice would be great.



  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    as with everything else, all of us handle things differently. Sounds like you have quite a schedule going. Most people don't get tired til closer to the end, but I never really got tired at all. I also did not have the type of schedule you do, and my rads center was 15 minutes away.
    I know my mom got tired of her hour long drive (sometimes more depending on traffic) each way, so I had her come to my house on Friday, stay with us over the weekend, head out Monday for her treatment then home. Our house was only 20 minutes away from her rads center. That made it a bit easier on her.
    You may just want to play it by ear to begin with, and then change things up later if it gets too much for you!
    Good luck and keep us informed as to how it goes.
  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    how to make it work
    I was 10 minutes from the rads center and my kids are older. If you get along with your folks, I'd say plan on staying with them and let them help/spoil all of you. If you find that you have more energy, you might modify that to part of the week or whatever works for all of you.

  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member

    how to make it work
    I was 10 minutes from the rads center and my kids are older. If you get along with your folks, I'd say plan on staying with them and let them help/spoil all of you. If you find that you have more energy, you might modify that to part of the week or whatever works for all of you.


    I got pretty tired during
    I got pretty tired during rads. And, that is one of the side effects. It seems some don't and some do. So, I think it is an individual thing. I got even more so during the end of the treatments. And, still don't have my full energy back. Good luck!
  • confused123
    confused123 Member Posts: 251

    how to make it work
    I was 10 minutes from the rads center and my kids are older. If you get along with your folks, I'd say plan on staying with them and let them help/spoil all of you. If you find that you have more energy, you might modify that to part of the week or whatever works for all of you.


    Yes my schedule is busy. I
    Yes my schedule is busy. I also sleep at work over the weekend. I work at a group home from fri afternoon til sunday morning. I do get along great with my parents. I see my Dad everyday almost. He is always here helping me with the kids and stuff. My kids love being at their house.

  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    Hi Kim!
    Hi Kim! I did get tired during rads. But, I was dealing with a lot emotionally too. This was my 2nd time with bc and my Mom passed away in February, so, I had a lot on my mind which I am sure took a huge toll on me. I took a lot of naps during the day if I got tired, and, that seemed to help. And, just going every day for almost 8 weeks does wear on you. But, good luck to you, just get LOTS of sleep! Hugs, Jeanne
  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    Maybe a move????????
    As you read all of the comments here, you'll see that some people were exhausted beyond belief while others hardly had a touch of fatigue. I'm one of those. But, I didn't have little kids and two pets. Plus, I didn't have to drive myself for 33 treatments. My treatments were 70 miles from my house and my husband drove me. We are retired so we had that luxury. If your parents are willing, your husband agrees, and you would be comfortable with that arrangements, I would say, "Do It!" Run, don't walk to you parents!!! LOL. Plus, I think there is something extra soothing and comforting to have your mom and dad around, especially when you may not be feeling so great. They took such good care of you when you were a kid, and I'll bet they'll do the same thing now. Plus, your kids will love all the extra attention from Grandpa! Good luck. Hugs, Marilynn
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Yes my schedule is busy. I
    Yes my schedule is busy. I also sleep at work over the weekend. I work at a group home from fri afternoon til sunday morning. I do get along great with my parents. I see my Dad everyday almost. He is always here helping me with the kids and stuff. My kids love being at their house.


    You are busy Kim! I am
    You are busy Kim! I am impressed. I haven't started radiation yet, but, will soon. Let me know how you do please. Good luck!
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Only you can answer that
    Only you can answer that question Kim. You may have to just try it and see how you do. I

    got tired, and, really got exhausted at the end. I took naps during the day too, until my

    husband would call to check on me. lol But, with the naps, I didn't sleep well at night.

    lol Just see how you do. But, you will be more tired than you were before. Good luck!
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    cats_toy said:

    as with everything else, all of us handle things differently. Sounds like you have quite a schedule going. Most people don't get tired til closer to the end, but I never really got tired at all. I also did not have the type of schedule you do, and my rads center was 15 minutes away.
    I know my mom got tired of her hour long drive (sometimes more depending on traffic) each way, so I had her come to my house on Friday, stay with us over the weekend, head out Monday for her treatment then home. Our house was only 20 minutes away from her rads center. That made it a bit easier on her.
    You may just want to play it by ear to begin with, and then change things up later if it gets too much for you!
    Good luck and keep us informed as to how it goes.

    I am still getting rads,
    I am still getting rads, and, I am getting tired. But, part of it is my own fault. I am not getting enough rest. So, get lots of rest! Good luck!