My First Experience of Relay for Life

jgridley Member Posts: 169
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
good morning everyone,

I wanted to share my first experience of Relay for Life..
I arrived at 4pm and we immediatley started setting things up.
My responsibility was to sell Luminaria, and to pass out Shirts to survivors and give them their goodie bags. At 6pm we had a wonderful chicken dinner.
7pm opening Ceromonies began.
then the survivors walked, followed by survivors, and care givers, etc..
Our theme was Carnival.

I did great until luminaria's were lite. As I bent over to lite a candle for my mother in law who lost her battle to throat and stomach cancer. Then I couldn't fight the tears.

Anyway, before this becomes a book, I just wanted to let you know that I said prayers for each and everyone of you who have touched my heart.

Why I walked in Relay For Life

I walked because I want to be one voice that speaks for those who can't.
I walked so one day I won't have to tell my family again, I have cancer.
I walked for family members that lost their battle to cancer.
I walked for my E-Warrior Sisters & Brothers on the ACS Website.
I walked and will continue to walk until there is a cure.

I thank each and everyone of you, for just being you



  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Thank YOU, Julie
    For being a member of this online community, for taking part in the Relay, and for sharing your experiences.

    Moopy's first Relay this spring was a very powerful experience for her, and as a caregiver/supporter, it was very emotional for me as well. I'm so glad you got so much from your own experience, and wish you many, many more Relays in the decades to come.

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    I can't imagine what


    I can't imagine what it will feel like to experience my first Relay for Life.. thank you for sharing yours.

    Hugs, Love & Friendship,,,

  • jgridley
    jgridley Member Posts: 169
    Aortus said:

    Thank YOU, Julie
    For being a member of this online community, for taking part in the Relay, and for sharing your experiences.

    Moopy's first Relay this spring was a very powerful experience for her, and as a caregiver/supporter, it was very emotional for me as well. I'm so glad you got so much from your own experience, and wish you many, many more Relays in the decades to come.


    Thanks...I tell you it is an experience that you will never forget..I am already excited for 2010...but don't know when the planning starts. But I will tell you I am so excited.

    I will sleep next year though...I managed to make it till 6 am this morning and then finally had to come home and sleep.

  • jgridley
    jgridley Member Posts: 169
    taleena said:

    I can't imagine what


    I can't imagine what it will feel like to experience my first Relay for Life.. thank you for sharing yours.

    Hugs, Love & Friendship,,,


    I can't imagine
    T, I tell you, it is an experience you will never forget...There was a team called
    ashleysCarebears who walked for our Chairperson daughter who lost her battle to brain cancer at the age of 12.and if you could see all those kids walking and crying, and yet, had a peace about them knowing at that age what cancer is and who they walked for, it was awesome. They were still going strong until about 2am this morning.

    I can't wait to hear your experience as well...

    Hugs, Love and friendship right back to you T.

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Your reasons for walking made my cry because it touched my heart so much...thank you!!

    Now I have one more thing to tell you......thanks missy!! The very first day in weeks (Weeks, I tell you!) that I got up showered, got dressed (Yes, I have been running around in my PJ's day & night!)and actually PUT ON MAKE-UP!!!! and now it is running all down my face!! Way to go.......look what you've done.....(ROFLMAO !!!!) Hugs :) Pammy
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    Akiss4me said:

    Your reasons for walking made my cry because it touched my heart so much...thank you!!

    Now I have one more thing to tell you......thanks missy!! The very first day in weeks (Weeks, I tell you!) that I got up showered, got dressed (Yes, I have been running around in my PJ's day & night!)and actually PUT ON MAKE-UP!!!! and now it is running all down my face!! Way to go.......look what you've done.....(ROFLMAO !!!!) Hugs :) Pammy

    You are inspiring!
  • The1percen
    The1percen Member Posts: 135
    So glad for your experience...
    Here I sit all "goose pimply" after reading you experience. There is NO SHAME in crying during any of the "ceremonies" BUT ESPECIALLY the lighting of the Luminairia!!! Yes, it is that memorial; that putting the name of a loved one on that LONG PATH around the "track" and then walking it knowing that each one has it's own story!!! Thank YOU for walking and participating in what is to me the most moving fund-raiser of them all. Yes, the rest are all special in their own rite, but I truly believe THIS monster touches MANY MORE LIVES than all the rest put together. Again, I have to say... in the short time I have been here, I have come love all of my new family and no matter what I find out, I suspect I will a life-time member. Even if it isn't NOW... it's the knowlege, that it is still possible, even if NOT this time!! Even, if it's not ME, there are my dad, Robin's aunts, and soooo many more that HAVE been affected. Thank YOU!!!
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    thank you Julie
    sounds like you had a great experience, and I thank you for your wonderful words!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Lovely, Julie...
    Thank you for sharing.

    So glad your experience was inspiring.

    Your post is lovely, beautifully written - and obviously sincerely heartfelt.

    And, as a fellow cancer survivor - thank you for your efforts last night.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Thank you for this Julie.

    Thank you for this Julie.
  • bfbear
    bfbear Member Posts: 380
    jnl said:

    Thank you for this Julie.

    Thank you for this Julie.

    Thanks Julie
    I so appreciated your words and the sharing of how your Relay went.
    My first Relay will be July 18, and I'm even captaining a team (although I think I should have waited another year to do that!). Our theme is Tropical Nights.

    I hope you won't mind if I copy some of your words about why you relayed? You said your reasons so poignantly and succintly.

    Thanks again for sharing and for remembering all of us here.

    Love ya,