Another little known fact.....NOT!

tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Jamie was studying the Guppy tank tonight and asked me how do you tell the males from the females. I told him that the males were the ones CHASING the poor females about the tank. He pondered for a while and said "At least humans don't act like that!" (The kid is 15!)

I said: "Yes they do"....and he quipped back

"Not underwater they don't" ROFLMAO

Little Sod!

Sorry Bill and One percent........But you know it's true!

Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxand Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    I am laughing so hard tonight from your posts.
    Love it.

    I know I haven't posted too much lately but maybe I am getting out of my funky state.

    Tasha--keep them coming.
    I hope you are enjoying your son, Jamie, being home for the summer.

    Thinking of you and Jamie.

    Hugs, Margo
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

    I am laughing so hard tonight from your posts.
    Love it.

    I know I haven't posted too much lately but maybe I am getting out of my funky state.

    Tasha--keep them coming.
    I hope you are enjoying your son, Jamie, being home for the summer.

    Thinking of you and Jamie.

    Hugs, Margo

    Oh Margo
    You won't believe what that lovely 'Baby' of mine is up to now. He downloaded loads of his rap music and now he's viewing funny pics of Michael Jackson.....some of those are really sick! Now I have to worry about him too? It must be hereditary, this warped sense of humour......LOL

    Hugs J and J xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    tasha_111 said:

    Oh Margo
    You won't believe what that lovely 'Baby' of mine is up to now. He downloaded loads of his rap music and now he's viewing funny pics of Michael Jackson.....some of those are really sick! Now I have to worry about him too? It must be hereditary, this warped sense of humour......LOL

    Hugs J and J xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    J & J
    You are probably like me--don't understand that RAP stuff.
    Be careful--Michael Jackson--he was sick in some of those videos.

    We are all warped or become warped at some point in our lives.

    Hugs back at you both,
    Margo and Jake(he doesn't get on here--he can't read all the words)He is almost 6---can't believe it---seems like yesterday he was born--they grow up so fast.

    Last day of Kindergarten for him today.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Wasn't there a post some ways back about nominating Cat & Tasha as a stand-up comedic duo? :-)

    J - If Jamie is a mere Little Sod, does one have to grow into being a full Daft Sod? Or, to ask another way, is a Little Sod sort of like a "Junior" Daft Sod?

    Whatever... I say - blimey! Let the lad into the club!

    Kind regards, Susan
    Proud Member of The Daft Sod Club
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769

    Wasn't there a post some ways back about nominating Cat & Tasha as a stand-up comedic duo? :-)

    J - If Jamie is a mere Little Sod, does one have to grow into being a full Daft Sod? Or, to ask another way, is a Little Sod sort of like a "Junior" Daft Sod?

    Whatever... I say - blimey! Let the lad into the club!

    Kind regards, Susan
    Proud Member of The Daft Sod Club

    I want to be in the Daft Sod Club.
    Jamie can be in the Little Sod Club.
    Jake can be in the Master Sod Club.

    All Sod Club members of all ages should meet and have one hell of a party.

    Where and when should we meet?
    Let me know so I can save money and be there.

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member

    I want to be in the Daft Sod Club.
    Jamie can be in the Little Sod Club.
    Jake can be in the Master Sod Club.

    All Sod Club members of all ages should meet and have one hell of a party.

    Where and when should we meet?
    Let me know so I can save money and be there.


    Count me in .... since miss
    Count me in .... since miss Tasha and her """humor""" made me darn near split my stiches.. I'm so glad they are absorbing and gone or tonight.. I would have busted them open!! You guys are hilarious!

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    taleena said:

    Count me in .... since miss
    Count me in .... since miss Tasha and her """humor""" made me darn near split my stiches.. I'm so glad they are absorbing and gone or tonight.. I would have busted them open!! You guys are hilarious!


    Mere usage of the words "Daft Sod"...
    ... automatically makes the user a member of The Club. All are welcome. No discrimination, of any sort. No fees. No rules.

    Who the hell am I, anyway?!? Just the very unofficial secretary of records. Sorry, lost count of membership. Doesn't matter.

    So, both Jamie and Jake need to merely either say aloud or type/write the words: Daft Sod. Then, they're in. Little, Master, Junior, whatever. Again, doesn't matter.

    All hail to our esteemed leader of The Club, J - tasha_111!

    Kind regards, Susan
    Proud Member of The Daft Sod Club

    P.S.: What the heck does any of this have to do with breast cancer, anyway? Because we ARE most certainly all at least somewhat warped by the experience. Though, in this instance, in a very good way... :-)
  • The1percen
    The1percen Member Posts: 135
    Sorry Bill and One percent
    ... and to think I USED to like YOU... I wouldn't know anything about chasing "skirts" ! I have married for 29 years and have 3 daughters to prove it...if anything I am an expert when it comes to the "lowlife" side of women!! Try being the ONLY in a house with 4 of them! It has improved a little tho... The older 2 have moved out and the youngest... well she JUST turned 18 OMG!!! About 5 years ago it was pure H**L, i used to joke that not only would I go to heaven because of my time as a MARINE but just for living with 4 women three of them teenagers! LOL...
    Now I have to admit, since I brought up my days as a former Marine... There WAS a time when that would have applied, back when I had HAIR, some of you know what that is like ;-P

    NOW... where is this "BILL" I haven't heard him coming to my/our defense!!!
    Also; on a side note... being a newbie someone needs to fill me in on this "daft sod" club??? Thank ladies for cheering me up today!! HUGS to all!
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565

    Sorry Bill and One percent
    ... and to think I USED to like YOU... I wouldn't know anything about chasing "skirts" ! I have married for 29 years and have 3 daughters to prove it...if anything I am an expert when it comes to the "lowlife" side of women!! Try being the ONLY in a house with 4 of them! It has improved a little tho... The older 2 have moved out and the youngest... well she JUST turned 18 OMG!!! About 5 years ago it was pure H**L, i used to joke that not only would I go to heaven because of my time as a MARINE but just for living with 4 women three of them teenagers! LOL...
    Now I have to admit, since I brought up my days as a former Marine... There WAS a time when that would have applied, back when I had HAIR, some of you know what that is like ;-P

    NOW... where is this "BILL" I haven't heard him coming to my/our defense!!!
    Also; on a side note... being a newbie someone needs to fill me in on this "daft sod" club??? Thank ladies for cheering me up today!! HUGS to all!

    is Bill? Maybe hopefully he's busy with a new job?!!
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

    is Bill? Maybe hopefully he's busy with a new job?!!

    Ohhhhhhhh One percent
    I am so sorry if you felt left out of the daft sod club...........You are now officially knighted as one...........Just let me get my sword..........And as a military man, please don't kill me when I touch your shoulders with it. LOL Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • The1percen
    The1percen Member Posts: 135
    tasha_111 said:

    Ohhhhhhhh One percent
    I am so sorry if you felt left out of the daft sod club...........You are now officially knighted as one...........Just let me get my sword..........And as a military man, please don't kill me when I touch your shoulders with it. LOL Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    OK... now I think i've been INSULTED!
    I had to go on-line and "google" it... even in this instance it's a BAD idea!!!! It was hard to find useage of the whole term, but I was able to peice it together, I SORRY I ASKED... LOL
    Just like this board, a club itelligent people would rather NOT be a member!! "dumb f**k" huh?? Gee.. THANKS!!!! However, coming from you and THIS "club" I will feel lovingly accepted ;-}
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

    OK... now I think i've been INSULTED!
    I had to go on-line and "google" it... even in this instance it's a BAD idea!!!! It was hard to find useage of the whole term, but I was able to peice it together, I SORRY I ASKED... LOL
    Just like this board, a club itelligent people would rather NOT be a member!! "dumb f**k" huh?? Gee.. THANKS!!!! However, coming from you and THIS "club" I will feel lovingly accepted ;-}

    Americans have a job with translation sometimes. It is a purely affectionate term to let someone you are friendly with know that you find them amusing.
    I sure wish you lot would learn to speak english! Jeesh!

    You are lovingly accepted....Daft Sod! LOL

    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxx
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    Americans have a job with translation sometimes. It is a purely affectionate term to let someone you are friendly with know that you find them amusing.
    I sure wish you lot would learn to speak english! Jeesh!

    You are lovingly accepted....Daft Sod! LOL

    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxx

    As with most everything else...
    ... this amazing group has turned a potential negative - Daft Sod as an insult - into a positive: amongst us, Daft Sod is actually a term of affectionate endearment.

    And, why not? We have lots of other "lingo" that is understood and has meaning only amongst this group.

    Yeah, we're all at least a little warped! :-)

    Kind regards, Susan
    Proud Member of The Daft Sod Club