jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I can't seem to find if flaxseed, which I think is linseed too, is bad for us ER PR +? I have seen articles and was given a book about it being so good in the fight against cancer, but, I am sure that I have also read or heard that it is not good for ER PR +, just the ER PR--. Does anyone know? Thanks!


  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Great question.....
    I was wondering this myself. I never paid ANY attention to what I was putting in my body till now. Learning to re-evaluate what I should be ingesting is as confusing as it was learning all about cancer. And reading labels? Boy does this take up alot of time!! All I know so far is don't ingest anything that had hormones added (and even now, I don't know if this is right!). I also heard something about flaxseed. I wish there was a book I could follow. If anyone knows of such a book, please tell us. My notes are getting hard to keep up with & follow. How about soy? I am also ER/PR positive.....:) Pammy
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Akiss4me said:

    Great question.....
    I was wondering this myself. I never paid ANY attention to what I was putting in my body till now. Learning to re-evaluate what I should be ingesting is as confusing as it was learning all about cancer. And reading labels? Boy does this take up alot of time!! All I know so far is don't ingest anything that had hormones added (and even now, I don't know if this is right!). I also heard something about flaxseed. I wish there was a book I could follow. If anyone knows of such a book, please tell us. My notes are getting hard to keep up with & follow. How about soy? I am also ER/PR positive.....:) Pammy

    I don't know if we are meant to have it or not . But Flax and Linseed are both common names for Linum.

    So they are the same thing. Jxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Akiss4me said:

    Great question.....
    I was wondering this myself. I never paid ANY attention to what I was putting in my body till now. Learning to re-evaluate what I should be ingesting is as confusing as it was learning all about cancer. And reading labels? Boy does this take up alot of time!! All I know so far is don't ingest anything that had hormones added (and even now, I don't know if this is right!). I also heard something about flaxseed. I wish there was a book I could follow. If anyone knows of such a book, please tell us. My notes are getting hard to keep up with & follow. How about soy? I am also ER/PR positive.....:) Pammy

    Ladies, if you're
    really uncertain about things,call your onc's office. Others might know here too,but don't be afraid to call your doctor's office with questions. That's part of why they're there!
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    Hey there I actually posted
    Hey there I actually posted an article about estrogen producing foods a couple of weeks ago
    under "Calling all ER+ chicas" I tried to repost the list for you but they wont let me...but
    Flaxseed is a big no no are sunflower seeds, soy, wheat, and all sorts of foods that are on the ACS diet. If you can pull up the thread, it has the link for the whole article.
    Anyway, I had just bought flaxseed cereal, and flaxseed protein bars, and all sorts of "health" foods and I gave them all away. I don't need no more stinking estrogen thank you!
  • mono5
    mono5 Member Posts: 94
    In case your wondering......
    about the real value of flaxseed oil and escential oils , I think they can be beneficial in the omega 3 and omega 6 catagory, especially from an organic source against cancer. Heres an audio you can listen to on the subject.... click on Replay : Prof. Brian Peskin (Cancer), as you scroll down at this link:
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    mono5 said:

    In case your wondering......
    about the real value of flaxseed oil and escential oils , I think they can be beneficial in the omega 3 and omega 6 catagory, especially from an organic source against cancer. Heres an audio you can listen to on the subject.... click on Replay : Prof. Brian Peskin (Cancer), as you scroll down at this link:

    Thanks for this info! I am also ER PR positive.
  • j916
    j916 Member Posts: 141
    Jeanne D said:

    Thanks for this info! I am also ER PR positive.

    is anyone else, after reading this article, as confused as i am??
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    j916 said:

    is anyone else, after reading this article, as confused as i am??

    So, flaxseed or linseed oil
    So, flaxseed or linseed oil is NOT for us ladies that are ER PR positive! Good to know as some were pushing me to start taking it. Thanks!
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    jnl said:

    So, flaxseed or linseed oil
    So, flaxseed or linseed oil is NOT for us ladies that are ER PR positive! Good to know as some were pushing me to start taking it. Thanks!

    Thanks for this post. This
    Thanks for this post. This is important!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Yes, it's pretty confusing. Foods we thought were healthy might not be. It might depend on your receptor status. It might not. Untangling it all seems to take a PhD in nutrition and even they're not sure. There is a breast cancer nutritionist at my hospital that I have seen a few times. She told me that since I was NOT estrogen positive I could have flax cereal. I took that to mean that it was not recommended for ER positive ladies. But then again, my doctor says definitely "no" to soy (because it contains xenoestrogens) for all breast cancer survivors, estrogen positive or not. I guess the thing to do would be to not go overboard with any one food or nutrient. But I would stay away from the estrogen producing foods if I were ER positive. That makes intuitive sense to me.