Early Detection Via MRI

mdfau Member Posts: 12
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Just wanted to let everyone know the surgery went well last week. Feeling fine.

My cancer in the right breast was not detected by a Mamogram or Ultra Sound. Only from an MRI. I would recommend this as a "compliment" to the other tests. In the MRI test, it picks up everything, which is good. No telling what would have happened in a year from now without this.

Thanks for everyone's support.


  • dbs1673
    dbs1673 Member Posts: 203
    me too
    Couldn't agree more as that's how mine was detected too. Fortunately I had a great dr who argued with the insurance company to allow me to get it.

  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    dbs1673 said:

    me too
    Couldn't agree more as that's how mine was detected too. Fortunately I had a great dr who argued with the insurance company to allow me to get it.


    Up in St. Louis in January
    We were getting a second opinion from Dr. Horn at Barnes-Jewish. She discovered that Moopy had a collapsed lung from port surgery earlier in the week. That gave her an "excuse" for a chest X-ray and an MRI - both of which Moopy's insurance paid for despite its being out of network. Both came out clear, thank God... the first piece of completely GOOD news we'd had in months!
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Mine didn't show on
    Mine didn't show on mammogram or ultrasound either but it was obvious I had cancer because of the size. The doctor said it grew in a year but sometimes I wonder if the mammogram from the previous year just didn't show it.
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    I agree...
    My cancer only showed on an MRI and was already invasive. I shiver at the thought that if I waited till it showed on mammo or ultra sound it could have been worse. :) Pammy
  • mdfau
    mdfau Member Posts: 12
    Health Insurance & MRI
    I live in Florida.

    Hope that my story along with others, will spark a "mandatory" procedure for MRI in all women. See now that a Mamogram and Ultra Sound, was not effective.

    Shortly, I want to contact the state representatives, along with our congressmen, to show how this test can save lives and should be paid for by the health insurance companies. I had two, one routine MRI and the MRI guided biopsy, which showed the three in the right side as cancer.

    If not for this, who could tell what would have happened in a year. Although, Stage 0 now, in a year, could have been worse.

    Thanks for everyone's support.
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    Aortus said:

    Up in St. Louis in January
    We were getting a second opinion from Dr. Horn at Barnes-Jewish. She discovered that Moopy had a collapsed lung from port surgery earlier in the week. That gave her an "excuse" for a chest X-ray and an MRI - both of which Moopy's insurance paid for despite its being out of network. Both came out clear, thank God... the first piece of completely GOOD news we'd had in months!

    Great news Joe
    tell Moopy "whoo hoo!" for me!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Yes, md, this is a good point. My tumor showed up on the mammogram, sonogram, AND MRI, but because I have "young, dense" breasts no one blinked at the MRI. I will be getting them every year along with six-month mammograms for screening purposes.

    One word of caution about MRIs, they may show false positives and cause a lot of anxiety. This is the reason the some doctors do not like to prescribe them (true also for routine PET, CT scans).

    I'm sure glad I have access to them though.

  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    Aortus said:

    Up in St. Louis in January
    We were getting a second opinion from Dr. Horn at Barnes-Jewish. She discovered that Moopy had a collapsed lung from port surgery earlier in the week. That gave her an "excuse" for a chest X-ray and an MRI - both of which Moopy's insurance paid for despite its being out of network. Both came out clear, thank God... the first piece of completely GOOD news we'd had in months!

    Hey Moopy and Joe! I am so
    Hey Moopy and Joe! I am so happy to see the good news you posted

    this morning! You two deserve every ounce of good news and happiness that exists! I am

    keeping you in my prayers, as always! Love, Jeanne
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    mimivac said:

    Yes, md, this is a good point. My tumor showed up on the mammogram, sonogram, AND MRI, but because I have "young, dense" breasts no one blinked at the MRI. I will be getting them every year along with six-month mammograms for screening purposes.

    One word of caution about MRIs, they may show false positives and cause a lot of anxiety. This is the reason the some doctors do not like to prescribe them (true also for routine PET, CT scans).

    I'm sure glad I have access to them though.


    I'm just chiming in with Cat and Mimi here...
    Because they both made really good points.

    The different imaging techniques pick up different things. None of them - alone - are perfect. Which is why they are often used in combination, especially when anything "suspicious" turns up on one or the other. And, always important to remember - each patient's case is very different. There are many different types of breast cancer - and, even the same type will "look" somewhat different amongst individual patients.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    Yes, they do pick up more, but according to all my docs, they each show a different picture. When they had questions about something suspicious under my scar, we went first with the MRI, who recommended an UltraSound, who then recommended the Mammo. Then, after having all three, I was given the all clear. So I guess it depends on location, size, and makeup of the tumor for detection. So glad you pushed for it and got it paid for too.
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Aortus said:

    Up in St. Louis in January
    We were getting a second opinion from Dr. Horn at Barnes-Jewish. She discovered that Moopy had a collapsed lung from port surgery earlier in the week. That gave her an "excuse" for a chest X-ray and an MRI - both of which Moopy's insurance paid for despite its being out of network. Both came out clear, thank God... the first piece of completely GOOD news we'd had in months!

    So happy to see you two
    So happy to see you two posting some GOOD news! You deserve it and thanks for sharing it

    with us! Keep posting, we miss you! Hugs, Noel