mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hello, Ladies:
Just want to get some feedback from all of you, although I know nothing is 100%.

Just got my CT scan report. It mentions a 3mm nodule in the lower lobe of the left lung. And it says 'to repeat CT scan in 6 months'. It also says it's 'changed' since my 10/28/07 CT scan. I just pulled my report from then and don't see that on there. Anyway, my dr. appointment is July 1. I'm trying not to get too anxious about this, but just wanted to get some ideas from all of you. Everything else was clear (pelvis, abdomen, etc.).

Thanks to all for your comments.

As always, luv and hugs to everyone!



  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    We're in the same boat: 2.7mm lung nodule on my last CT-scan
    My CT-scan in April had a 2.7 mm nodule in my lung noted in the report. I had just finished 6 rounds of carbo/taxol and my CA-125 was down to 12 at the time of my scan. I was going into 2 months of pelvic radiation, and I argued with both of my oncologists that I should just get a couple more rounds of chemo instead of spending 2 months in PREVENTATIVE radiotherapy in my pelvic region. Both oncologists said a nodule that tiny is NOT 'action-able' in any way, not even worth additional diagnostic imaging of any kind. My radiation oncologist said this was a 'cover-your-as$' notation by the physician reading the scan, and seemed really ANGRY that the note was even there, as he says these tiny 'maybes' are almost NEVER anything, and yet he knows that they worry patients horribly. (How true!) If there's a tiny dot someplace on your CT-scan that wasn't there the last time you were scanned, they make a note of it so it can be watched in future scans.

    Anyway, I went ahead with my radiation and won't finish up with that until July 1st. In mid-July I'll have my regular 3-month CT-scan. But my chemo-onc and radiation onc both said that tiny lung nodule is 99.9% sure to be NOTHING. They showed it to me on the scan; 3mm is sooooo tiny. Since then I've heard countless stories of these super-tiny lung nodules that are there in one scan, and then gone in the next. Please try not to worry. (I know how hard that is. I catch myself worrying about it once in awhile.) If they thought it was anything, they wouldn't wait SIX months to re-scan you. ((((Monika))))
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    lung nodule
    Hi Monika, I got the same kind of report back in November from my PET. The lung had "changes" and a 2mm nodule and possible mets. Then I got a second opinion on it in the States and the doc said that it was not cancer but probably a scar from previous congestion, but to repeat the scan in 6 months. I have always known this but realized that scans can really be interpreted differently depending on the doc. Meanwhile, I have been on cisplatin/gemzar, so hoping that if there was anything there, it got burned out.

    I didn't know that a CT could detect down to 3mm. I had always heard that you needed the PET in order to do that.

    Wishing you the best and way to go on everything else being clear. That is reason to celebrate!
    Warm hugs,
  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    kayandok said:

    lung nodule
    Hi Monika, I got the same kind of report back in November from my PET. The lung had "changes" and a 2mm nodule and possible mets. Then I got a second opinion on it in the States and the doc said that it was not cancer but probably a scar from previous congestion, but to repeat the scan in 6 months. I have always known this but realized that scans can really be interpreted differently depending on the doc. Meanwhile, I have been on cisplatin/gemzar, so hoping that if there was anything there, it got burned out.

    I didn't know that a CT could detect down to 3mm. I had always heard that you needed the PET in order to do that.

    Wishing you the best and way to go on everything else being clear. That is reason to celebrate!
    Warm hugs,

    Your Test
    Monika...My Mom had tons of scans and then one day one of the reports said that there was a nodule in her right lung, very small and similar to the size of yours. It caught my attention very quickly! The doctors decided to wait until the next scan, and a different doctor read it. The nodule had not grown, and in fact the doctor went back and checked all the other scans. The nodule had been there all along.The doctor ruled it as being scar tissue from the pneumonia/pleursy Mom had when she was younger.

    Sometimes what we think the problem is, really is something else. I don't want to give you false hope, but that is a very small nodule. They are watching it carefully. And I know this does not give you much comfort because you are the one with the nodule and the one waiting. But I truly hope with all my heart , this is just a case of it being nothing more than a nodule..nothing to do with the beast.

    PET scans can detect things as small as you mentioned. If you can talk the doctor into doing this maybe it will set your mind at ease and you will finally know something.

    I wish you the best in this.....Cindy
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Cindy54 said:

    Your Test
    Monika...My Mom had tons of scans and then one day one of the reports said that there was a nodule in her right lung, very small and similar to the size of yours. It caught my attention very quickly! The doctors decided to wait until the next scan, and a different doctor read it. The nodule had not grown, and in fact the doctor went back and checked all the other scans. The nodule had been there all along.The doctor ruled it as being scar tissue from the pneumonia/pleursy Mom had when she was younger.

    Sometimes what we think the problem is, really is something else. I don't want to give you false hope, but that is a very small nodule. They are watching it carefully. And I know this does not give you much comfort because you are the one with the nodule and the one waiting. But I truly hope with all my heart , this is just a case of it being nothing more than a nodule..nothing to do with the beast.

    PET scans can detect things as small as you mentioned. If you can talk the doctor into doing this maybe it will set your mind at ease and you will finally know something.

    I wish you the best in this.....Cindy

    Thank you all so much for your quick responses of support and hope! I thought I would look again at the report. It specifically says,

    'there is a 3mm nodule in the lateral basal segment of the left lower lobe more
    discernible on this exam than studies being back to 10/28/07. A new nodule cannot be

    So I pulled the 10/28/07 report and NO WHERE on the report does it mention a 'nodule' or anything close. In fact, I ALWAYS get a CT of the abdomen, pelvis and thorax (chest), yet no where on this report does it mention the chest. Now I'm wondering if this report is correct or the one in 2007 was wrong. It wouldn't be the first time, or second time there has been a mix-up with regard to my labs and CT scans.

    Anyway, I'll let all of you know what my doctor thinks after my 7/1 appointment. Thank you again for responding to my concerns.
  • ladyjogger31
    ladyjogger31 Member Posts: 289
    I'm so happy that your ct scan came back clear. I also have 2 areas on my lungs that have 2mm nodules. My Onc didn't seemed to concerned about them. It could have been there from when I had pneumonia. I’m wishing you the best and praying that there is nothing wrong.
    Hugs and Prayers, Terry
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Lung nodule
    Dearest Monika,

    I am sorry to read you have had to add a little more stress with this latest reading. But also glad all the other areas are clear.

    I have had them show up in my ctscans but never reported as cancer. The docs have said there are lots of reasons why these show up. How is your ca125 doing? Isn't that a good tool for you?

    Keep the faith and rest in the fact that you are not scheduled to be rechecked for 6months. I would think if they were thinking possibility of cancer it would be checked at least in 3months. I'll be watching for your July 1 Dr visit post.

    Sending lots of hugs n prayers your way. Love Bonnie
  • CHERYL25671
    CHERYL25671 Member Posts: 20
    BonnieR said:

    Lung nodule
    Dearest Monika,

    I am sorry to read you have had to add a little more stress with this latest reading. But also glad all the other areas are clear.

    I have had them show up in my ctscans but never reported as cancer. The docs have said there are lots of reasons why these show up. How is your ca125 doing? Isn't that a good tool for you?

    Keep the faith and rest in the fact that you are not scheduled to be rechecked for 6months. I would think if they were thinking possibility of cancer it would be checked at least in 3months. I'll be watching for your July 1 Dr visit post.

    Sending lots of hugs n prayers your way. Love Bonnie
