Neulasta and Neuprogen

Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I know we had a topic on this once before, and I as wondering, I know I'm going to have to have another neulasta shot I'm sure after my 7th treatment..since they were at a 4.7 yesterday, I am sure they'll be lower then that next time, where she will probably give me the chemo anyway, and then I'll have to drive the 2 hours there again on that Saturday to just get a one minute shot and drive all the way home, my insurance company won't let me get neuprogen shots because it has to be part of my chemo treatment in the same treatment center for them to cover it....

I only had this once, but this was at the same time I was experiencing pain in back, and thought it was due to the shot, but it was colon perforation, where I ended up in the hospital getting my emergency surgery, now, I hope this shot had nothing to do with it, the doctor thinks the avastin wasn't the cause either, because it would have happened earlier on and not my 4th treatment of it, do these shots cause colon perforations??? would it happen again you think? or am I just being paranoid?

Also, I heard Neuprogen had e-coli in this true?? and how safe could that be shooting that in your body???



  • NWGirl
    NWGirl Member Posts: 122 Member
    Hadn't heard that one(?)
    I haven't heard about colon perforation from the shots(?) I had Neulasta shots with almost all of my FOLFOX treatments and never had a problem with it. I know I'm the exception - I hear they can be rough, but all I ever experienced was just a little stiffness in my neck/shoulders from them. Now the FOLFOX was another story - it pretty much kicked my behind - but the Neulasta, not a problem; and it made it possible for me to get my treatments on time.
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    hadn't heard that
    I heard some people get bone pain from these shots. I had no symptoms whatsoever. I gave myself the shots at home. Certainly never heard anything about colon perforation or ecoli.....

    Good luck!

  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    taraHK said:

    hadn't heard that
    I heard some people get bone pain from these shots. I had no symptoms whatsoever. I gave myself the shots at home. Certainly never heard anything about colon perforation or ecoli.....

    Good luck!


    Heres the Scoop on Neupagen and how it is related to Ecoli
    What is NEUPOGEN®?

    Neupogen costs about $200 per shot and is often covered by your health insurance ONLY when your white blood cell count is low enough to make it fit within the "rationing program" of the insurance company.

    NEUPOGEN® is a man-made form of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), which is made using the bacteria E coli. G-CSF is a substance naturally produced by the body. It stimulates the growth of neutrophils (nu-tro-fils), a type of white blood cell important in the body's fight against infection.

    What is NEUPOGEN® used for?

    NEUPOGEN® is used to treat neutropenia (nu-tro-peen-ee-ah), a condition where the body makes too few white blood cells. Neutropenia may be a long-standing condition where your body does not make enough white blood cells, or it may be caused by drugs used to treat cancer. In some cases, your body may make enough white blood cells, but as part of your treatment for cancer, your doctor may want to increase the number of white blood cells your body makes and collect them. The cells are collected using a process called apheresis (ay-fer-ree-sis). These collected cells are given back to you after you receive your treatment for cancer.

    How does NEUPOGEN® work?

    NEUPOGEN® works by stimulating the growth of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell. To make sure NEUPOGEN® is working, your doctor will ask that you have regular blood tests to count the number of white blood cells you have. It is important that you follow your doctor's instructions about getting these tests.

    Who should not take NEUPOGEN®?

    People who have had an allergic reaction to other products made using the bacteria E coli should not take NEUPOGEN®.

    Talk to your doctor if you have any questions about this information.

    What important information do I need to know about taking NEUPOGEN®?

    NEUPOGEN® may reduce your risk of getting an infection, but may not prevent all infections. An infection can still happen during the short time when your/your child's white blood cell levels are low. You must be alert and look for some of the common signs of infection, such as fever, chills, rash, sore throat, diarrhea, or redness, swelling, or pain around a cut or sore. If you/your child has any of these symptoms during treatment with NEUPOGEN®, tell your doctor or nurse immediately.

    There is a possibility that you could have a reaction at an injection site. If there is a lump, swelling, or bruising at an injection site that does not go away, call your doctor.

    If you have sickle cell disease, make sure that you tell your doctor before you start taking NEUPOGEN®. If you do receive NEUPOGEN®, it is important that you drink plenty of fluids. If you have a sickle cell crisis after getting NEUPOGEN®, you need to tell your doctor right away.

    Make sure your doctor knows about all medicines, and herbal or vitamin supplements you are taking before starting NEUPOGEN® injections. If you are taking lithium you may need more frequent blood tests.

    If you/your child are receiving NEUPOGEN® injections because you are also receiving chemotherapy, your doctor or nurse will usually inject your first dose of NEUPOGEN® the day after the last dose of chemotherapy in each cycle. The last dose of NEUPOGEN® should be injected at least 24 hours before your next dose of chemotherapy.

    There is more information about NEUPOGEN® in the Physician Package Insert. If you have any questions, you should talk to your doctor.

    What are possible side effects of NEUPOGEN®?

    The most common side effect you/your child may experience is aching in the bones and muscles. This aching can usually be relieved by taking a non-aspirin pain reliever such as acetaminophen.

    Some people experience redness, swelling, or itching at the site of injection. This may be an allergy to the ingredients in NEUPOGEN®, or it may be a local reaction. If you are giving an injection to a child, look for signs of redness, swelling, or itching at the site of injection because they may not be able to tell you they are experiencing a reaction. If you notice any signs of a local reaction, call your doctor.

    Serious allergic reactions can also happen. These reactions can cause a rash over the whole body, shortness of breath, wheezing, a drop in blood pressure, swelling around the mouth or eyes, fast pulse, or sweating. If you or your child seems to be having a serious allergic reaction, stop injecting NEUPOGEN® and call your doctor or emergency medical personnel immediately (for example, call 911).

    Some people taking NEUPOGEN® had spleens that became enlarged and/or ruptured. The spleen is located in the upper left section of your abdomen. When the spleen is enlarged or ruptured you or your child may feel abdominal pain or pain in the left shoulder. If you or your child has abdominal or left shoulder pain, contact your doctor immediately.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Buzzard said:

    Heres the Scoop on Neupagen and how it is related to Ecoli
    What is NEUPOGEN®?

    Neupogen costs about $200 per shot and is often covered by your health insurance ONLY when your white blood cell count is low enough to make it fit within the "rationing program" of the insurance company.

    NEUPOGEN® is a man-made form of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), which is made using the bacteria E coli. G-CSF is a substance naturally produced by the body. It stimulates the growth of neutrophils (nu-tro-fils), a type of white blood cell important in the body's fight against infection.

    What is NEUPOGEN® used for?

    NEUPOGEN® is used to treat neutropenia (nu-tro-peen-ee-ah), a condition where the body makes too few white blood cells. Neutropenia may be a long-standing condition where your body does not make enough white blood cells, or it may be caused by drugs used to treat cancer. In some cases, your body may make enough white blood cells, but as part of your treatment for cancer, your doctor may want to increase the number of white blood cells your body makes and collect them. The cells are collected using a process called apheresis (ay-fer-ree-sis). These collected cells are given back to you after you receive your treatment for cancer.

    How does NEUPOGEN® work?

    NEUPOGEN® works by stimulating the growth of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell. To make sure NEUPOGEN® is working, your doctor will ask that you have regular blood tests to count the number of white blood cells you have. It is important that you follow your doctor's instructions about getting these tests.

    Who should not take NEUPOGEN®?

    People who have had an allergic reaction to other products made using the bacteria E coli should not take NEUPOGEN®.

    Talk to your doctor if you have any questions about this information.

    What important information do I need to know about taking NEUPOGEN®?

    NEUPOGEN® may reduce your risk of getting an infection, but may not prevent all infections. An infection can still happen during the short time when your/your child's white blood cell levels are low. You must be alert and look for some of the common signs of infection, such as fever, chills, rash, sore throat, diarrhea, or redness, swelling, or pain around a cut or sore. If you/your child has any of these symptoms during treatment with NEUPOGEN®, tell your doctor or nurse immediately.

    There is a possibility that you could have a reaction at an injection site. If there is a lump, swelling, or bruising at an injection site that does not go away, call your doctor.

    If you have sickle cell disease, make sure that you tell your doctor before you start taking NEUPOGEN®. If you do receive NEUPOGEN®, it is important that you drink plenty of fluids. If you have a sickle cell crisis after getting NEUPOGEN®, you need to tell your doctor right away.

    Make sure your doctor knows about all medicines, and herbal or vitamin supplements you are taking before starting NEUPOGEN® injections. If you are taking lithium you may need more frequent blood tests.

    If you/your child are receiving NEUPOGEN® injections because you are also receiving chemotherapy, your doctor or nurse will usually inject your first dose of NEUPOGEN® the day after the last dose of chemotherapy in each cycle. The last dose of NEUPOGEN® should be injected at least 24 hours before your next dose of chemotherapy.

    There is more information about NEUPOGEN® in the Physician Package Insert. If you have any questions, you should talk to your doctor.

    What are possible side effects of NEUPOGEN®?

    The most common side effect you/your child may experience is aching in the bones and muscles. This aching can usually be relieved by taking a non-aspirin pain reliever such as acetaminophen.

    Some people experience redness, swelling, or itching at the site of injection. This may be an allergy to the ingredients in NEUPOGEN®, or it may be a local reaction. If you are giving an injection to a child, look for signs of redness, swelling, or itching at the site of injection because they may not be able to tell you they are experiencing a reaction. If you notice any signs of a local reaction, call your doctor.

    Serious allergic reactions can also happen. These reactions can cause a rash over the whole body, shortness of breath, wheezing, a drop in blood pressure, swelling around the mouth or eyes, fast pulse, or sweating. If you or your child seems to be having a serious allergic reaction, stop injecting NEUPOGEN® and call your doctor or emergency medical personnel immediately (for example, call 911).

    Some people taking NEUPOGEN® had spleens that became enlarged and/or ruptured. The spleen is located in the upper left section of your abdomen. When the spleen is enlarged or ruptured you or your child may feel abdominal pain or pain in the left shoulder. If you or your child has abdominal or left shoulder pain, contact your doctor immediately.

    Thanks Clift!
    I was wondering why they would use a bacteria like E-coli, I thouth that was something people died from? but sounds like it helps people here with this. I don't think the Neulasta shot caused my colon perforation, I was bleeding from somewhere while I was being diagnosed, five days in the hospital, and they just never saw where I was losing blood somewhere, my anemia was so low, and I had blood transfusions because of it, so possible, the perforation was going to happen, I had the chemo, and I guess they found this was the problem was...somewhere in my sigmoid colon was bleeding, and that's when it all happened at once, it just so happened it was the day I was waiting to see what symptoms I was going to get from the shot, I started feeling the aches in my back, but then the next day I got worse, I was literally bedridden, with pains all over, and then the shortness of breath came on, when we then drove to the hospital 2 hours away, and saw my bowels were going into my belly.. yucky! emergency surgery was done, and the rest is history.

    Now when I get that Neulasta shot the next time, I won't be able afraid of the symptoms, one nurse said that some women were left in excruciating pain with that shot, and some didn't feel none at all, and some just relieved it with some tylenol, so we'll see and I actually hope I never have that shot again...that doesn't have ecoli in it either does it??
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    Shayenne said:

    Thanks Clift!
    I was wondering why they would use a bacteria like E-coli, I thouth that was something people died from? but sounds like it helps people here with this. I don't think the Neulasta shot caused my colon perforation, I was bleeding from somewhere while I was being diagnosed, five days in the hospital, and they just never saw where I was losing blood somewhere, my anemia was so low, and I had blood transfusions because of it, so possible, the perforation was going to happen, I had the chemo, and I guess they found this was the problem was...somewhere in my sigmoid colon was bleeding, and that's when it all happened at once, it just so happened it was the day I was waiting to see what symptoms I was going to get from the shot, I started feeling the aches in my back, but then the next day I got worse, I was literally bedridden, with pains all over, and then the shortness of breath came on, when we then drove to the hospital 2 hours away, and saw my bowels were going into my belly.. yucky! emergency surgery was done, and the rest is history.

    Now when I get that Neulasta shot the next time, I won't be able afraid of the symptoms, one nurse said that some women were left in excruciating pain with that shot, and some didn't feel none at all, and some just relieved it with some tylenol, so we'll see and I actually hope I never have that shot again...that doesn't have ecoli in it either does it??

    Ecoli....Whats in a Name......
    .....Have you ever found what chemo really originated from...The Ecoli isn't that bad when ya find out the origin of chemo...LOL.....I wouldn't care if its Preparation H and Castor oil they infused in me as long as it kicked the cancers butt....LOL...

    Shayenne....sit back and relax and don't let the small stuff bother ya, worry about burning cornbread or something important like not getting enough chocolate chip cookies or pooping in your shirt like I did..........Just smile girl and laugh, we all got this to go through and we're all gonna get through it and then throw one heck of a party...... :)..I can't wait...........Now take a couple of hits and go eat a poundcake or something.....LOL...Sorry, I know you know Im just playing with ya.....Trying to take your mind off of it.....But you are a lot prettier when you smile...all of you women are....It also lets us men know we're not in to serious of trouble hehe.....
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Buzzard said:

    Ecoli....Whats in a Name......
    .....Have you ever found what chemo really originated from...The Ecoli isn't that bad when ya find out the origin of chemo...LOL.....I wouldn't care if its Preparation H and Castor oil they infused in me as long as it kicked the cancers butt....LOL...

    Shayenne....sit back and relax and don't let the small stuff bother ya, worry about burning cornbread or something important like not getting enough chocolate chip cookies or pooping in your shirt like I did..........Just smile girl and laugh, we all got this to go through and we're all gonna get through it and then throw one heck of a party...... :)..I can't wait...........Now take a couple of hits and go eat a poundcake or something.....LOL...Sorry, I know you know Im just playing with ya.....Trying to take your mind off of it.....But you are a lot prettier when you smile...all of you women are....It also lets us men know we're not in to serious of trouble hehe.....

    I rubbed my shirt as well on my poop while I was wiping, fell right on it, blasted thing, It's funny it happened to you too! I just ate a whole container of Hagen Daz chocolate chocolate chip ice cream, all due to the maryjane, I am finally getting sleepy, the valium helped as well, its made me relax, and my cankles are going down finally. I love when you play with me, it puts a laugh on my face right away! I even ordered a catalog from the ACS TLC dedication site, and plan on ordering a wig there, it looks cute, something I could wear, and some scarves and sleeping caps, they sure look cute, I have a feeling by my 8th treatment I'm going to be seeing some bald spots ..oh well, and my kids agreed the wig is cute!

    We do need to have one hell of a party after all this done with, maybe next year I can go if I have the money this tim, I really wanted to meet all of yas. Are you going?

    And you are definitely one heck of a handsome man, as all the men are here... we are all beautiful people, and maybe we should all make a colondar of ourselves one day, showing all our battle wounds, I think that's a brave and great thing they did there at the Colon Club! I'd do it!

    ~Bunches of Hugssss~

  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    Shayenne said:

    I rubbed my shirt as well on my poop while I was wiping, fell right on it, blasted thing, It's funny it happened to you too! I just ate a whole container of Hagen Daz chocolate chocolate chip ice cream, all due to the maryjane, I am finally getting sleepy, the valium helped as well, its made me relax, and my cankles are going down finally. I love when you play with me, it puts a laugh on my face right away! I even ordered a catalog from the ACS TLC dedication site, and plan on ordering a wig there, it looks cute, something I could wear, and some scarves and sleeping caps, they sure look cute, I have a feeling by my 8th treatment I'm going to be seeing some bald spots ..oh well, and my kids agreed the wig is cute!

    We do need to have one hell of a party after all this done with, maybe next year I can go if I have the money this tim, I really wanted to meet all of yas. Are you going?

    And you are definitely one heck of a handsome man, as all the men are here... we are all beautiful people, and maybe we should all make a colondar of ourselves one day, showing all our battle wounds, I think that's a brave and great thing they did there at the Colon Club! I'd do it!

    ~Bunches of Hugssss~


    Now your making me blush.....Im taking my toys and going home....have a great sleep....see ya in a couple of days Sleeping Beauty..........LOL.... :)
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Buzzard said:

    Now your making me blush.....Im taking my toys and going home....have a great sleep....see ya in a couple of days Sleeping Beauty..........LOL.... :)

    Yes you will!
    thanks, I think I can feel relaxed enough as well to lay down with my 3 new kittens I just got...a siamese kitten, a long haired calico, orange black and white, and a long haired calico thats black and white, he reminds me of a panda, I love pandas, they're my favorite, so I'm going to play with them in my bed for awhile. See ya soon Prince Charming :) LOL