Seriously now..

tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I went to the doctors yesterday to get another wheelbarrow load of happy pills (Zoloft)..He was emailing the prescription when I asked about the Tamoxifen/Zoloft problem. He said he was aware of an interaction between the two but had no worries about me being on both.
This doc is very good and very forward thinking, I trust him. I feel better having clarified this with him. Hope this helps Hugs jxxxxxxxxxxxx


  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    As long as you feel
    As long as you feel comfortable with him and trust his judgement.. then go for it.. I know that meds sometimes interact and can counter act eachother.. but he is the doctor.. and hopefully if he had any concerns he would make some adjustments... Glad you checked with him..

  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    taleena said:

    As long as you feel
    As long as you feel comfortable with him and trust his judgement.. then go for it.. I know that meds sometimes interact and can counter act eachother.. but he is the doctor.. and hopefully if he had any concerns he would make some adjustments... Glad you checked with him..


    Thanks. It was just so wonderful a suprise to see you in the chatroom tonight and typing away 15 to the dozen........I hope you get a great nights sleep tonight, Lavender under the pillow is meant to work. Booze does. Ativan works. Some painkillers will knock you right out...well they do me because I am intolerant to codeine. Also some of them fancy Teas' like chamomile... anythings worth a try....LOL (Tastes like chicken)

    Your new baby-addition to the family is just so wholesome looking! Gorgeous, He reminds me of My Jamie (James) when he was born 28/03/94
    He's now a strapping great lanky youth of 15, and he arrives here for the whole summer in 4 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see him..........

    Nice to know you are OK...........Huge Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    Thanks. It was just so wonderful a suprise to see you in the chatroom tonight and typing away 15 to the dozen........I hope you get a great nights sleep tonight, Lavender under the pillow is meant to work. Booze does. Ativan works. Some painkillers will knock you right out...well they do me because I am intolerant to codeine. Also some of them fancy Teas' like chamomile... anythings worth a try....LOL (Tastes like chicken)

    Your new baby-addition to the family is just so wholesome looking! Gorgeous, He reminds me of My Jamie (James) when he was born 28/03/94
    He's now a strapping great lanky youth of 15, and he arrives here for the whole summer in 4 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see him..........

    Nice to know you are OK...........Huge Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    J - WOO HOO!!!
    So, the countdown begins... That lad of yours, that you love so much, arrives for his extended stay in JUST FOUR DAYS!!!

    Can you hardly stand it?!?

    Happy for you! :-)

    Kind regards, Susan

    P.S.: OK, almost forgot the serious stuff... Thanks for sharing your new news from your doctor. And, nice to know you have confidence in him, which is so important.
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    Thanks. It was just so wonderful a suprise to see you in the chatroom tonight and typing away 15 to the dozen........I hope you get a great nights sleep tonight, Lavender under the pillow is meant to work. Booze does. Ativan works. Some painkillers will knock you right out...well they do me because I am intolerant to codeine. Also some of them fancy Teas' like chamomile... anythings worth a try....LOL (Tastes like chicken)

    Your new baby-addition to the family is just so wholesome looking! Gorgeous, He reminds me of My Jamie (James) when he was born 28/03/94
    He's now a strapping great lanky youth of 15, and he arrives here for the whole summer in 4 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see him..........

    Nice to know you are OK...........Huge Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    I have a 15 year old son
    I have a 15 year old son too.. I'm so happy he's coming to see you.. I bet your chomping at the bit aren't you.. count down is here.... I will definately check into some of your suggestions... or just break in to the liquor cabinet.. that should do the trick

    Hugs... T