PET/CT update.....

Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
.....Whew...glad that is over! I thought I was done drinking ANYTHING once I got there....wrong!! After they put my IV cath in & injected the radioactive stuff (which by the way is a bit scary when they tote it in to you in a lead box with caution signs all over it!!) they proceded to put me into a recliner, cover me with warm blankets ( I'm loving it) and then hand me a huge styrofoam cup (did I say HUGE?) and announce "here's your water". No, really, I drank so much water in the last 8 hours I am no way the least bit thirsty, thank you. However, this wasn't just water and yes I had to drink it.....IT WAS GROSS!!! Took me 1/2 hour to get down (think I am going to barf at this point, but proud of myself for doing it!). Just as I started to close my eyes again (due to the new warm blankets since the other ones had cooled off) they came back in with another huge cup full!! No way....just isn't happening....can't get it down....
After I was told we may have to cancel test then.....I chugged the darn thing!!!
So, needless to say I servived and even stopped for breakfast at the first McDonald's we could find.....I had a McGriddle & Egg McMuffin and eat them both in record time!! Yhen I came home and went to bed. So I guess now we just do what we do best...wait!!
They said my Dr will have access to my report within a few hours, however, he is in surgery today so I don't expect to hear from him. But hopefully tomorrow. I will keep you posted!! Thanks everyone for being there and keeping me in your thoughts & prayers! :) Pammy


  • jgridley
    jgridley Member Posts: 169
    I love mcgriddles...sausage only....

    Will say a prayer for you...

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    jgridley said:

    I love mcgriddles...sausage only....

    Will say a prayer for you...


    Thanks Julie....
    So far no call and office would be closed now. Will see tomorrow. :) Pammy
  • jgridley
    jgridley Member Posts: 169
    Akiss4me said:

    Thanks Julie....
    So far no call and office would be closed now. Will see tomorrow. :) Pammy

    Your welcome
    pammy, your welcome....havent been online much.. but have missed you all....

  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Oh Pammy..........
    I so identify with your experience.

    Going without caffeine for 24 hours just about did me in. I am a coffee-holic! My dear daughter was waiting for me in the waiting room, with a hot cup of coffee that she went and bought. It was so good!

    Isn't that stuff that you have to drink just awful! They told me that if I had to use a restroom, while I was "resting", to use the one across the hall, as it was their "hot" bathroom. In other words, you are radioactive. Pee there.

    And then, I don't know what I was expecting, but being the horrible claustrophobic that I am, when I saw the machine, I nearly back pedaled right out of there. Silly me, I hadn't taken any Xanax with me either.
    In the end, I kept my eyes shut and recited the Lord's Prayer over and over to get through it. It kept my mind busy just long enough! Sheesh!

    I am keeping fingers and toes crossed for good results for you!

    Great big hugs,

  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    Glad that test is over for
    Glad that test is over for you Pammy! Let us know the results when you can! Love, Jeanne
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    CR1954 said:

    Oh Pammy..........
    I so identify with your experience.

    Going without caffeine for 24 hours just about did me in. I am a coffee-holic! My dear daughter was waiting for me in the waiting room, with a hot cup of coffee that she went and bought. It was so good!

    Isn't that stuff that you have to drink just awful! They told me that if I had to use a restroom, while I was "resting", to use the one across the hall, as it was their "hot" bathroom. In other words, you are radioactive. Pee there.

    And then, I don't know what I was expecting, but being the horrible claustrophobic that I am, when I saw the machine, I nearly back pedaled right out of there. Silly me, I hadn't taken any Xanax with me either.
    In the end, I kept my eyes shut and recited the Lord's Prayer over and over to get through it. It kept my mind busy just long enough! Sheesh!

    I am keeping fingers and toes crossed for good results for you!

    Great big hugs,


    CR, Pup, and Pammy's PET Scan
    Pammy, I'm glad the PET is over for you. Was hoping you'd hear results today, but will be looking for good results tomorrow. You will be in my thoughts. Like CR, I did not take a sedative with my first PET and recited "The Lord's Prayer" over and over. This last time, I had plently of Zanaz.

    CR, is that a Golden Retriever I see? Are you getting a Retriever puppy? The pup in the photo is beautiful!
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    CR, Pup, and Pammy's PET Scan
    Pammy, I'm glad the PET is over for you. Was hoping you'd hear results today, but will be looking for good results tomorrow. You will be in my thoughts. Like CR, I did not take a sedative with my first PET and recited "The Lord's Prayer" over and over. This last time, I had plently of Zanaz.

    CR, is that a Golden Retriever I see? Are you getting a Retriever puppy? The pup in the photo is beautiful!

    Thank you Moopy.........
    That is my Kendall, better known as Kenny. Yes, Golden Retriever. He is 7 years old now. Has hip problems that are so prevalent in the breed. But he is ALWAYS happy! Kenny's sire is also the great grandsire of the pup we are getting.

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Hi Pammy... I am so glad
    Hi Pammy... I am so glad that's over for you.. I hate it when they make you drink so much your teeth float... ugh.. doesn't sound like a lot of fun... but YOU DID IT!!!! That's another one behind you.

    Hope you sleep well tonight.. keep us posted. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    jgridley said:

    Your welcome
    pammy, your welcome....havent been online much.. but have missed you all....


    Glad to have you back!!
    Even if you check in once in a while and say "I'm busy with life!!" We love to HEAR from you!! :) Pammy
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    CR1954 said:

    Oh Pammy..........
    I so identify with your experience.

    Going without caffeine for 24 hours just about did me in. I am a coffee-holic! My dear daughter was waiting for me in the waiting room, with a hot cup of coffee that she went and bought. It was so good!

    Isn't that stuff that you have to drink just awful! They told me that if I had to use a restroom, while I was "resting", to use the one across the hall, as it was their "hot" bathroom. In other words, you are radioactive. Pee there.

    And then, I don't know what I was expecting, but being the horrible claustrophobic that I am, when I saw the machine, I nearly back pedaled right out of there. Silly me, I hadn't taken any Xanax with me either.
    In the end, I kept my eyes shut and recited the Lord's Prayer over and over to get through it. It kept my mind busy just long enough! Sheesh!

    I am keeping fingers and toes crossed for good results for you!

    Great big hugs,


    Thanks for making me laugh!!
    LOL!! I forgot about them pointing out the bathroom.....but they were specific on only using THAT one......I did use it before I went into the machine and when they injected more contrast, I wasn't sure if I was "Peeing" or just getting that warm feeling. Turned out to be the latter!! :) Pammy
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    I know what you mean. I said
    I know what you mean. I said the same thing about not being able to handle anymore, and I was told the same thing you were told about canceling the test. So I drank it all. I felt like a 5 year old. LOL
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    taleena said:

    Hi Pammy... I am so glad
    Hi Pammy... I am so glad that's over for you.. I hate it when they make you drink so much your teeth float... ugh.. doesn't sound like a lot of fun... but YOU DID IT!!!! That's another one behind you.

    Hope you sleep well tonight.. keep us posted. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers.


    Thank are so sweet to be thinking about me when your mind has to be going a mile an hour right now (isn't your surgery tomorrow?). :) Pammy
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Thank are so sweet to be thinking about me when your mind has to be going a mile an hour right now (isn't your surgery tomorrow?). :) Pammy

    So glad your test is over
    So glad your test is over Pammy. Let us know the results! Praying for you!