Cytoxan and Taxotere...who's had this?
Would appreciate and be grateful to hear from anyone who has had this combo....Do you eat first, during, after? Can I drink water during the treatment? What can I expect during the actual treatment itself......Are there sensations when the drug enters my body? Any nausea while having the treatment? ACHES,pains,etc.? Any info would be so helpful.....thank you in advance........God Bless you all!
cytoxan and taxotere
Hi Nancy,
I had cytoxan and taxotere for breast cancer starting in July 2007, same regemin as you
are going to have. I had my treatments on mondays, on thursday after each treatment, I
had muscle pain and on sunday after each treatment, I had bone pain. In July of 2008, I
started having hip pain, I now have back pain, hip and leg pain. I have had injections from
pain clinic twice and they have not done any good. I will go back a third time but I really
don't think it will help. I believe all of the pains are late term chemo related and wonder
if I will just have to live it. I wish you luck and do know that not everyone has the same
side effects. Other than the pain on thursdays and sundays, I went thru the chemo fine and
felt great other than those two days after each treatment.0 -
Hi Nancy.............
The injection that you will be getting to raise white cell count is probably Neulasta. I got that injection after every chemo. I had a bit of aching in the legs and hips from that, for a couple of days. Some people do, some don't. I just took Tylenol for it.
I did NOT have the same chemo cocktail, but my onc ordered IV anti-nausea meds and also an Rx for pills at home to take preventatively for a few days after each infusion. Easier to try NOT to get nauseous, than it is to try & stop the nausea, once you have it.
I asked him how long the IV anti-nausea meds would last. He can be a very funny guy (humor-wise) and he said...Cindy, long enough so you will be outta here and not barfing in MY OFFICE!
CR0 -
I did
I had the same chemo regimen Dec. 2008 to Feb. 2009. It wasn't awful. The first treatment went very easily on me. I took all of the anti-nausea meds as directed and was never sick. I was able to host my husband's family Christmas dinner about a week after my first infusion and to participate in all of the Christmas activities. The Neulasta injection made me a bit achy for a couple of days, but nothing serious.
Each infusion got just a bit worse than the one before as far as making me tired and "energyless." Nasty taste in my mouth--nothing tasted right. Lost my hair right before my second treatment. The last treatment was not so bad, probably all mental, since I was SO happy to be finished! I am fortunate and don't work outside my home, but for the most part, I felt I COULD have gone to work had I needed to, except for a few days.
Drink LOTS of water before, during and after treatments. I felt no strange sensations during treatments. Usually just watched TV, read, or played Nintendo DS. My sessions usually lasted about 3 1/2 hours. The chemo nurses are wonderful. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Eat what you feel like eating.
The whole thing wasn't all that bad, however, I would not want to do it again and certainly hope and pray I won't have to. Time drags--longest three months of my life--but it did eventually pass and it will for you, too.
Good luck. Hope you get by as easily as I did.0 -
THANK YOU THANK YOU!jakeca said:I did
I had the same chemo regimen Dec. 2008 to Feb. 2009. It wasn't awful. The first treatment went very easily on me. I took all of the anti-nausea meds as directed and was never sick. I was able to host my husband's family Christmas dinner about a week after my first infusion and to participate in all of the Christmas activities. The Neulasta injection made me a bit achy for a couple of days, but nothing serious.
Each infusion got just a bit worse than the one before as far as making me tired and "energyless." Nasty taste in my mouth--nothing tasted right. Lost my hair right before my second treatment. The last treatment was not so bad, probably all mental, since I was SO happy to be finished! I am fortunate and don't work outside my home, but for the most part, I felt I COULD have gone to work had I needed to, except for a few days.
Drink LOTS of water before, during and after treatments. I felt no strange sensations during treatments. Usually just watched TV, read, or played Nintendo DS. My sessions usually lasted about 3 1/2 hours. The chemo nurses are wonderful. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Eat what you feel like eating.
The whole thing wasn't all that bad, however, I would not want to do it again and certainly hope and pray I won't have to. Time drags--longest three months of my life--but it did eventually pass and it will for you, too.
Good luck. Hope you get by as easily as I did.
I so appreciate the have eased my mind, considerably!! It's always the "fear of the unknown." This website is so wonderful, so full of kind, caring, supportive women in all stages of this dreaded disease........I feel blessed to have found this site and and the fantastic women who post.........What a blessing to be able to ask a question and get such valuable information, "first hand" from those who are actually experiencing the same thing......People like to say......."Oh I know how you feel".....they are well meaning but unless they have breast cancer and been through this "journey" they can't BEGIN to understand how we feel.......that's why this site is so valuable, physically and mentally.......
Again, thank you to all who took the time to reply.......God Bless
Nancy0 -
I had the mixture when i
I had the mixture when i first started out in january 08 and i didnt have any side effects at all. I was blessed (oh god) was i blessed. I did 4 rounds and that shot the day after and not once did i have any horror stories to tell. Even after my surgery i had another 4 rounds of something else and didnt have any side effects from that either. (Once again God is good)
Good luck to you my friend.
Babe0 -
THANK YOU!babebussie said:I had the mixture when i
I had the mixture when i first started out in january 08 and i didnt have any side effects at all. I was blessed (oh god) was i blessed. I did 4 rounds and that shot the day after and not once did i have any horror stories to tell. Even after my surgery i had another 4 rounds of something else and didnt have any side effects from that either. (Once again God is good)
Good luck to you my friend.
Thanks Babe.......God Bless you too!0 -
THANK YOU!babebussie said:I had the mixture when i
I had the mixture when i first started out in january 08 and i didnt have any side effects at all. I was blessed (oh god) was i blessed. I did 4 rounds and that shot the day after and not once did i have any horror stories to tell. Even after my surgery i had another 4 rounds of something else and didnt have any side effects from that either. (Once again God is good)
Good luck to you my friend.
Thanks Babe.......God Bless you too!0 -
Cytoxin and Taxotere
Nancy, I had that combo plus a third drug every three weeks, six times. Side effects varied. I only had nausea on the 4th and 5th treatments. The lack of energy was the one constant that got worse as the treatments progressed, although not linearly. I was fine the first two times, tired the third time, really tired the fifth time, and fine the last treatment. In some ways, the Neulasta shot was worse than the chemo. I got heavy bone aches the day of the shot, but the pain was mostly gone by the next day. As for food, I could not eat during treatment -- not because I was nauseated (I wasn't), but because everything I ate in that room became associated with chemo. I still can't look at a certain brand of crackers without feeling sick... Other side effects included mouth sores (which I got under control and eliminated by rinsing with a prescription mouth wash and baking soda and water every night) and hair loss (nothing you can do about this last one I'm afraid). I had almost no taste changes, appetite issues, or weight gain/loss.
You should definitely drink during treatment and afterwards. You want to start flushing out all the extra drugs that you can. It actually sounds scarier than it is. It'll be tough, but you will definitely get through this.
Mimi0 -
I had this treatment
I had the exact same treatment: Taxotere/Cytoxan, 4 treatments, each three weeks apart. My experience (don't know how typical) was very mild: I had no nausea and was able to work the whole time. I did have an allergic reaction (I got hot all over and had trouble breathing just for a moment) when they gave me the drugs, but then they gave me Benadryl and I was fine and just slept the whole time. The only side effects I experienced were losing my hair, a bad taste in my mouth which went away, and my two big toenails got kind of cracked. Other than that, I wasn't even tired.
Chemo is not the way it used to be (it used to be much rougher) from what I hear.
Let me know if there are any other questions I can answer for you.
Ohilly0 -
I had 4 infusions of cytoxan and taxotere every three weeks, followed by a nuelasta shot. Drink at least 2 -3 litres of water the day before, the day of and for two days after your infusion. It helps your system deal with the chemo intruder. I watched my favorite soap operas while I received my chemo. My husband would bring me a soda, ritz crackers and even a sandwich not to mention a snickers bar. I didn't always eat all of that stuff, but if I was feeling sorry for myself, it was there and it helped. The T/C cocktail never made me nauseated. I had a lot of other side effects (which all disappeared once chemo was over), but not nausea. I did develop a peculiar tasste in my mouth which made food taste OFF a bit. I lost about 12 pounds during chemo. I've kept it off since. My hair has grown back nicely, my nails are nice and strong, the eyebrows and lashes are looking pretty good, and the rotten taste is gone. As for aches and pains, yes, I had those, too, but my oncologist prescribed a pain killer which worked extremely well for me. Hang in there kiddo, you'll do fine. Ohilly and I went through the same treatment at the same time. She was my hero because she sailed through chemo and didn't miss work.
Hugs, Marilynn0 -
I had 4 infusions of cytoxan and taxotere every three weeks, followed by a nuelasta shot. Drink at least 2 -3 litres of water the day before, the day of and for two days after your infusion. It helps your system deal with the chemo intruder. I watched my favorite soap operas while I received my chemo. My husband would bring me a soda, ritz crackers and even a sandwich not to mention a snickers bar. I didn't always eat all of that stuff, but if I was feeling sorry for myself, it was there and it helped. The T/C cocktail never made me nauseated. I had a lot of other side effects (which all disappeared once chemo was over), but not nausea. I did develop a peculiar tasste in my mouth which made food taste OFF a bit. I lost about 12 pounds during chemo. I've kept it off since. My hair has grown back nicely, my nails are nice and strong, the eyebrows and lashes are looking pretty good, and the rotten taste is gone. As for aches and pains, yes, I had those, too, but my oncologist prescribed a pain killer which worked extremely well for me. Hang in there kiddo, you'll do fine. Ohilly and I went through the same treatment at the same time. She was my hero because she sailed through chemo and didn't miss work.
Hugs, Marilynn
Hi Nancy,
Good luck tomorrow! I did not see your posting until now and you must be so relieved that so many had what seems to be an easier time than others.
I too am having the same treatment but not until June 25 and up until now I have been out of my mind trying not to imagine the worst.
Ladies, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I know everyone is different but this information was also so helpful to me!!
Bless you all,
K0 -
Cytoxan and Taxotere...who's had this?
I had Cytoxan and Taxotere, 5 treatments, each (except the last) followed with the Nuelasta shot.
I was given 3 Emend pills for nausea (think spelling is correct). I took one pill an hour before the infusion was started, then the second with my Nuelastia shot on day 2. I had to return to the hospital on day 3 so they could give me the third pill. The reason it was administered in this fashion was my insurance would not pay for the drug. The three pills were about $500. By having it administered at the hospital, they had to pay for the drug. It really worked and kept my head out of the toilet.
I did have an issue with regards to the Nuelastia. I don't recall how bad the reactions were regarding the first shot as I did not have the Emend for that treatment and had a very bad time. However with each treatment, the pain got worse. Within about 6-8 hours after the 4th shot, (4th treatment) the pain in my legs and back became so severe I had to be taken to the ER. My Oncologist said NO MORE. Thank God I only had one more treatment.
My hair fell out exactly 2 weeks after my first treatment. I have a friend that also went through the same treatment and her hair held out for about 19-20 days. I think it came out the day before her second treatment.
I did experience one thing, that few others have. My finger nails fell out - a number of times too. After each treatment a line would appear on my nails, then my nail would come off at that line. I did not lose my toenails, maybe because they are thicker?
I did lose all my body hair, ALL of it, including my eyelashes and eyebrows, legs underarms, and ....However the strange thing, it all grew back except for under my arms. Perhaps the only good thing that has come from the BC, I may never have to shave my underarms again.
Try and get a wig and some scarfs, this week before your hair starts coming out. You may not want to go looking for head coverings once your hair starts coming out.
Oh, one more thing. I tried to prepare some meals and freeze them before my chemo and surgeries. However after I tended to each what ever my son or husband brought me.
Good luck. The chemo is a pain, but it doesn't last long. Before you know it - it will be over and you'll be back on the road to health.
Jean0 -
taxotere cytoxan
I just got done with the taxo/cytoxan combo three weeks ago. I had a few side effects also. I lost my hair after two weeks, my fingernails are discolored and painful after 4th treatment. The most annoying side effect for me was that my eyes water constantly. I guess the taxotere causes a stenosis in the tear ducts. I went tot he eye dr and they tried to stretch out my tear ducts but it would not last any longer than a couple of hours and they were back to tearing. I think they are a little bit better this week. I was able to work through all of my treatments. I received chemo on thursday and either sat. or sun. were hard days for me. Mostly tired and achey, never nausea. I gain a few pounds on the chemo but now I see my ankles are swelling at the end of the day. Not sure if that is from the chemo or not but these days I blame everything on the chemo. I started radiation now and also will have a hysterectomy next week. Breast cancer is the pits thats for sure but you can get through it. I just need to get my strength back now. Good Luck. YOu can do this0 -
I guess I'm next
My treatment starts on July 1st. I too will be getting the TC combo every three weeks for a total of four treatment. I'm so scared! I hate the thought of loosing my hair and of any future side affects these drugs might give. Depression has been a problem since my diagnosis in March but I am going to start a yoga class with my daughter to try and get myself mentally ready to face this challenge. I'm still not healed from surgery in early May so that worries me as well.
Thank you for your comments. At least I know what to potentially expect.
God bless you all,
Jack0 -
Hi, Nancy, I also had AC
Hi, Nancy, I also had AC plus a third drug, a total of 6 treatments, one every third week. Everyone has pretty well covered the side effects. I can also attest that the treatment is doable. Most side effects are managed; just be sure to report any promptly so that your onc. can change or add meds as needed.
As far as eating, it was recommended to me that I eat something light beforehand. I would usually have yogurt or crackers, just something to have on my stomach. The treatment center provided snacks and beverages, and you can eat and drink while having a treatment. And, as several advised, drink PLENTY of water, before, during, and after treatments. I drank at least one-half gallon a day.
As far as sensations, once or twice I did feel a kind of burning. No nausea during the treatment itself. You are given meds to take beforehand. Anti-nausea meds are also in the IV. I had no aches or pains while having the treatments, either. Though you may want some Emla cream for your port, if you have one. This is an anesthetic cream that you can slather on the port so you won't feel the IV being inserted. It is not that painful but your doc. can give you a prescription if you think you'd like one.
Hope this helps, Nancy. Please keep in touch, and post any questions or concerns you have. There are many here who will be glad to help you on this journey.0 -
yep, I had both
I had both Taxotere and Cytoxan, also the WBC shots. Because of all of the nausea meds I did really pretty well, but even with the additional injections I suffered from lots of infections, but I teach kindergarten...lots of runny noses!! I did teach through it, only taking off the day I had chemo. The shot makes you ache like crazy! The cytoxan made me feel like I had sinus pressure, but really not too bad. My husband and I took a walk around a lake just across from my dr. after each treatment. I will tell you to plan on being exhausted. I would take naps at lunch and fall asleep in the car on the way home...and go straight to bed once I got home. Really, though it wasn't like you think chemo will be. I'll be thinking of you and wishing you the best! (Also, make sure to take some fun stuff to do during chemo...beading, fun mags. books, etc... it makes the time go faster!)
~Cherri0 -
June 15
Hi there! I am new here today. June 15th was my first TC tx. I am on day 13 now and have not lost my hair yet. I feel pretty good now, but am not looking forward to my next treatment. MAJW, was hoping we could talk more & compare notes, since we are on the same schedule.
Laurie0 -
Hi Laurie and welcome. ITCGgal said:June 15
Hi there! I am new here today. June 15th was my first TC tx. I am on day 13 now and have not lost my hair yet. I feel pretty good now, but am not looking forward to my next treatment. MAJW, was hoping we could talk more & compare notes, since we are on the same schedule.
Hi Laurie and welcome. I can't comment on chemo, as, I didn't have to take it. Just wishing you good luck!0 -
Welcome LaurieTCGgal said:June 15
Hi there! I am new here today. June 15th was my first TC tx. I am on day 13 now and have not lost my hair yet. I feel pretty good now, but am not looking forward to my next treatment. MAJW, was hoping we could talk more & compare notes, since we are on the same schedule.
Glad that you are feeling better. I lost my hair just before my second treatment (3 weeks).It is a very hard thing to go through. We will be here for you whenever you need support or have questions or just want to vent.
Why don't you start your own thread so everyone can say hi. They might miss this thread. Others here are just starting treatment also.
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