radiation and bladder question

qwe Member Posts: 124
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I had a total hysterectomy in 2007 had all the signs of cancer.
So my bladder is lower then normal cause there is nothing holding it up
Well my question is I had radiation on a rectal tumor before surgery
and some times if I have to hold my pee I leak a little now I have heard
that radiation can damage the bladder has any one have that problem and
how long did it take for you to know this some one said they had
radiation then had a colostomy and then later had a what ever you call
it then she had 2 bags one to poop and one to pee so I ask you did you have
the bladder problem?Hope I explain it right.I tried to help others but I Can not
do much right now for I am still new at this and don't want to give out
any wrong info. Doris


  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    No problem here
    Doris, I had a full hysterectomy in 2001 and radiation in 2007. I don't have a bag or any added things. I have not experienced the same as you... all is normal with me. At the time of my colon resection surgery, they did have a separate surgical team who put stents in my bladder so it wouldn't collapse when the second surgical team did the colon resection. Not sure if that has anything to do with anything, but everything on me is functioning totally normally. Other than the scar on my stomach, and the stomach hernia that has appeared since the surgery... no other complaints.

    I'm not sure if radiation causes bladder problems or not. I know they try to miss any organs that are not their focus, but sometimes that is just not possible, I guess.

  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    I am Ok too
    I had hysterectomy (uterine cancer) in 1994, radiation Nov/Dec 2008. No bladder problems as a result. Yes, it lays down now and I pee more often, but I've been doing that since 1994!

  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    VickiCO said:

    I am Ok too
    I had hysterectomy (uterine cancer) in 1994, radiation Nov/Dec 2008. No bladder problems as a result. Yes, it lays down now and I pee more often, but I've been doing that since 1994!


    Well, first I haven't had a hysterectomy, no use for one, but I have had the removal of the rectum and part of my inner spincter muscle and it is now harder to "pinch off" when I have to pee...It is harder to hold it and when I really need to go (as heavy coffee drinkers do alot) I have to pull over or face the possibility of peeing in my drawers... Yeah I leak sometimes, I just don't have the constrictor ability that I use to, and when ya gotta go, ya gotta go....I have a permanent ostomy also...
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    minor problem
    Hi. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer. I had presurgical chemoradiation, then surgery (removal of rectum, permanent colostomy), then more chemo.

    I do notice some minor bladder problems -- probably related to the radiation (well, the oncologist says due to surgery, the surgeon says due to radiation ha ha).

    Most of the time not a problem. If I do vigorous exercise, may have a little leakage. I just put a couple of tissues in my undies. I prefer that to a pad. Also, I have a slightly reduced "urge" sensation. So, if I feel like maybe I might need to pee, then I should go pee immediately! Nothing worse than this...

    Sorry to hear you are having these problems. I hope they resolve and/or you get some answers. You can ask for a consult with a specialist (urologist?).

  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    Oh yeah....
    Hi Doris,

    I had a total hysterectomy in 2007, as well, 4 months after finishing chemo for the colon cancer. Yes, since then I don't take chances by holding my urine; I go early and often to keep as empty as possible. Leakage is rather common, so I wear a "light days" pad more often than not in case I sneeze (hee hee.) Kegel exercises are good for this, though. One more thing...don't use heavy sleep aids; you may wake up to a wet bed in the morning. Yes, I speak from experience. Haven't done that since I was a small child:-)

  • qwe
    qwe Member Posts: 124
    kmygil said:

    Oh yeah....
    Hi Doris,

    I had a total hysterectomy in 2007, as well, 4 months after finishing chemo for the colon cancer. Yes, since then I don't take chances by holding my urine; I go early and often to keep as empty as possible. Leakage is rather common, so I wear a "light days" pad more often than not in case I sneeze (hee hee.) Kegel exercises are good for this, though. One more thing...don't use heavy sleep aids; you may wake up to a wet bed in the morning. Yes, I speak from experience. Haven't done that since I was a small child:-)


    Thank you for your replies.I
    Thank you for your replies.I have an other question do you ever have presser pain in the Morin when you have to pee then it goes away after I pee do you know any thing about that?
  • morningstar4
    morningstar4 Member Posts: 15
    Hi qwe,I had pre chemo/rads
    Hi qwe,I had pre chemo/rads then surgery which resection,and hysterectomy left me with out the sensation or urge to know when to urinate.I questioned what happened but the surgeon,chemo onc,gyno onc,and rads onc all blame each other. Over the last 2 years I have learned input results in output. I do keep my bladder empty more often. I had lots of numbness in that area and pains but the pains were short lived and I was told it was nerves trying to reconnect.If you have any concerns always consult with your doctors for peace of mind. Best Wishes Judy
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Radiation cystitis
    Hi Doris! I had a horrible reaction from the radiation in terms of my bladder. It literally fried it. They call it radiation cystitis. I call it serious damage! I leak all the time, and it burns when i urinate. Also, i can't always tell when i need to go unless i'm about to burst. I used to use the poise pads because they can withtake a ton of liquid, and it gave me confidence. Now i'm in diapers because i have worse problems than the urine leakage! lol!

    I've heard that radiation cystitis is not always permenant, so there is hope for us. I haven't had a hysterectomy, so my rad onc couldn't blame them!! She was actually pretty upfront about what it was. It was obvious since my first symptom came a week before the last treatments when my urethra got blocked by crystals and WBC's so badly i had to have emergency catherterization that i had to keep for three days. In my opinion, radiation has the second worse treatment repercussions just slightly behind ostomy reversal.

    I wonder why they didn't suspend your bladder?

  • tiny one
    tiny one Member Posts: 465 Member
    I have not had a hysterectomy. Before I was diagnosed I was having 2 heavy periods every month. I also had to pee all the time. I thought that's why I was so fatiqued. I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. I had a resection and an ileostomy in Feb 07. Reversal in Dec 07. I have rectal narrowing and vaginal shortening from radiation. I no longer have any periods any more. I am 50 years old. The one thing that I no longer have is the frequency to urinate. That is alot better. My surgeon thinks this might be from radiation. I had no idea I would have this outcome from the radiation. It effects everyone so differently.