My 1st Chemo is scheduled for June3rd



  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    RE said:

    Dee, I will have you in my thoughts and prayer on that day. I recall my first time as if it was yesterday, the unknown is always scary but you will get through this and we will be here for you!

    My first chemo I slept a lot for the first three days, after that I started to come around and feel more like my self. For me it seemed the more sessions of chemo I had the more symptoms and the more tired I became. It's important that you get the rest your body tells you that you need. We always did all the house cleaning a few days before chemo day. I also would prepare a few meals and freeze them so that all we needed to do was thaw them and reheat. It gave me peace of mind and made things a bit easier.

    Please be sure to drink a lot of fluids after you chemo, it will help to flush your system. It is great that you will have someone to attend you first chemo and be able to stay with you for a few days afterward's as it will surely be comforting for you.

    Be kind to yourself during this battle and know that this is just a moment in time to work towards a lifetime of living. Sending many hugs your way and wishing you well!


    Mouth sores and muscle bone pain
    When I started to get mouth sores I started rinsing with 1 tsp baking soda and warm water 3-4 times a day and it helps a great deal. I have noticed that my gums are receding and I bush everyday and only floss once a day-recommended by my dentist and oncologist since gums get sensitive. I had a cleaning before chemo and have one set up in September-two months after I finish the Taxol treatment(end of July).

    As for muscle and bone pain my oncologist recommended Claritin and it works--I ran out for a couple of days and then ran all around town trying to find some(generic brand) and could not wait until it kicked in. It is worth asking your oncologist about Claritin. Don't run out of it--always keep extra around.

    I was never sick or nauseated on AC. I ate small meals and plenty of water.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member

    Mouth sores and muscle bone pain
    When I started to get mouth sores I started rinsing with 1 tsp baking soda and warm water 3-4 times a day and it helps a great deal. I have noticed that my gums are receding and I bush everyday and only floss once a day-recommended by my dentist and oncologist since gums get sensitive. I had a cleaning before chemo and have one set up in September-two months after I finish the Taxol treatment(end of July).

    As for muscle and bone pain my oncologist recommended Claritin and it works--I ran out for a couple of days and then ran all around town trying to find some(generic brand) and could not wait until it kicked in. It is worth asking your oncologist about Claritin. Don't run out of it--always keep extra around.

    I was never sick or nauseated on AC. I ate small meals and plenty of water.

    Another remedy for mouth sores
    Way back in 1975 when my mom was having chemo she was told to use Alum and warm water. If you are not familiar with Alum it is a spice for canning. Let me tell you it is in all the medicine chests of the adults in this family, especially those of us who have had cancer. Just rinse with a little alum and warm water, swish it in your mouth and it dries them up in record time. Another amazing home (okay Old doctor) remedy.


  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950

    Yeah, seeds...
    Someone offered me seeds. When I asked: "What the HECK am I supposed to do with SEEDS? Plant 'em and wait for them to grow?" The response was: grind 'em up in a coffee been grinder and add to beverages/food. An option if the user doesn't want to smoke.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Pot seeds! I like that! Pot
    Pot seeds! I like that! Pot seed chicken, Pot seed muffins, Pot seed tea...
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    RE said:

    Another remedy for mouth sores
    Way back in 1975 when my mom was having chemo she was told to use Alum and warm water. If you are not familiar with Alum it is a spice for canning. Let me tell you it is in all the medicine chests of the adults in this family, especially those of us who have had cancer. Just rinse with a little alum and warm water, swish it in your mouth and it dries them up in record time. Another amazing home (okay Old doctor) remedy.



    ok alum, biotene, and
    ok alum, biotene, and claritin...and a teeth cleaning....and pot seed coffee...
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    dyaneb123 said:

    ok alum, biotene, and
    ok alum, biotene, and claritin...and a teeth cleaning....and pot seed coffee...

    Don't forget the pot seed
    Don't forget the pot seed muffins. LOL! Talking about pot. My oncologist told me that many years ago when he was doing his residency in oncology, cancer patients were allowed to smoke pot, he stated that you could get high just walking through the oncology ward in the hospital. I guess that was when you were allowed to smoke everywhere. Boy, does he have stories to tell. Hugs, Lili
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    RE said:

    Another remedy for mouth sores
    Way back in 1975 when my mom was having chemo she was told to use Alum and warm water. If you are not familiar with Alum it is a spice for canning. Let me tell you it is in all the medicine chests of the adults in this family, especially those of us who have had cancer. Just rinse with a little alum and warm water, swish it in your mouth and it dries them up in record time. Another amazing home (okay Old doctor) remedy.



    I've heard of those
    home remedies,but also of "magic wash". I never got a prescription of it myself,but I guess some oncs actually prescribe it and you can get it at the pharmacy. I guess if you have trouble with mouth sores...
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565

    Don't forget the pot seed
    Don't forget the pot seed muffins. LOL! Talking about pot. My oncologist told me that many years ago when he was doing his residency in oncology, cancer patients were allowed to smoke pot, he stated that you could get high just walking through the oncology ward in the hospital. I guess that was when you were allowed to smoke everywhere. Boy, does he have stories to tell. Hugs, Lili

    That's something!
    Can you imagine just walking into a cancer center and getting high?!
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member

    Cat, too...
    ... recently called me a night owl. WHAT'S UP WITH YOU TWO?


    Kind regards, Susan

    christmas/outdoor girls
    You both are nite owls! yes, I notice the time, because when its getting on 11pm my time (west coast), you both are still on and posting.
    That's good, because when I say we should all go to Vegas for the ReBoobing ceremony, I know you can both handle the time change!
  • Ngoc
    Ngoc Member Posts: 5
    dyaneb123 said:

    Thanks guys
    I read somewhere that the nausea is harder on you younger chicas so I'm hoping the fact that I'm 59 will will put me in the less sick catagory.oh well, only time will tell

    Hi Dyaneb 123,
    I had chemo over a year ago. For me, ginger help me to reduce the nausea. Hope you do well.
    Best wishes
  • BrittaA
    BrittaA Member Posts: 19
    Side effects - coping and surviving
    What a great board – I love all the advice you are giving each other. When I was going through treatments, and then my father as well about 7 years later, it was hard to find much information on dealing with the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. I started a blog, Cinco Vidas, as a resource for cancer patients and did a recent post on dealing with joint pain (—try-these-natural-remedies-to-ease-movement) and one on mouth sores ( Hope this helps. Love, strength and survival, Britta
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    side effects
    Hi Dee, I second everything said here. As you can see, reactions are quite varied. My chemos did not get progressively worse. 1 and 2 were pretty mild; 3 was rough; 4 was OK; 5 was the worst by far; and 6 was a breeze. Go figure. Who knows why these things go as they do. I had mouth sores for the first few treatments, too. Doctor gave me a prescription mouthwash and told me to rinse with baking soda three times a day. I also kept my mouth very clean, brushing gently after each meal. The mouth sores actually disappeared after the second or third treatment. The biggest pain for me were the bone aches from the nuelasta shot. I tried everything. Claritin didn't work for me. Tylenol helped a bit. Thankfully, the pain would only last about a day.

    And about the hair: I did not have scalp pain as some of the ladies here did. My hair simply started coming out a few weeks after the first treatment. I got it buzz cut and that was that. Hope you're doing OK.

  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    mimivac said:

    side effects
    Hi Dee, I second everything said here. As you can see, reactions are quite varied. My chemos did not get progressively worse. 1 and 2 were pretty mild; 3 was rough; 4 was OK; 5 was the worst by far; and 6 was a breeze. Go figure. Who knows why these things go as they do. I had mouth sores for the first few treatments, too. Doctor gave me a prescription mouthwash and told me to rinse with baking soda three times a day. I also kept my mouth very clean, brushing gently after each meal. The mouth sores actually disappeared after the second or third treatment. The biggest pain for me were the bone aches from the nuelasta shot. I tried everything. Claritin didn't work for me. Tylenol helped a bit. Thankfully, the pain would only last about a day.

    And about the hair: I did not have scalp pain as some of the ladies here did. My hair simply started coming out a few weeks after the first treatment. I got it buzz cut and that was that. Hope you're doing OK.


    Thanks so much guys. I just
    Thanks so much guys. I just got my "teaching " session....basically she just repeated what you guys have already taught me. It was nice to already have an idea of the drug effects, the good anti nausea meds( Yes I get them all!)and even the magic mouth wash which really is available on perscription as needed.So most of my fears have been put it's just dealing with the reality of of it.
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    dyaneb123 said:

    Thanks so much guys. I just
    Thanks so much guys. I just got my "teaching " session....basically she just repeated what you guys have already taught me. It was nice to already have an idea of the drug effects, the good anti nausea meds( Yes I get them all!)and even the magic mouth wash which really is available on perscription as needed.So most of my fears have been put it's just dealing with the reality of of it.

    Good to know you will be going into this with such a positive attitude!


  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    Ngoc said:

    Hi Dyaneb 123,
    I had chemo over a year ago. For me, ginger help me to reduce the nausea. Hope you do well.
    Best wishes

    I am with you Ngoc, ginger became a dear friend during chemo, I used candied ginger and i still keep it in the house cause it really helps with tummy problems
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    cats_toy said:

    Good to know you will be going into this with such a positive attitude!



    Word of caution
    Dee, please check with your treatment center and oncologist just to make sure they will not be using a drug called Reglan (generic name Metoclopramide) either in your IV prior to infusion, or orally for breakthrough nausea. Unfortunately, I was given this anti-nausea orally for about two months, and have developed a neurological disorder called Tardive Dyskinesia. Wanted you to be warned so you have plenty of time to look into this. Nasty disease, and something that can be avoided. There are lots of anti-nausea meds out there that work very well. Most treatment centers have received the Black Label Warning from the FDA on this drug, so don't use it, but it is always wise to be your own advocate. I will have you in my thoughts on June 3rd, and hope all goes well for you during treatment. I would hate myself if I didn't send this warning out to anyone starting treatment. Hugs,

  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950

    Word of caution
    Dee, please check with your treatment center and oncologist just to make sure they will not be using a drug called Reglan (generic name Metoclopramide) either in your IV prior to infusion, or orally for breakthrough nausea. Unfortunately, I was given this anti-nausea orally for about two months, and have developed a neurological disorder called Tardive Dyskinesia. Wanted you to be warned so you have plenty of time to look into this. Nasty disease, and something that can be avoided. There are lots of anti-nausea meds out there that work very well. Most treatment centers have received the Black Label Warning from the FDA on this drug, so don't use it, but it is always wise to be your own advocate. I will have you in my thoughts on June 3rd, and hope all goes well for you during treatment. I would hate myself if I didn't send this warning out to anyone starting treatment. Hugs,


    Thanks Judy
    It's not on my

    Thanks Judy
    It's not on my drug list, but I'll bet it's on somebody's....Thanks for the warnong!
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    dyaneb123 said:

    Thanks Judy
    It's not on my

    Thanks Judy
    It's not on my drug list, but I'll bet it's on somebody's....Thanks for the warnong!

    BEER! and MORE BEER!
    Worked for me! I couldn't stand the taste (or lack of) or texture (sand) of any food........So I Drank beer and loads of it.....Mmmmmmmmmmm And about a gallon of milk a day......

    I'm not traditional, I hate chocolate but milk is sooooooooooo good for you......Beer?...Well I don't know, they just told me to drink a lot of liquid.......Beer is liquid, is it not?....

    Was just followin' orders...LOL

  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510

    That's something!
    Can you imagine just walking into a cancer center and getting high?!

    LOL without even smoking it.
    LOL without even smoking it.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Things to Eat
    Dee, if you are wondering what foods have worked during chemo, check out the 03/10/09 thread by Kickcancer. Just type in that word and the thread will come up. It is titled "What is Good to Eat and Drink After Chemo." Many members contributed ideas and suggestions. The information was a godsend for me.

    Best of luck on June 3rd and every treatment after. If you have any questions or concerns, just ask the folks here. They came through for me every time.
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    Moopy23 said:

    Things to Eat
    Dee, if you are wondering what foods have worked during chemo, check out the 03/10/09 thread by Kickcancer. Just type in that word and the thread will come up. It is titled "What is Good to Eat and Drink After Chemo." Many members contributed ideas and suggestions. The information was a godsend for me.

    Best of luck on June 3rd and every treatment after. If you have any questions or concerns, just ask the folks here. They came through for me every time.

    Thanks all. I went yesterday
    Thanks all. I went yesterday to meet the chemo nurse and she took me in to see the chemo room and it freaked me out . I had to turn around and leave before I started crying in front of all the ladies. Ihope I get a grip before next Wednesday.