Got dates

Butterfly12 Member Posts: 56
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Okay there's the line up LOL :) June 9th for marking by the plastic surgeon. June 10 to outpatient radiology of nuclear injection for the lymph biopsy. And mastectomy on June 11 with a latissimus dorsi flap and tissue expander. Did I type all that right? Hope so. They said the surgery should be 4 to 6 hours and a 2 to 5 day hospital stay. I wanted to let everyone know, and ask if anyone had the same one? Any info would be great. And I am trying hard not to freak out. It's all so real now, with the date and everything. I really have breast cancer and I'm going to loose my boob. I know I'm getting a new one, but I don't know, it just feels really weird.. Can't quite explain it. Anyway. I will still be on here at least every night after work, until the surgery. I will get back on as soon as I get released from the hospital.

Love ya's


  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Good luck Sherry. You now
    Good luck Sherry. You now know your dates so it gives you time to prepare and even pamper yourself a little. I remember having that surreal feeling between the date of diagnosis and the surgery. But, we're here for you offering lots of cyber support and hugs. Love, Lili
  • Butterfly12
    Butterfly12 Member Posts: 56

    Good luck Sherry. You now
    Good luck Sherry. You now know your dates so it gives you time to prepare and even pamper yourself a little. I remember having that surreal feeling between the date of diagnosis and the surgery. But, we're here for you offering lots of cyber support and hugs. Love, Lili

    Thank you Lili. I really
    Thank you Lili. I really don't know what I would've done had I not found this website. The people on this are so AWESOME, each and everyone of you. You all make this journey seem bearable when I didn't think I could make it. Again thanks to all of you. And if any of you need anything at anytime please do not hesitate to contact me. I am here for all of you as well.

    Love ya's
  • djteach
    djteach Member Posts: 273
    Hi Sherry,
    I haven't had the

    Hi Sherry,
    I haven't had the exact same surgery, but losing a boob is still a mastectomy no matter what you call it. It is hard to do the waiting, which I think is worse than the actual procedures. Waiting sucks. Here's what I do to help myself through it. I treat myself to something special, whether it's a massage, a new outfit, mani/pedi, what ever you consider a treat. Do it for yourself. You are worth it and deserve it. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how things went as soon as you can. You will make is sister warrior.

    Love and gentle hugs,
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    A plan in place...
    Not pleasant, but at least you now know the what/where/when. Yes, the waiting can be quite difficult. However, there's nothing you can do to change it, nor avoid it... So, breathe deeply. In and out. You might feel like you'll "freak out" - but, I bet you won't. Of course it's scary. No one ever wants this, nor chooses it.

    Take good care of yourself while you're waiting, Sherry.

    Best wishes to you.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077

    A plan in place...
    Not pleasant, but at least you now know the what/where/when. Yes, the waiting can be quite difficult. However, there's nothing you can do to change it, nor avoid it... So, breathe deeply. In and out. You might feel like you'll "freak out" - but, I bet you won't. Of course it's scary. No one ever wants this, nor chooses it.

    Take good care of yourself while you're waiting, Sherry.

    Best wishes to you.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Lat flap girl
    Yep thats me. Sherry I don't know if one can prepare themselves for a mastectomy. I tried to envision my breast gone~but after surgery, found myself weeping at the loss of it. I know everyone has different responses. I did find the mast. more uncomfortable to recover from than the lat flap. I had them done 6 mo apart. I was afraid. Took my time to decide. I think you are brave to make your decisions now and get it over with. I will be thinking of you as I recover from surgery on june 4. I had a tissue expander with the lat flap to get more volume to match the healthy breast.
    Blessings~ Melanie
  • dbs1673
    dbs1673 Member Posts: 203

    Lat flap girl
    Yep thats me. Sherry I don't know if one can prepare themselves for a mastectomy. I tried to envision my breast gone~but after surgery, found myself weeping at the loss of it. I know everyone has different responses. I did find the mast. more uncomfortable to recover from than the lat flap. I had them done 6 mo apart. I was afraid. Took my time to decide. I think you are brave to make your decisions now and get it over with. I will be thinking of you as I recover from surgery on june 4. I had a tissue expander with the lat flap to get more volume to match the healthy breast.
    Blessings~ Melanie

    So glad to hear you have a time line. There are times when I'm sure it's the waiting not cancer that could kill me. Waiting for the procedures, waiting to see how I'll feel, waiting to see what it will look like, waiting to see how others react.....You have a plan and that is what helped me. I knew that I was actually doing something to rid this crap from my body, I knew that I had well qualified, caring medical people. I have no regrets about my decisions. I had mastectomy with expanders. I pray that your discomfort/pain after the procedures will be healed with the knowledge you've made the right decisions for you.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I'm sending warm hugs...
    Cancer reality stinks! We all become part of the 'walking wounded', both physically and emotionally...

    But (sigh) we don't have much of a choice. Well, not really...I've got too much to live for! And so reality is sharp at the beginning, but fades in time, and we adjust to the changes in our bodies. I have implants, done electively 20 years ago, WAAAAAY before cancer entered my life. I will tell you that it feels different at the least for me it did. But then, I adjusted, and now, well, I still know they are there...but it's easier. Actually, my implant stopped the cancer from spreading into my chest wall!

    Please keep us posted. I am sending all of my warm thoughts and prayers...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    June is busy for more than brides!
    So many posts for surgeries in early June! I will be thinking and sending good thoughts, prayers, big cyber hugs, etc to all of you. I will be doing my get-together with my high school buddies from 6/4 - 6/8, sitting on the beach, drinking, talking, drinking, eating, drinking, sleeping (maybe), drinking, etc. But I will have my laptop with me, so I will try to visit the boards while I'm there, maybe show my wonderful group of new friends to my wonderful group of old (really old) friends!
    I go today for my second plastic surgery consult to decide what if anything I may be doing reconstructionwise.
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    Hey Sherry
    I had the mastectomy with an expander but no flap.The Mastectomy healed up really fast.No problems.
    As to coming to gripes with the reality of your cancer..I just sat and cried sometimes. Now I'm getting ready to start chemo and that's a new scary place.But we're a lot stronger than we realize and you'll do great...Just keep reading all the boards and info every new step of the way.It helps to understand what's happening to your body.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    A plan!
    It's good to know how things will play out, Sherry. I'm glad you have your plan all set. Post as questions or thoughts arise. I will be thinking of you as you start this "rollar coaster." It will soon be over.
  • ninjamom
    ninjamom Member Posts: 142
    Good luck to you Sherry,
    Good luck to you Sherry, will include you in my prayers, specially on those dates.

  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    got dates
    good luck to you. your removing a cancer your boob just got in the way,it been 1 1/2 years for me we will be ok we here for u always