The Fatigue Question

ldot123 Member Posts: 272
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all,

It has been a while since I have griped so here goes. But before I do, it would seem that I should have little to gripe about. I am NED - scans a couple of months clear - was stage 3. I wanted to throw a question out there about fatigue. It has been almost 2 years since my last chemo. I have mostly good days and some bad days as far as energy levels go. I have been fighting a cold/virus for 2 months which is almost gone but lately I feel exhausted even after a good nights sleep. By mid day I am starting to feel more energized but not exactly tip top.

Anybody else out there with a similar story. From what I have heard there are some that can go for years with fatigue symptoms.

Cheers, Lance


  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Lance, how old are you? How long were you in treatment?
    I have some days where I can sleep all day but I am in treatment and have been for 5 years. I contribute some to age (51) and some to chemo.
  • ldot123
    ldot123 Member Posts: 272
    PhillieG said:

    Lance, how old are you? How long were you in treatment?
    I have some days where I can sleep all day but I am in treatment and have been for 5 years. I contribute some to age (51) and some to chemo.

    Hey Phil
    Thanks for the reply. I am 58 - yeah I know an old geezer - plus I am a musician as you are. I was out on the weekend attending a closing of a favorite watering hole for singer / songwriters. Performed with my old band, drank too much and came home at 3:00 am. hmmm maybe I over did it ;-) ya think?

    I am sure the chemo does not help your situation. It really knocked me out near the end of treatment. I was in treatment for only 6 months but had a previous cancer 20 years ago which was treated with chemo and radiation. Fairly brutal chemo for 3 months and then 2 months of radiation to my upper and lower body. My onc said that because of this it may take longer to get over things.

    I have read your postings Phil and I admire your tenacity greatly. Sometimes I think I complain too much and should take how I feel with a grain of salt and be grateful.

    Cheers, Lance
  • dixchi
    dixchi Member Posts: 431
    ldot123 said:

    Hey Phil
    Thanks for the reply. I am 58 - yeah I know an old geezer - plus I am a musician as you are. I was out on the weekend attending a closing of a favorite watering hole for singer / songwriters. Performed with my old band, drank too much and came home at 3:00 am. hmmm maybe I over did it ;-) ya think?

    I am sure the chemo does not help your situation. It really knocked me out near the end of treatment. I was in treatment for only 6 months but had a previous cancer 20 years ago which was treated with chemo and radiation. Fairly brutal chemo for 3 months and then 2 months of radiation to my upper and lower body. My onc said that because of this it may take longer to get over things.

    I have read your postings Phil and I admire your tenacity greatly. Sometimes I think I complain too much and should take how I feel with a grain of salt and be grateful.

    Cheers, Lance

    Hi Lance, yep, I can identify with the fatigue part and I am
    older than you or philleg....that being said, haha, I am
    usually more energetic and always doing stuff....been painting
    rooms in my house, going for long walks/hikes, etc.....then
    I went to a high school reunion and for a weekend I was on
    the go from Friday until I returned home on Sunday....boy,
    did I crash aftewards.....for a week..doing nothing but
    moping around....and the
    following week got this cold/virus thing with stopped up
    nose, ears, congestion, coughing, no fever but just miserable
    feeling....not the swine flu I don't gastro problems...
    been throwing over the counter stuff at it and think the
    recirculating air on the planes probably did it....heard somewhere
    that if you take an antihistamine before getting on a plane...
    that helps....but I didn't...maybe also the weather, very rainy
    and lots of pollen and mould....anyway....

    it takes time for body to recover and at a cancer recovery workshop
    I went to, I heard that we should give ourselves a year to really
    get back up to what we believe was our former speed....

    so with that in mind, rest and take naps when the old body is
    asking for it and pace yourself rather than demanding that
    the old bod keep its former pace right now....

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    ldot123 said:

    Hey Phil
    Thanks for the reply. I am 58 - yeah I know an old geezer - plus I am a musician as you are. I was out on the weekend attending a closing of a favorite watering hole for singer / songwriters. Performed with my old band, drank too much and came home at 3:00 am. hmmm maybe I over did it ;-) ya think?

    I am sure the chemo does not help your situation. It really knocked me out near the end of treatment. I was in treatment for only 6 months but had a previous cancer 20 years ago which was treated with chemo and radiation. Fairly brutal chemo for 3 months and then 2 months of radiation to my upper and lower body. My onc said that because of this it may take longer to get over things.

    I have read your postings Phil and I admire your tenacity greatly. Sometimes I think I complain too much and should take how I feel with a grain of salt and be grateful.

    Cheers, Lance

    Rock On
    Hi Lance,
    I think some of your fun may cause a little bit of fatigue ;-)
    That's great you got out to play, it's therapeutic and more importantly, it's fun.
    With your past history I can see why your Doc think s that might be a good part of the issue.
    Thanks or the kind words Lance, look, we are all entitled to talk/vent/complain/**** or whatever we need to blow off steam and what I am going through is no more important or tougher than what you've dealt with. Sometimes when I get down I think of Jana Miller who was a poster on here who was such a wonderful person, though I never met her in person, but she'd sort of slap me out of my "complaining" by telling me that I was lucky because I was still operable (at the time). It put me in my place. There's always someone who is worse of than I am. That keeps me grounded.
    Cheers & Beers
  • ldot123
    ldot123 Member Posts: 272
    PhillieG said:

    Rock On
    Hi Lance,
    I think some of your fun may cause a little bit of fatigue ;-)
    That's great you got out to play, it's therapeutic and more importantly, it's fun.
    With your past history I can see why your Doc think s that might be a good part of the issue.
    Thanks or the kind words Lance, look, we are all entitled to talk/vent/complain/**** or whatever we need to blow off steam and what I am going through is no more important or tougher than what you've dealt with. Sometimes when I get down I think of Jana Miller who was a poster on here who was such a wonderful person, though I never met her in person, but she'd sort of slap me out of my "complaining" by telling me that I was lucky because I was still operable (at the time). It put me in my place. There's always someone who is worse of than I am. That keeps me grounded.
    Cheers & Beers

    I'll drink to that err... maybe not
    Thanks for the comments. You are right Phil. There is always someone who is worse off or better off. It is all relative. We are all in the same boat no matter what stage we are. It has the same emotional impact with the big question mark as to where things are going to go with this. But you know what, who knows where anything is going to go - get hit by a Mac Truck, have a coronary, get caught in the crossfire - who knows. Ya just have to keep saying to yourself - do not doubt... LIVE!

  • tiny one
    tiny one Member Posts: 465 Member
    My last treatment was Oct 07. Every so often I have some days that I feel fatigued not tired. I try and stay active,I usually feel better if I do. Occasionally I have some days that are hard both mentally and physically. Taking one day at a time. I asked my cancer support group, do we ever stop having reminders of this damn cancer? Most people years later still deal with issues.
  • ldot123
    ldot123 Member Posts: 272
    tiny one said:

    My last treatment was Oct 07. Every so often I have some days that I feel fatigued not tired. I try and stay active,I usually feel better if I do. Occasionally I have some days that are hard both mentally and physically. Taking one day at a time. I asked my cancer support group, do we ever stop having reminders of this damn cancer? Most people years later still deal with issues.

    Fatique is so different than simply feeling tired. Sleep does not help but being active does for some reason. Gets the body going I suppose. Your last treatment was a couple years ago as was mine. I guess we have to take to good days with the not so good. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    Cheers, Lance