Posting Pix and Tutorials, etc etc

chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have to laugh reading the terms URLs, upload, etc etc etc... I don't know how to do ANY of it, and I don't even understand the instructions so lovingly given by Aortus. If my life depended on copying and pasting, I'd be a dead woman! ! Truth be told, I have never even watched a movie in our DVD player...I don't know how! I tried it once, and it had sub-titles, and I didn't know how to get them off of the screen, so I just left the movie running, took a bath and read a book instead until someone came home and turned the darn thing off!! The only reason my 50' photo is on CSN is because someone sent it to me, I forwarded it to someone else, I sent them my CSN password so that they could post it for me! I'm not kidding!
Reggie got me an ipod for my birthday~ his daughter loaded it for me, and I have never ever used it...and that was 8 months ago!( shhhhhh he doesn't know that!!!) I keep it out, and move it to one corner of the dresser or another so he thinks I am using it, but I never have! I am still a transistor radio kinda gal~I actually sleep with ear-buds so that I can hear jabbering and news/talk radio all ipod? I would go nutser ( is that a real word? It is now!) if I just had to listen to music with no DJ's and banter and trivia about the bands, etc!

I even carry postage stamps in my wallet...cuz I actually write REAL snail mail letters and write checks to pay my bills etc! YIKES!!

But I do like the pix etc you all put on your posts! :-)


PS...but I do text message like crazy---but NO FB or Twitter! LOL


  • djteach
    djteach Member Posts: 273
    I can so relate!!! I finally
    I can so relate!!! I finally got my 12 year old niece to put my picture on here. I LOVE all the new stuff that the nontechnologically challenged are using. I'm like you, I'd have to email everything to Aortus to have him do it, or my niece when she finishes the school year. I've seen an ipod and I've seen people use them and that is the extent of my knowledge. As most of you can tell, I don't even know how to get rid of the edit signt after I post. I am the quees of the technolocially challenged. I think I need to add spelling to that list also.

    Love and hugs,
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    djteach said:

    I can so relate!!! I finally
    I can so relate!!! I finally got my 12 year old niece to put my picture on here. I LOVE all the new stuff that the nontechnologically challenged are using. I'm like you, I'd have to email everything to Aortus to have him do it, or my niece when she finishes the school year. I've seen an ipod and I've seen people use them and that is the extent of my knowledge. As most of you can tell, I don't even know how to get rid of the edit signt after I post. I am the quees of the technolocially challenged. I think I need to add spelling to that list also.

    Love and hugs,

    Only the poster (i.e., author) sees the "edit" option on their own posts. In other words, we - the readers - don't see it on the posts of others. We see only "reply"...

    You're not THAT technically challenged - because you're doing just fine on the threads here! :-)

    Kind regards, Susan
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    I dig it!
    but i'm not worried about it. I love being uncomplicated and simple ( did i say simple??) what i mean is I love peace and queitness, and good vibes, I am not very tolerant of discontent, hate or enemies.
    when people are to serious i love shouting "NO FUN ALLOWED!! i just tell my hubby or son what movie to put on and they do it. I haven't a clue.!love you all jackie
  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    rjjj said:

    I dig it!
    but i'm not worried about it. I love being uncomplicated and simple ( did i say simple??) what i mean is I love peace and queitness, and good vibes, I am not very tolerant of discontent, hate or enemies.
    when people are to serious i love shouting "NO FUN ALLOWED!! i just tell my hubby or son what movie to put on and they do it. I haven't a clue.!love you all jackie

    Funny you should mention an I-Pod. My son sent me one for Mother's Day ... and I don't have a clue what to do with the thing. I guess he got tired of me telling him I was going to chemo and "putting on my earphones and playing my relaxation CD." He ought to be thankful I wasn't draggig in an 8-track player ... or a 45-record player. Anyway ... my only solution was to bring the I-Pod into work and have one of the college students help me. We're still in the "training stage" so I can honestly say I still don't know what I'm doing ... but hopefully I'll figure it out and be able to use it Friday at chemo. Of course I'm not so sure I'll be able to stand those little ear-plug thingies.

    And ... as far as all the computer stuff ... even though I work full time ... and use a computer ALL day ... I still don't have a clue about all the terminology and how to do some of that fancy stuff. Yesterday I asked my "I-Pod trainer" if she could show me how to put pictures into my messages on this site ... and it took her about 1 minute to figure it out ... but about an hour to show me how to do it.

    I am 65 and as far as all this new-fangled electronic stuff ... I am a doofus! Heck ... I can remember days before microwave ovens ... and color TV.

    Anyway ... I do understand your frustration Claudia ...


  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Kindred spirit - If you can "work" this site...'re doing fine, I'd say! OK, I'll admit - I do "understand" URLs, upload, etc. ... I'm simply impatient, and don't want to take the time to actually learn the more advanced stuff. I can (just barely!) work the DVD player; but, was much more proficient with the old VHS.

    However, when you start talkin' IPOD - honey, I'm right there WITH ya! (I just don't "get it" - any aspect of it, whatsoever!) And, you are weaving a magic spell to fool your loved one into thinking you're using it? HA HA!!! Too funny!

    Yes, I use postage stamps, too. And firmly believe there's nothing quite like a handwritten letter or personalized note card via "snail mail" - especially nowadays, when mailboxes are stuffed full of never ending bills and way too much unsolicited junk mail. Pay my bills online?!? WHAAAT??? Are you kidding me? And put myself out there for some nutjob to steal my financial/credit identity? (This may be an irrational fear - because not sure ANYBODY would want it!)

    Of course, the cell phone. Gotta love TEXTING! No Facebook, MySpace, Twitter... Nope, none of it.

    Just here. Our safe zone. Our special place of TLC.

    Kind regards, 12/25
    (a/k/a Susan)
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    LOL Claudia......
    LOL Claudia, I call my 6 yr. old grandson if I have computer issues!

  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    CR1954 said:

    LOL Claudia......
    LOL Claudia, I call my 6 yr. old grandson if I have computer issues!


    Technologically Challenged.
    Hi......When I was going through Radiation, I met a man who was waiting for his wife to finish treatment. He was soooooooooo confident on his cell-phone, I hsd to ask him........"Hey how do I send texts on predictive?..How do I programme my address book?.."

    He told me :... "Find a 10 year old kid on the street, kidnap him for 3 minutes, Sorted"

    LOL Jxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    Technologically Challenged.
    Hi......When I was going through Radiation, I met a man who was waiting for his wife to finish treatment. He was soooooooooo confident on his cell-phone, I hsd to ask him........"Hey how do I send texts on predictive?..How do I programme my address book?.."

    He told me :... "Find a 10 year old kid on the street, kidnap him for 3 minutes, Sorted"

    LOL Jxxxxxxxxxxxx

    ... but, true. Of course, the younger set has a bit of an unfair advantage. They've been raised with all of this stuff, since birth.

    I took TYPING - on a TYPEWRITER (the young ones ask: what the heck's a typewriter?), using CARBON PAPER FOR COPIES (the young ones ask: what the heck's carbon paper?) - in high school!

    Kind regards, Susan
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member

    ... but, true. Of course, the younger set has a bit of an unfair advantage. They've been raised with all of this stuff, since birth.

    I took TYPING - on a TYPEWRITER (the young ones ask: what the heck's a typewriter?), using CARBON PAPER FOR COPIES (the young ones ask: what the heck's carbon paper?) - in high school!

    Kind regards, Susan

    even sadder...
    I learned to type on a manual typewriter!!!

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    cats_toy said:

    even sadder...
    I learned to type on a manual typewriter!!!


    Catholic High School
    We did have electric typewriters, they were pretty new fangled back then. But, no $ for a football team!

    Kind regards, Susan