Latissmus dorsi flap

1951 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello, I had a latissmus dorsi flap procedure in July 2007. Since that time I have had several surgeries to build my breast. My last procedure was in March 2009 at which time I had an implant. My problem is that I am uneven my muscle feels like it wants to go back to where it belongs, even though I have a nice mound I have a big roll of fat under my arm pit from the front to my back.My sport bras ride up and I feel like I am always being poked with a needle where my incision is.Does anyone else have these symptoms or is it just me? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You


  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    I have the same, but did not
    I have the same, but did not have the lassitums dorsi. I had the tram flap and have the roll of fat also. Makes the bra ride up also. I don't know what the solution would be let me know if you have one. Hugs, Lili
  • ohilly
    ohilly Member Posts: 441 Member
    I had a lat flap in which they also put implants. My question to you is: why wear a bra at all? My breasts 'stand up' on their own and are pretty firm, so I stopped wearing a bra completely.

  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    ohilly said:

    I had a lat flap in which they also put implants. My question to you is: why wear a bra at all? My breasts 'stand up' on their own and are pretty firm, so I stopped wearing a bra completely.


    awaiting implant surgery
    My lat flap was done in Oct. The expander does feel like a banana sitting under my arm, but am hoping it will be better after the implant goes in, and the swelling gone down. I am facing that surgery june 4. My muscle feels fine, and the surgeon actually sutured it down in the center of my chest to keep it in place. I plan on asking my doctor about that bulbus banana feeling at my pre-op appt in about 2 weeks. Have you asked your doctor about your concerns? Especially the needles poking you feelings-could be nerves coming back to life...? Sorry I can't be of much help at this time.