did you hair ever get back to its pre-chemo state, and how long did that take?



  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    Aortus said:

    hair regrowth
    My little Moopster is not quite two weeks from her last of 6 rounds of TAC, and she is already sprouting soft little patches of fine hairs on the front part of her head. This is very exciting for both of us, because we have agreed that one bald person per house is quite enough and I'm quite accustomed to holding that honorable position!

    woohoo for the Moopster!
    congrats on the peach fuzz!! you will only get furrier from here on out. I kept worrying that when mine started growing in, it was going to go away, but it keeps growing, and it is so soft and fuzzy, everyone wants to rub your head. Enjoy the new experience!
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    cats_toy said:

    woohoo for the Moopster!
    congrats on the peach fuzz!! you will only get furrier from here on out. I kept worrying that when mine started growing in, it was going to go away, but it keeps growing, and it is so soft and fuzzy, everyone wants to rub your head. Enjoy the new experience!

    Thanks for posting that, Cat!
    ...because I've been worrying that the fuzz might go away! Like I said, this new development makes both Moopsy and me so happy, and we would be crushed had it turned out to be a false start. I will literally sleep better tonight for your timely and thoughtful post.

  • crazylady55
    crazylady55 Member Posts: 92
    Aortus said:

    hair regrowth
    My little Moopster is not quite two weeks from her last of 6 rounds of TAC, and she is already sprouting soft little patches of fine hairs on the front part of her head. This is very exciting for both of us, because we have agreed that one bald person per house is quite enough and I'm quite accustomed to holding that honorable position!

    in the peach fuzz stage
    Before chemo I truly thought I did not care if I was bald but when it started to fall out I was very upset and refused to shave it off until round 5 of 6 rounds of TAC, I woke up one morning and a handful fell out and I could not take it any more, so I picked up my husband's razor and shaved it all off.

    Now 8 weeks post chemo, I have "peach fuzz" and hate wearing a wig so I have decided to go natural and if anyone does not like it too bad. My husband and son are both fine with my "naked head". But I sure hope I have real hair soon.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Aortus said:

    hair regrowth
    My little Moopster is not quite two weeks from her last of 6 rounds of TAC, and she is already sprouting soft little patches of fine hairs on the front part of her head. This is very exciting for both of us, because we have agreed that one bald person per house is quite enough and I'm quite accustomed to holding that honorable position!

    YAY! for Moopy's return of HAIR!!!
    YAY!!! So glad I checked back into this thread! HOORAY for Moopy's re-growing hair! YIPPEE!

    Cause for celebration! Very first obvious sign of the body's rebound from chemo, I think.

    Moopy is HEALING!

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967

    in the peach fuzz stage
    Before chemo I truly thought I did not care if I was bald but when it started to fall out I was very upset and refused to shave it off until round 5 of 6 rounds of TAC, I woke up one morning and a handful fell out and I could not take it any more, so I picked up my husband's razor and shaved it all off.

    Now 8 weeks post chemo, I have "peach fuzz" and hate wearing a wig so I have decided to go natural and if anyone does not like it too bad. My husband and son are both fine with my "naked head". But I sure hope I have real hair soon.

    Good for you, CL
    Congrats on your progress! Don't let any **** tell you how to wear your hair when you are out and about. And when Moopy gets to that point, maybe you can help me gang up on her so that she will feel the same way as you!
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967

    YAY! for Moopy's return of HAIR!!!
    YAY!!! So glad I checked back into this thread! HOORAY for Moopy's re-growing hair! YIPPEE!

    Cause for celebration! Very first obvious sign of the body's rebound from chemo, I think.

    Moopy is HEALING!

    Kind regards, Susan

    Thanks, Susan
    I do believe that my beloved Moopster is indeed healing, both physically and emotionally. She must be - she's started talking about buying new appliances and furniture again...

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Aortus said:

    Thanks, Susan
    I do believe that my beloved Moopster is indeed healing, both physically and emotionally. She must be - she's started talking about buying new appliances and furniture again...


    HA HA!!!
    Awww, c'mon, Joe! After ALL she's been through (and, still has yet to go) - she DESERVES new appliances & furniture, doesn't she? (Of course, I fully realize that Moopy will eventually see this post for herself - ha ha!) Hey, it's only money... Go for it - stimulate the economy!

    I have no idea what the mental health experts might say about this, but... I don't think this is an uncommon reaction at this point. You know, new beginning, new life, new appliances, new furniture... Let's see - what else? New bed linens, new towels... Maybe even some new clothes, new shoes...

    We women folk need to redo the nest every now and then. Sorry, no help from me.

    Kind regards, Susan

    P.S.: Joe - your own joy is palpable via the board. I'm happy for you, too! :-)
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Aortus said:

    Thanks, Susan
    I do believe that my beloved Moopster is indeed healing, both physically and emotionally. She must be - she's started talking about buying new appliances and furniture again...


    Hi Joe and Moopy!!
    We will have to exchange pics of our new peach fuzz!! (maybe not quite yet for me...mine sticks straight up on the top of my head like a little porkepine..hehe. I don't care though it is hair!! We are starting to get ourselves back and that is so exciting. Bob can't keep his hands off it. He rubs it like i am some kind of a majic genie. He has called be "curley" since the day i lost my hair, it makes me laugh.
    We wont take your honorary position away from you Joe. You are my favorite bald spokesman.
    Now enough said get out there and buy my sister that new furniture!!! and appliances!! No help here!
    Love ya both
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member

    in the peach fuzz stage
    Before chemo I truly thought I did not care if I was bald but when it started to fall out I was very upset and refused to shave it off until round 5 of 6 rounds of TAC, I woke up one morning and a handful fell out and I could not take it any more, so I picked up my husband's razor and shaved it all off.

    Now 8 weeks post chemo, I have "peach fuzz" and hate wearing a wig so I have decided to go natural and if anyone does not like it too bad. My husband and son are both fine with my "naked head". But I sure hope I have real hair soon.

    Going Natural
    Hi, CL, I hope I can be more confident like you. Tonight, we were walking outside the mall, and a nice, cool breeze was blowing. I so wanted to pull my hat off and enjoy the breeze. I couldn't find the nerve. Maybe next time. I will remember you and see if I can do it.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    cats_toy said:

    woohoo for the Moopster!
    congrats on the peach fuzz!! you will only get furrier from here on out. I kept worrying that when mine started growing in, it was going to go away, but it keeps growing, and it is so soft and fuzzy, everyone wants to rub your head. Enjoy the new experience!

    My peach fuzz will grow! I am so excited. I see in your photo that you have beautiful reddish, wavy hair now. I would love it if my hair grows back like yours.
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    My peach fuzz will grow! I am so excited. I see in your photo that you have beautiful reddish, wavy hair now. I would love it if my hair grows back like yours.

    Hair color
    sorry, Moopy, my hair color is whatever I take from a bottle (or the stylist), I am completely grey, and have been since I was 35. But it did grow back the same as it was before, except just a little thinner on top, Go bare! have fun with the little fuzzies! I never could keep anything on my head, so it was always an experience going out in public. Just think, you will probably never see those people in the mall again, so...who cares?


    ps: what did you buy?
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    rjjj said:

    Hi Joe and Moopy!!
    We will have to exchange pics of our new peach fuzz!! (maybe not quite yet for me...mine sticks straight up on the top of my head like a little porkepine..hehe. I don't care though it is hair!! We are starting to get ourselves back and that is so exciting. Bob can't keep his hands off it. He rubs it like i am some kind of a majic genie. He has called be "curley" since the day i lost my hair, it makes me laugh.
    We wont take your honorary position away from you Joe. You are my favorite bald spokesman.
    Now enough said get out there and buy my sister that new furniture!!! and appliances!! No help here!
    Love ya both

    Hair, Home, and Womanly Solidarity
    I feel like I turned a corner today, and found y'all there waiting for me. And we are sharing the joy. Hurrah for peach fuzz and moving forward.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    rjjj said:

    Did you have stubbles?
    I am not done with treatment yet so really know nothing..but was wondering ..did you keep shaving the hair growth down until you were finished or did you just let the stubbles grow..mine are growing after 4 treatments and 2 to go. Thanks Jackie

    I say let it grow...
    Just let it grow, Jackie. I recommend just letting the old noggin do its own thing. See what happens!

    And, YIPPEE for you too, dear Jackie! HAIR! WOWZA! WOO HOO! :-)

    Kind regards, Susan

    P.S.: Ditto... HAIR! WOWZA! etc. to you, too, redriverartist!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    dmdudra said:

    hair regrowth
    I stopped my AC treatment back in end of February and started my taxol treatment there after and I have peach fuzz.. with some white hairs and it is getting darker.. I had beautiful brown curly hair..I loved my hair... . I was so happy when I saw the peach fuzz a couple weeks ago..and I shaved my legs the first time in two months...My doctor told me it would be about 2 1/2 months before I feel comfortable to take my wig off.. which is perfect since summer will be here and it will be warm outside.... take care Diane

    YAY! for Diane!
    WOW! HAIR!

    So happy for you!

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member

    in the peach fuzz stage
    Before chemo I truly thought I did not care if I was bald but when it started to fall out I was very upset and refused to shave it off until round 5 of 6 rounds of TAC, I woke up one morning and a handful fell out and I could not take it any more, so I picked up my husband's razor and shaved it all off.

    Now 8 weeks post chemo, I have "peach fuzz" and hate wearing a wig so I have decided to go natural and if anyone does not like it too bad. My husband and son are both fine with my "naked head". But I sure hope I have real hair soon.

    To crazylady55...

    Happy for you, too!

    Kind regards, Susan

    (OK, I think I've now congratulated everybody with peach fuzz on this entire thread...)
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    cats_toy said:

    Hair color
    sorry, Moopy, my hair color is whatever I take from a bottle (or the stylist), I am completely grey, and have been since I was 35. But it did grow back the same as it was before, except just a little thinner on top, Go bare! have fun with the little fuzzies! I never could keep anything on my head, so it was always an experience going out in public. Just think, you will probably never see those people in the mall again, so...who cares?


    ps: what did you buy?

    Still Beautiful
    Your hair color is still beautiful--it matches your complexion so well. You remind me of Dana Delaney on Desperate Housewives.

    I'll work on getting up my courage for going bare. Maybe start with a little less public place than the mall on Saturday. I bet it does feel good to be free of hats,scarves, etc.

    I bought 2 spring/summer tops and a striped hoodie for $50. That husband of mine didn't mention that I had a coupon. I think I also got a bald girl discount....the saleslady rang my purchases up separately and said there was a $10 discount she could use that way. Never had anyone offer a discount like that. But, if there are any "perks" to the whole chemo patient ordeal, I'll take 'em.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Still Beautiful
    Your hair color is still beautiful--it matches your complexion so well. You remind me of Dana Delaney on Desperate Housewives.

    I'll work on getting up my courage for going bare. Maybe start with a little less public place than the mall on Saturday. I bet it does feel good to be free of hats,scarves, etc.

    I bought 2 spring/summer tops and a striped hoodie for $50. That husband of mine didn't mention that I had a coupon. I think I also got a bald girl discount....the saleslady rang my purchases up separately and said there was a $10 discount she could use that way. Never had anyone offer a discount like that. But, if there are any "perks" to the whole chemo patient ordeal, I'll take 'em.

    To you, Joe, specifically, because the WOMEN don't need this tutorial... Now, pay close attention...

    RETAIL THERAPY lingo translation: Moopy did not SPEND $ @ JCP - she SAVED $$$, because she used a coupon and got a discount! So, you add THAT amount (coupon + discount = $) to the SAVINGS column.

    Any questions, just let me know.

    Kind regards, Susan