thyroid cancer's spread to spine nd lungs.....plzz help

anna g
anna g Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Thyroid Cancer #1
Hi all of you,
My mom had her total thyroidectomy(for papillary carcinoma with follicular variance) in August 2006.She had no major symptoms , just some swelling in her neck..After the surgery she had been quite regular with her RAI scans and nothing came up in those scans..But she started having some pain in her lumbar spine and shoulder from december last year..We didn't take it seriously and she was put on painkillers.But a week back , the pain worsened and she was admitted in the hospital where she took A CT scan which revealed lesions in liver and lumbar spine..Today she had a PET scan which revealed cancer in one lobe of her lung and lumber spine and some in her shoulder.The doctor has scheduled a biopsy of lung to confirm if its thyroid cancer..She is 53 years of age..I would plzz like to know if anybody of you have had this experience..What are the prognosis??What are the treatment options and survival rates...??I m really worried about her..
Plzz do rply



  • Thankfulandblessed
    Thankfulandblessed Member Posts: 10
    thyroid cancer spread
    I also had thryoid cancer in 2006 which was rediscovered in March 2009, but the doc thinks it has been there for a long time, probably a couple of years but it didn't show up on my total body scans. Apparently some cancers don't show on the iodine type tests when they metastasize and need other ways to look. Mine showed up on PET scan but also was big enough to be seen with an ultrasound of the neck. I think everyone who has this history should have neck ultrasounds and other types of scans. The iodine one misses things, at least for me it did. My tumor was large and it was missed by the total body iodine scan.

    I have found my best helpful information by researching the subject on the computer with the internet. I also have found some doctors know more than others and you can tell when you start asking questions. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

    Keep faith, God knows all of what you are going through. He will help you all no matter which way things go. I do know a lot of people survive a very long time with a history of thyroid cancer. You and your mother are being prayed for.
  • kelly-575
    kelly-575 Member Posts: 24
    I am so sorry to hear that is has come back. I am scared to death about that. You must be a strong person. My prayers are w u
  • anna g
    anna g Member Posts: 3
    the biopsy has revealed that
    the biopsy has revealed that the lesion in lung is not thyroid cancer but lung cancer.The TG was 8 last week but its 20 this week.So looks like she has both the cancers. Any suggestions and experiences to share?