CT scan results

Karen1418 Member Posts: 48
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hello ladies,
I finally heard about my CT scan from last Monday. There is an "area of concern", something that wasn't there on the last scan. But my Wisconsin oncologist said it would be OK for me to continue with our current plans; going to Washington D.C., then flying to Wisconsin. I will be seeing him at the end of May to go over my options and hear what his recommendation is. In the meantime, we wait. I don't want cancer to become the center of my life, but it's pretty hard for me to put out of my mind. Love, Karen


  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Lots of Prayers
    Dearest Karen,

    Sorry to hear your scan showed some "areas of concern" ~ it is very hard when you first hear the news but believe me it doesnt' become the center of your life. It is like a sunami and the wave washes over you and you take a tumble, but then you get back up and continue on.

    So glad to read you are still doing D.C. and WI. Have fun my friend and continue to live life to the fullest. Hugs ♥ Prayers Bonnie