Results of PET Scan

Kgirl Member Posts: 45
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Well it looks like I am not in remission anymore. The PET scan confirmed that the enlarged para aortic lymph nodes are cancerous. The scan does not show any other areas of concern. I had a new CA-125 done as well and it has increased from 79 to over 200 in one month. My CA-125 was 4500 when initially diagnosed so I'm hoping the new number just indicates that the test is a really good indicator for me. My oncologist is concerned and has me scheduled for Avastin and Topotecan on Monday. Are there any side effects I should be aware of? I know that I should start up on Miralax and stool softeners again. I am hoping the side effects will be minimal since I am flying to Charleston on Wednesday (from Portland)and that will be a long trip. Anything I should take along to deal with side effects? Will I be nauseated?



  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312 Member
    Me Too on Scan
    Well Kathy I will be starting another chemo too. Not sure what mine will be as far as chemo. I have had so many but found out they have a lot more choices. Taxitere helped before so who knows. Had 4 liters drained off tummy so waiting on the labs on that then they will call me for appointmnent to talk to original gyno/onco and see whats next. My scan was a little worse but not real bad. Got little tumors on Omentum and my one on spleen on left and right side have grown some but none in chest. My count is over 25000. But usually goes down as soon as they give me something that works. Not feeling too bad just blood pressure down from fluid drain and a little sore. I never had problems with nausea. And the two chemos your taking just some weakness for me. There is a pill that melts instantly on your tongue and relieves nausea quickly, Zofran. But I don't know how freely they like giving that stuff depending on your insurance. But its over 40 dollars a pill. Nurse gave me a few a few years ago for my husband and I had some food that didnt agree with me so took one and couldnt believe how fast it relieved me. I ate some fast food place and I am sure that was it because I was fine after that. But anyway sorry you have to go thru this again. I have been doing this 7 years and sometimes... but then when I am done for a little while with chemo I get stronger and enjoy things. The cure or some med that has less side effects is around the corner we have to believe that. Again I hope you get thru with no side effects and count goes down and tumors disappear. There was a woman who went thru it twice and then it never came back so there is always hope. Oh yes and I take vitamins. God Bless
    Prayers and Hugs
  • kris43
    kris43 Member Posts: 275
    Test Results
    Kathy - I am sorry to hear your PET Scan didn't come back with a more positive outcome. I've not had to do a second round of chemo yet so I do not have any information on the drugs you will be taking. Just wanted you to know I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and waiting to hear from you how things are going.

    Have a safe flight and know that we are here whenever you need us. Hugs to you!!

  • Kgirl
    Kgirl Member Posts: 45
    Thanks for info and support
    Sandy and Kris,

    Thanks for your replies. I am really hoping that I can tolerate this regime. I had lots of problems with my blood counts on my first round of treatment and had to finally go on a modified schedule of treatments. My oncologist believes that this treatment will be easier than the last. I am trying to be optimistic but am definitely confronting my own mortality. Am alternating between being depressed and trying to be hopeful.

    I have another question as well - has anyone done radiation for something like this? The cancer seems to be localized and I know that tomotherapy can be very precise when you are trying to avoid organs and such. This seems like a possible option as well. I have not seen my oncologist yet so we haven't discussed this option.

  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member
    Kgirl said:

    Thanks for info and support
    Sandy and Kris,

    Thanks for your replies. I am really hoping that I can tolerate this regime. I had lots of problems with my blood counts on my first round of treatment and had to finally go on a modified schedule of treatments. My oncologist believes that this treatment will be easier than the last. I am trying to be optimistic but am definitely confronting my own mortality. Am alternating between being depressed and trying to be hopeful.

    I have another question as well - has anyone done radiation for something like this? The cancer seems to be localized and I know that tomotherapy can be very precise when you are trying to avoid organs and such. This seems like a possible option as well. I have not seen my oncologist yet so we haven't discussed this option.


    Support for you
    Just wanted to add my thoughts and prayers that this time around goes easier. Are you in Oregon? Have a wonderful trip and try not to worry.
    ((Hugs)) Joan
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Hi Kathy,

    So sorry you have to do this again.. such a bummer when one first hears the news. Sending lots of prayers for minimal side effects. For me topo made me feel like I had the flu and I got the avastin headaches adn high blood pressure but avastin killed a lot of the tumors I had. Prayers N Hugs Bonnie
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645

    So sorry to hear more treatments. I can not offer any advice as I have not had Avastin or Topotecan. But I can pray for you and will.
