Need Help with Quest. for Onc...

heeler728 Member Posts: 12
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I met with the surg today,one wk post op and here it is. My orig. biopsy showed IDC w/at least one node involved.Her2neg.Estrogen Pos.Stage2.Today after surgery Her2Neg.Stage3. 4of 12 nodes Pos and I also have Estrogen Pos(the largest of these were .08cm) and Neg tumors(though these little suckers were only 5mm or smaller)(My mom always told me I was a difficult child).What I need from my sisters here is what kind of questions to ask the onc.The good news today was-1 drain out 1 comes out the first of the week and back to work on Wed.2wks after surgery(my kids and staff are having way to much fun w/o me).


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I'd ask for exercises for
    I'd ask for exercises for the arm and how much you should do them. I babied my arm and ended up with a frozen shoulder and had to go to a physical therapist. That was painful. Probably should ask the surgeon tho.
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    I guess I don't understand what questions you want to ask. About your treatment? Like what is next? Your chance of a recurrence? Exercises for your arm? Will you be on hormone treatment? If you look on this site and and the susan b. komen site..they have a list of questions that you might go thru and see which might apply to what you may want to ask. Did this help? Good luck!
  • heeler728
    heeler728 Member Posts: 12
    Noel said:

    I guess I don't understand what questions you want to ask. About your treatment? Like what is next? Your chance of a recurrence? Exercises for your arm? Will you be on hormone treatment? If you look on this site and and the susan b. komen site..they have a list of questions that you might go thru and see which might apply to what you may want to ask. Did this help? Good luck!

    Yes this helps. I don't want to seem like a blump when i go for my appt. I want to be informed about what they want to do, what the hope to achieve with it and what it will do to me. It's still my body. Thanks for pointing me in the direction. Robin