Swine Flu

dixchi Member Posts: 431
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Wonder if anyone else out there is concerned about getting
the swine flu.......here I am getting on a plane Friday to
go to my high school reunion in Alabama and wondering if I
should wear a mask. I am doing ok, chemo ended in Dec.
and latest scans and blood work are good but I wonder if
my immune system is back to its norm....hope all of you
do whatever is needed to fend off this menace.....



  • dmdwins
    dmdwins Member Posts: 454 Member
    I get Research and Treatment
    I get Research and Treatment news updates from the CRC and they just sent a recommendation from the CDC about Swine flu and cancer patients. Their recommendations were pretty much common sense:
    Avoid large groups or crowds
    Use Handwashing
    Stay away from people with signs of illness
    Call oncologist Immediately if fever,cough etc.

    I also recently got an update regarding results of a study using Avastin in the adjuvant setting(disappointing results)I feel like I am able to stay informed this way.You can sign up for updates at the website fightcolorectalcancer.org if you are interested also.
  • dixchi
    dixchi Member Posts: 431
    dmdwins said:

    I get Research and Treatment
    I get Research and Treatment news updates from the CRC and they just sent a recommendation from the CDC about Swine flu and cancer patients. Their recommendations were pretty much common sense:
    Avoid large groups or crowds
    Use Handwashing
    Stay away from people with signs of illness
    Call oncologist Immediately if fever,cough etc.

    I also recently got an update regarding results of a study using Avastin in the adjuvant setting(disappointing results)I feel like I am able to stay informed this way.You can sign up for updates at the website fightcolorectalcancer.org if you are interested also.

    VP Biden just put a shoe in mouth I think by saying he would'nt go
    anywhere in an enclosed space right now.....i.e., recirculating air
    in plane, classroom.....now CNN is saying that may be overkill....
    I am sure they don't want to shut the world completely down....can't
    avoid crowds if you are traveling and going to a reunion and I don't
    want to miss it....will probably get some masks and take my chances....
    wash hands, etc.

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    Barbara be sure to get the good masks that were developed for SARS....our public officer of health is saying the surgical masks are useless unless you are sick and trying not to spread disease to someone else.

    sorry you have this complication for your reunion.

    I am sure all of us on chemo are thinking about compromised immune systems

  • kimby
    kimby Member Posts: 797
    dixchi said:

    VP Biden just put a shoe in mouth I think by saying he would'nt go
    anywhere in an enclosed space right now.....i.e., recirculating air
    in plane, classroom.....now CNN is saying that may be overkill....
    I am sure they don't want to shut the world completely down....can't
    avoid crowds if you are traveling and going to a reunion and I don't
    want to miss it....will probably get some masks and take my chances....
    wash hands, etc.



    Joe Biden always put his foot in his mouth. What else is new, he even did that during the campaign. Go to your reunion. Life is for living and illness has robbed you of enough of that. Don't let fear rob you of more. Have FUN! Toast us all while you're there.

    Chuckles and Grins,

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    kimby said:


    Joe Biden always put his foot in his mouth. What else is new, he even did that during the campaign. Go to your reunion. Life is for living and illness has robbed you of enough of that. Don't let fear rob you of more. Have FUN! Toast us all while you're there.

    Chuckles and Grins,


    Ha Ha Kimby
    You are so right about Joe Biden. I think he lives with his foot in his mouth.

    Go to that reunion and have fun. I think they make too big a deal out of the swine flu personally. You can't live your life by fear. If you miss this reunion just because the possibility of you getting something is so slim, you will deny yourself a great pleasure and something you have been looking forward to for so long. Everyday we could catch something or other. Bring your mask if you feel better. It would ease your mind and you could still attend.

    Go and Have fun!

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    You should ALL wear masks, then keep them on at the reunion and try to guess who is who
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    PhillieG said:

    You should ALL wear masks, then keep them on at the reunion and try to guess who is who

    LOL Phil!! Now THAT made me choke on my morning tea!! LOL!!

    Dix... by all means, go to your reunion. Had we not had this Swine flu outbreak on the News, what would you have done to prevent yourself from any unnecessary exposure to unwanted germs? Common sense. You would wash your hands, eat healthy, and avoid anyone who appears to have the sniffles, sneezes and coughing. That is exactly how you are to treat this latest news... common sense is all that is needed :) They say that this swine flu is passed on hand to hand or human contact such as kissing. Were you planing on actually kissing all these folk at the reunion? If you were... then maybe you should reconsider... and no French kissing ;);)

    The way I look at it... as soon as CNN sinks their teeth into a story, you know when they have it's own theme music, they've already gone over the top ;) (has anyone else noticed that or is it just me... who composes the music for CNN for the disaster stories??) Just don't go into the reunion humming the latest disaster theme song and you'll be fine :)


  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member

    LOL Phil!! Now THAT made me choke on my morning tea!! LOL!!

    Dix... by all means, go to your reunion. Had we not had this Swine flu outbreak on the News, what would you have done to prevent yourself from any unnecessary exposure to unwanted germs? Common sense. You would wash your hands, eat healthy, and avoid anyone who appears to have the sniffles, sneezes and coughing. That is exactly how you are to treat this latest news... common sense is all that is needed :) They say that this swine flu is passed on hand to hand or human contact such as kissing. Were you planing on actually kissing all these folk at the reunion? If you were... then maybe you should reconsider... and no French kissing ;);)

    The way I look at it... as soon as CNN sinks their teeth into a story, you know when they have it's own theme music, they've already gone over the top ;) (has anyone else noticed that or is it just me... who composes the music for CNN for the disaster stories??) Just don't go into the reunion humming the latest disaster theme song and you'll be fine :)



    enjoy your trip
    Dix, Enjoy your trip! You're wise to be careful, wash hands, mask on airplane if you would feel better. You've been looking forward to your reunion ... go for it!

    Cheryl, I have to agree with you about the media hype. Theme songs, etc.. I hate to say it but 36,000 American's die from the "normal flu" each year and we all keep living our lives. I also think the drug companies like to stir this stuff up. I think common sense should prevail.
  • dixchi
    dixchi Member Posts: 431
    Pot Bellies
    It will probably be hard to Id anyone since a lot will have
    pot bellies, balding heads and no teeth.....looking nothing
    like their graduation photo....only thing I'm going to kiss
    is my dog when I leave...but sometimes I get worried about
    that since I know she puts her fact into some strange things
    in the back yard and I may wind up with a ring of poison
    ivy around my mouth.....haha.....Thanks all....will give
    you the highlights when I return.

  • trainer
    trainer Member Posts: 241
    Kimby is right! Live life and enjoy it!
    If you feel safer wearing a mask, why not take a magic marker and paint a big smile on it. That would add some levity to the situation and maybe bring a little sanity.

    Bring a couple extras and challenge some others to decorate a mask as they wish. You might start a fad.At the least, you'll have an icebreaker opportunity and you won't be alone. But don't they wear bandanas in Alabama?
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