Stage !V BC (Input needed)

NeNe60 Member Posts: 11
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have been a bc cancer patient since 2003. Just one year ago I was diagnosed with stage IV which has metasticized in the abdominal area. I have had in 2003 adriamicin, taxol, 36 rounds of rads and was in remission until March of 2008. I had now been taking chemo for a year but my cancer is now becoming resistant. Just two weeks ago I was placed on Xeloda. So far so good. I am blessed to have had the time I have had and try to enjoy life as best that I can each day. My family and friends are all so supportive. What a true blessing! I know that God enfolds me in his abuncance of love each day.


  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Greetings to you, NeNe60
    So sorry for the mets. Wishing you strength of spirit to continue. With heartfelt hopes & prayers your way. And sincere best wishes for effective treatment.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • djteach
    djteach Member Posts: 273
    Hi NeNe
    I am also stage IV, with mets to my vertebra and my right lung. I was diagnosed in Sept. 2005. You already have one of the best weapons for fighting cancer, your positive attitude.
    You hang in there and keep fighting and I'll fight right along with you. You are in my prayers. I'm so happy that you have such supportive friends and family. It truly makes life so much easier. Welcome!

    Love and gentle hugs,
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Xeloda...many have used it...
    Mainly on the colon cancer side, but I understand it's being used for breast cancer, too...and you just confirmed it! As you probably know, this metabolizes as 5FU, an anti-cancer drug that has been around for a very long time.

    Another colon chemo you might ask about (heard this is used in breast cancer now, too) is Avastin. I know it is a 'heavy hitter' but it was approved about a year ago for breast cancer. It is a wonder drug for many stage IV colon cancer survivors...

    I do love your attitude! And I know that my relationship with my God lifted me thru many awful times...including the latest with my beau with his heart...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • NeNe60
    NeNe60 Member Posts: 11
    djteach said:

    Hi NeNe
    I am also stage IV, with mets to my vertebra and my right lung. I was diagnosed in Sept. 2005. You already have one of the best weapons for fighting cancer, your positive attitude.
    You hang in there and keep fighting and I'll fight right along with you. You are in my prayers. I'm so happy that you have such supportive friends and family. It truly makes life so much easier. Welcome!

    Love and gentle hugs,

    Gosh! It is so wonderful to have friends who truly understand our world of bc and chemo. However, I would not be hanging around today if it were not for the treatments. I hope that things are going well for you, also. Thanks for caring!

  • JoyD
    JoyD Member Posts: 81
    Avastin is now being used for Colon Cancer. As for the Breast Cancer, its now Phase III and I am currently in the clinical study for Avastin. A couple of weeks ago, it has been approved for Lung Cancer too.

    Pls ask your Oncologist about this.

  • 1surfermom
    1surfermom Member Posts: 396 Member
    JoyD said:

    Avastin is now being used for Colon Cancer. As for the Breast Cancer, its now Phase III and I am currently in the clinical study for Avastin. A couple of weeks ago, it has been approved for Lung Cancer too.

    Pls ask your Oncologist about this.


    clinical trial
    NeNe You may also request to be admitted in a clinical trial. I am in one and I find that I am watched much closer.The study I am in provides a nurse who I see at my onc. appts and at my infusions. Once I am through with this beast they will watch me for five years. Check this website to see if you fit any of the protocal for trails.
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    KathiM said:

    Xeloda...many have used it...
    Mainly on the colon cancer side, but I understand it's being used for breast cancer, too...and you just confirmed it! As you probably know, this metabolizes as 5FU, an anti-cancer drug that has been around for a very long time.

    Another colon chemo you might ask about (heard this is used in breast cancer now, too) is Avastin. I know it is a 'heavy hitter' but it was approved about a year ago for breast cancer. It is a wonder drug for many stage IV colon cancer survivors...

    I do love your attitude! And I know that my relationship with my God lifted me thru many awful times...including the latest with my beau with his heart...

    Hugs, Kathi

    Sorry to hijack this thread, but
    I just wanted to let you know, Kathi, what an inspiring you example you set for all of us, whether survivors or (like me) caregivers. I realize God doesn't give us anything more than we can handle, but even so you have handled an awful lot with both grace and class. I sure hope that you and Hans can catch a break and finally get to enjoy your big trip sometime soon!

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    I just saw this thread and wanted to lend my two cents. I was a stage 4 with mets to my chest wall (muscle) and the sentinel node located there. I was on chemo for a year and had a total of 16 weeks of rads. This was in 1998, I had a recurrance on the opposite breast in 07 had a mastectomy and more chemo. Currently I am NED so keep the faith and do not stop fighting you just never know what blessings will come your way.


  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    RE said:

    I just saw this thread and wanted to lend my two cents. I was a stage 4 with mets to my chest wall (muscle) and the sentinel node located there. I was on chemo for a year and had a total of 16 weeks of rads. This was in 1998, I had a recurrance on the opposite breast in 07 had a mastectomy and more chemo. Currently I am NED so keep the faith and do not stop fighting you just never know what blessings will come your way.



    You are one of the bravest people I know
    RE, I did not know that you were Stage IV before. I respect and love you! Hope the reconstruction is going well. I really look up to you! Love, Lynn
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    RE said:

    I just saw this thread and wanted to lend my two cents. I was a stage 4 with mets to my chest wall (muscle) and the sentinel node located there. I was on chemo for a year and had a total of 16 weeks of rads. This was in 1998, I had a recurrance on the opposite breast in 07 had a mastectomy and more chemo. Currently I am NED so keep the faith and do not stop fighting you just never know what blessings will come your way.



    You are an AMAZING example & inspiration for all of us! You've been through so much, yet give so much of yourself in order to support & encourage others.

    Thank you, dear RE.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • jojo elizapest
    jojo elizapest Member Posts: 122
    RE said:

    I just saw this thread and wanted to lend my two cents. I was a stage 4 with mets to my chest wall (muscle) and the sentinel node located there. I was on chemo for a year and had a total of 16 weeks of rads. This was in 1998, I had a recurrance on the opposite breast in 07 had a mastectomy and more chemo. Currently I am NED so keep the faith and do not stop fighting you just never know what blessings will come your way.



    Thanks for this timely post.
    Thanks for this timely post. In preparation for my last of four chemo sessions on the 29th I met with Onc...learned that I will have 1 additional with this cocktail and then enter 'phase II' with a different cocktail for another 4 sessions....should take me through August. Grappling with the thought that I may not get back to work this year, may not sprout a hair this year, finding things to do that occupy my brain and my hands....

    Hearing that you had a year of chemo...I having read many positive and caring posts that you have offered...I feel a renewed sense of 'bring it on...'

    When the lining of my lung is clear (hopefully after phase II) then we will talk surgery on breast and lymph nodes followed by probably more chemo and the tunnel is long and I can't quite see the flashlights at the end yet...but I have confidence and find comfort that they are there.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member

    Thanks for this timely post.
    Thanks for this timely post. In preparation for my last of four chemo sessions on the 29th I met with Onc...learned that I will have 1 additional with this cocktail and then enter 'phase II' with a different cocktail for another 4 sessions....should take me through August. Grappling with the thought that I may not get back to work this year, may not sprout a hair this year, finding things to do that occupy my brain and my hands....

    Hearing that you had a year of chemo...I having read many positive and caring posts that you have offered...I feel a renewed sense of 'bring it on...'

    When the lining of my lung is clear (hopefully after phase II) then we will talk surgery on breast and lymph nodes followed by probably more chemo and the tunnel is long and I can't quite see the flashlights at the end yet...but I have confidence and find comfort that they are there.

    Keep your chin up Jojo, it is a rough road I remember well but it is doable. I recall the exhaustion and wishing I had some hair but honestly it was all worth it! Cheering you on, keep us posted on you do we are here for you.

  • Lelana
    Lelana Member Posts: 32
    Xeloda !
    It's one of the best medicines out there !
    My wife was given it, but had every side affect there was to it , so she had to stop taking it. Now she is taking something else in IV, just started it last monday.
    Loni is also stage IV, and she is winning this battle !
    All the tumors in her right lung are completely gone, and the fluid around the same lung is all gone too ! Now she is working on a spot found on her liver, that is what the Xeloda was for! She will still beat this,there are so many drugs now to chose from, not like 12 years ago! You will also beat this! Keep up the fight and the good results will come in time!
    Tom and Loni