a party??

rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Goodmorning sisters (and brothers)
I am getting my last chemo on Thursday. YEAH! it hasn't been that bad. And i want to thank you all for being here for me. I honestly don't know what i would have done without all the support and kindness from you all. Thanks for holding your flashlights while i stumbled through the tunnel. You understand me like no one else can. and i love you my new friends!

My old friends (and co-workers) who i also love dearly are planning a party for me Sat. in the park..there will be a barbeque, music by a talented friend..and i'm sure the beer and wine will flow! This is such a sweet gesture and i love them all....but this is my dilema, they asked my hubbie first because they wanted it to be a surprise. Bob told them they should ask me because he doesn't know how i will be feeling.So they called and told me the plans, they want to do it before i leave for Rads and they want to do it Sat. I told them i HOPED i would feel ok. so they are going ahead. I think they are celebrating that it will be over and that soon i will be back to work and back to the old Jackie. I know from reading here it will take a little longer than they think. And i really can't say how i will feel on Sat. but i guess i will go i might just sit in a lawn chair with my bald head shining in the sun!! as for the beer and wine..I don't think so. I wish so much that i will not be so tired and that i could enjoy it as much as they will. I sure am going to try.

I still have a long way to go. Rads, a year of herceptin treatments and 5 years of anti-estrogen pills. But i guess we should celebrate each of our miles stones. Maybe I will bounce right back like MIMi did and maybe just the relief that chemo is done will perk me up. I would love to know how you all celebrated the end of chemo.( or will celebrate.
Love and hugs


  • jakeca
    jakeca Member Posts: 92
    finishing chemo
    Finishing chemo is absolutely reason for celebration. But I think your expectations are realistic--that you might just sit in a lawn chair and observe. It will take a while for your strength to come back. Although I congratulate your friends on wanting to help you celebrate, I wish they had asked you about when you might feel up to a party. Two days following chemo could be tough, even if it is your last one. Yes, you will feel a certain "buoyancy" since it is the last, but you will still have physical side effects that are hard ignore. I guess if I were you, I would try to put in an appearance, but when you need to go, GO HOME! They can use any excuse to party whether you are there or not.

    Yes, the road ahead is long, but you have made it through the bumpiest part! Congratulations!
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    The good thing about the
    The good thing about the party being not at your home is you can leave when you get tired. Just make sure they know not to come if they have a cold. If you don't feel well they can always film the party and you can view it later. Congratulations on finishing.
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    I know you must be so happy to be done this Thursday with chemo. And, how kind of your friends to throw you a party. However, if you don't feel like it..don't go. And, if you do go and feel tired..just leave. They will certainly understand! Noone expects us to be superwomen..they know or they try to know and understand what we have been thru. Just do what feels good and right for you! And, congrats again!
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    to party or not
    Jackie - this party is for you! There's an old Leslie Gore song: "It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want to." I think this is the time of our lives when we HAVE to be selfish for our sanity. Do what YOU need to do, with love of course. These people love you and will understand. Lynn
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Mine wasn't as big a deal
    Mine wasn't celebrated like that(which,by the way,I hope you are able to enjoy-you've earned it!!). Instead,I had had my eye on some t-shirts that my cancer center was selling that they had displayed. They were selling them for this foundation that helps out with treatments,wigs,etc. for the patients at the center there who are having a hard time financially with it. Anyways,I had told myself that when I was through with chemo,I would buy one for myself. It's pretty neat,on the front it has the cancer ribbon and says "Cancer sucks"-and on the back it's a spoof on "Survivor" and says something like"I'm a survivor". I wear it proudly and don't ever care if someone is offended by the cancer sucks-because it does!!
    I also got a certificate of graduation from chemo signed by the doctor and nurses-a neat keepsake!
    Congratulations on soon finishing your milestone-that's awesome! Take this one step at a time like everyone says!

  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Hey Jackie, you have
    Hey Jackie, you have wonderful friends that are very happy you are done with the worst part of this journey. Like everyone else said, stay as long as you feel up to it, and when you get tired go home. I'm sure they will understand. In the meantime, we will be celebrating cyberly with you. And you know for a fact I will be doing the happy nekkid dance for you! Yikes!!!!! I'm glad it's almost done for you and happy we were all able to shine that flashlight while you were stumbling in the tunnel. Now, you've reached the end. Rads will make you feel tired, but after chemo, it will feel like a walk in the park. Good luck my dear friend and I will be thinking of you on Thursday. Hugs, Lili
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    You have wonderful friends!
    Hello, Jackie. First - heartfelt congratulations for your upcoming final chemotherapy treatment! YAY! You did it!

    I'm so glad to know you've got such wonderful, caring friends. The celebration is certainly a heartfelt gesture on their part. Thank goodness, though, that your husband knew (wise man!) that a "surprise" might not be the best thing for you so soon after that last chemo (what a guy!). You've already very honestly told them that you HOPE you can attend; so, they shouldn't expect too much from you. As the others here have advised, just take it one day at a time. If you're not feeling all that well - but, can muster up a short appearance... Well, then, so be it. Just don't overtax yourself for the sake of others. They'll simply have to understand if you can't stay, or join in with all of the festivities.

    Good luck on Thursday - I'll be thinking of you, with best wishes!

    Kind regards, Susan

    P.S.: I got a "diploma" from the staff after my final chemo; and, another one when I finished rads. My last chemo treatment took place on New Year's Eve (it was a bummer!). I won't tell you how I "celebrated" - because it might frighten you needlessly. (My chemo was extremely high dosage - average 12 treatments "compressed" into 6 for me.)
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988

    Hey Jackie, you have
    Hey Jackie, you have wonderful friends that are very happy you are done with the worst part of this journey. Like everyone else said, stay as long as you feel up to it, and when you get tired go home. I'm sure they will understand. In the meantime, we will be celebrating cyberly with you. And you know for a fact I will be doing the happy nekkid dance for you! Yikes!!!!! I'm glad it's almost done for you and happy we were all able to shine that flashlight while you were stumbling in the tunnel. Now, you've reached the end. Rads will make you feel tired, but after chemo, it will feel like a walk in the park. Good luck my dear friend and I will be thinking of you on Thursday. Hugs, Lili

    Hey Jackie....I've already
    Hey Jackie....I've already turned my flashlight on, just in case I needed new batteries. Just didn't want you to miss the end of the tunnel. I will be thinking of you on Thursday, as well as Mimi and Moopy on Friday.....almost there, girls.


  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Bob made exactly the right call
    I think it's very appropriate that your fan club get together to celebrate your last chemo, Jackie: you know Moopy and I will definitely be pulling for you. I also believe Bob made exactly the right call: you can be there at the bash in spirit while your pals are partying down. Just make sure they leave enough of the hootch for you to enjoy once you're all recovered and ready to do a little partying yourself!

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Aortus said:

    Bob made exactly the right call
    I think it's very appropriate that your fan club get together to celebrate your last chemo, Jackie: you know Moopy and I will definitely be pulling for you. I also believe Bob made exactly the right call: you can be there at the bash in spirit while your pals are partying down. Just make sure they leave enough of the hootch for you to enjoy once you're all recovered and ready to do a little partying yourself!


    you men would stick together
    and that is because you are smart and very supportive men, who know us almost as we know ourselves. It has been a hard time for you and Bob also. You guys deserve a party too.

    Moopy will be finishing this week also is it Fri? I can't believe we have gone through all of this together..and you and Moopy will be at my party in spirit also I would never forget you at home. You have both made this milestone so much easier , Moopy and i will come stumbling out of the tunnel together..and no one will be cheering louder than you and Bob.

    God Bless,
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member

    Mine wasn't as big a deal
    Mine wasn't celebrated like that(which,by the way,I hope you are able to enjoy-you've earned it!!). Instead,I had had my eye on some t-shirts that my cancer center was selling that they had displayed. They were selling them for this foundation that helps out with treatments,wigs,etc. for the patients at the center there who are having a hard time financially with it. Anyways,I had told myself that when I was through with chemo,I would buy one for myself. It's pretty neat,on the front it has the cancer ribbon and says "Cancer sucks"-and on the back it's a spoof on "Survivor" and says something like"I'm a survivor". I wear it proudly and don't ever care if someone is offended by the cancer sucks-because it does!!
    I also got a certificate of graduation from chemo signed by the doctor and nurses-a neat keepsake!
    Congratulations on soon finishing your milestone-that's awesome! Take this one step at a time like everyone says!


    My daughter gave me a hat pin that says f##k you cancer. I haven't worn it in public, but somedays i sure feel like it!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member

    Mine wasn't as big a deal
    Mine wasn't celebrated like that(which,by the way,I hope you are able to enjoy-you've earned it!!). Instead,I had had my eye on some t-shirts that my cancer center was selling that they had displayed. They were selling them for this foundation that helps out with treatments,wigs,etc. for the patients at the center there who are having a hard time financially with it. Anyways,I had told myself that when I was through with chemo,I would buy one for myself. It's pretty neat,on the front it has the cancer ribbon and says "Cancer sucks"-and on the back it's a spoof on "Survivor" and says something like"I'm a survivor". I wear it proudly and don't ever care if someone is offended by the cancer sucks-because it does!!
    I also got a certificate of graduation from chemo signed by the doctor and nurses-a neat keepsake!
    Congratulations on soon finishing your milestone-that's awesome! Take this one step at a time like everyone says!


    Fabulous T-Shirt!
    Patty - I'm gonna look for one of those!!! Is is pink? Or, purple - for all cancers? Doesn't matter... I want one!

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    rjjj said:

    My daughter gave me a hat pin that says f##k you cancer. I haven't worn it in public, but somedays i sure feel like it!

    HA HA Hat!!!
    Oh, Jackie... I want one of those hats, too!!! Go ahead - wear it when you go fishing! How many people do you see when you're out there? HEY - wear it to your party on Saturday!!! Even if you never wear it, it's one heckuva keepsake!

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    rjjj said:

    you men would stick together
    and that is because you are smart and very supportive men, who know us almost as we know ourselves. It has been a hard time for you and Bob also. You guys deserve a party too.

    Moopy will be finishing this week also is it Fri? I can't believe we have gone through all of this together..and you and Moopy will be at my party in spirit also I would never forget you at home. You have both made this milestone so much easier , Moopy and i will come stumbling out of the tunnel together..and no one will be cheering louder than you and Bob.

    God Bless,

    Well put, Jackie
    Moopy does indeed have her last chemo on Friday. She's tired but in good spirits; her dad and stepmom are staying with us right now or she'd be typing this herself. And yes, Bob and I will indeed be yelling and cheering our ladies on. I can think of nobody I'd rather be hollering along with!

  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565

    Fabulous T-Shirt!
    Patty - I'm gonna look for one of those!!! Is is pink? Or, purple - for all cancers? Doesn't matter... I want one!

    Kind regards, Susan

    I'll see if they have any more
    I got it in January of 2008,so not sure if they have any more. I could go in between now and the end of next week to see. What size do you wear-it's cotton blend so it won't shrink.
    And I know that we all don't like to get too personal here,but if I can get ahold of one,I can send it to you. Let me see if they have any left and we can go on from there!
    Love,Patty P.S. It's a purple ribbon I'm supposing for all cancers.
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510

    Mine wasn't as big a deal
    Mine wasn't celebrated like that(which,by the way,I hope you are able to enjoy-you've earned it!!). Instead,I had had my eye on some t-shirts that my cancer center was selling that they had displayed. They were selling them for this foundation that helps out with treatments,wigs,etc. for the patients at the center there who are having a hard time financially with it. Anyways,I had told myself that when I was through with chemo,I would buy one for myself. It's pretty neat,on the front it has the cancer ribbon and says "Cancer sucks"-and on the back it's a spoof on "Survivor" and says something like"I'm a survivor". I wear it proudly and don't ever care if someone is offended by the cancer sucks-because it does!!
    I also got a certificate of graduation from chemo signed by the doctor and nurses-a neat keepsake!
    Congratulations on soon finishing your milestone-that's awesome! Take this one step at a time like everyone says!


    Hey Patty: I would love one
    Hey Patty: I would love one of those shirts. Does your cancer center still have any left? I would send you a check to cover the cost of the shirt and shipping. Let me know. Hugs, Lili