Chemo patients, take heart

jakeca Member Posts: 92
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Just wanted to give an encouraging word to those of you who are currently doing chemo and wonder if you will ever feel good again. Well, you will! My last chemo treatment was Feb 10th and my last radiation was last Friday. This morning, I tore into my bathroom and cleaned it from top to bottom--vanity drawers and all. All winter, I had just been cleaning with a "lick and a promise" if you know what I mean. It felt so good to deep clean. I plan to keep going until I've been through the whole house. Of course with spring comes yard work and gardening, so it may take all summer. Who knows? Who cares? I'm just so glad to have some energy back. I hope that all of you can make a complete recovery, too.


  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Thank You
    Jakeca, your message could not have come at a better time for me. I was just thinking about the radiation to come and wondering hopelessly if I will ever get my energy back. Feeling very depressed, too, of course. Thank you for a very encouraging post!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Heartfelt congratulations for completing your treatments! A difficult task, at best - and, you did it! So glad you're already feeling better, with energy returning. Thanks for sharing...

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Thank You
    Jakeca, your message could not have come at a better time for me. I was just thinking about the radiation to come and wondering hopelessly if I will ever get my energy back. Feeling very depressed, too, of course. Thank you for a very encouraging post!

    Oh, Moopy...
    So sorry you're depressed; although, it's totally understandable. Especially considering where you are. It will get better for you, no doubt. Radiation will further your fatigue; but, still - you'll begin to heal from chemo. I napped a lot during radiation! Take good care of yourself, dear.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Spring cleaning!
    So glad you are feeling energetic. Isn't it cathartic to get in a nice deep cleaning? I plan to do the same when I finish my rads in late June. You go!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Thank You
    Jakeca, your message could not have come at a better time for me. I was just thinking about the radiation to come and wondering hopelessly if I will ever get my energy back. Feeling very depressed, too, of course. Thank you for a very encouraging post!

    tired and depressed
    Moopy, I so understand. I was exactly where you were during the fifth treatment. It hit me hard -- perhaps the hardest one of the bunch. I was so fatigued at one point that my legs shook when I was standing. But, I have a feeling you will be like me: a horrible fifth treatment and an easy sixth one. I swear I was over this last one in a few days. And now I feel great. I mean really great. No effects left, going strong. Here's to finishing up, Moopy.

  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    mimivac said:

    Spring cleaning!
    So glad you are feeling energetic. Isn't it cathartic to get in a nice deep cleaning? I plan to do the same when I finish my rads in late June. You go!

    Spring Cleaning
    Awwwwww...If any of you lovely people out there run out of stuff to clean....Please don't be afraid to contact me! Moopster, I cannot imagine you being depressed with such lovely dogs (Oh and that turquoise man...LOL) Hope everyone out there is feeling OK.....Huge Hugs Jxxxxxxxxx
  • beesharpe
    beesharpe Member Posts: 9
    These are words of
    These are words of encouragement. I have one more chemo treatment {April 30th }.Sometimes you wonder if you will feel good again.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Jakeca, congratulations on the umph to get down and dirty with the house cleaning, so glad you are feeling more energetic!

    Moopy, I promise it will get better and you will become more like your old self once all the treatments are behind you. I know exactly how you feel as I too have been there. One day once this is behind you it will suddenly dawn on you that your energy level is up! Be kind to yourself my friend, this is just a short period in the grand scheme of your life. You are gonna do great!

    Much Love,

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    your encouraging words make
    me see a little light coming at the end. it is also my second to the last and i am exhausted. i don't do much housecleaning or cooking but i am a very good supervisor to my hubbie. i bet he will be happier than me when my energy returns!! it is the thing i miss the most..besides my hair of course.
    blessings to you
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    I can't tell you how
    I can't tell you how wonderful that is to hear. You go girl!!!
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Woohooo doing the nekkid
    Woohooo doing the nekkid happy dance! Go out and celebrate!!!! Hugs, Lili
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    RE said:

    Jakeca, congratulations on the umph to get down and dirty with the house cleaning, so glad you are feeling more energetic!

    Moopy, I promise it will get better and you will become more like your old self once all the treatments are behind you. I know exactly how you feel as I too have been there. One day once this is behind you it will suddenly dawn on you that your energy level is up! Be kind to yourself my friend, this is just a short period in the grand scheme of your life. You are gonna do great!

    Much Love,


    Energy Level
    Thank you, Re, Susan, Julia, and Mimi. This fifth chemo has left me with wobbly legs, just like Mimi said. I appreciate your messages so much. I will do as you say, Re, and be more patient with myself. Thank you all, my friends. You have helped me, once again.
  • Mikes Sunshine
    Mikes Sunshine Member Posts: 129

    Woohooo doing the nekkid
    Woohooo doing the nekkid happy dance! Go out and celebrate!!!! Hugs, Lili

    jakeca, Thank you
    You give me hope that I will someday feel like digging into anything with a little energy. I am too very depressed and feeling as if I will never return to "normal". I am also suffering from the shaking leggs. I had my last chemo on April 10th and was hoping to be feeling some what better by now. It is still taking all the energy I can muster just to take a shower. Here's to better days ahead. Nancy
  • Mikes Sunshine
    Mikes Sunshine Member Posts: 129

    Woohooo doing the nekkid
    Woohooo doing the nekkid happy dance! Go out and celebrate!!!! Hugs, Lili

    jakeca, Thank you
    You give me hope that I will someday feel like digging into anything with a little energy. I am too very depressed and feeling as if I will never return to "normal". I am also suffering from the shaking leggs. I had my last chemo on April 10th and was hoping to be feeling some what better by now. It is still taking all the energy I can muster just to take a shower. Here's to better days ahead. Nancy