child cancer

wan13 Member Posts: 7
edited March 2014 in Bone Cancers #1
Two months ago my son was diagnosed with osteosarcoma on the lower end of the fibula bone just above the right ankle. He is undergoing chemotherapy now. It seems that this disease mostly occurs either on the tibia below the knee or on the bone above the knee but not near the ankle. He will have surgery to remove the tumour and part of the fibula bone and it seems a tricky operation. I would like to hear from anyone who had a tumour in the same place and had surgery

Thanks. My email is


  • KatlynP1994
    KatlynP1994 Member Posts: 3
    Your son
    When I was eight, I broke my leg. The doctors found adamantinoma. I had seven inches of my tibia removed and replaced with cadaver bone and two metal rods held together by fifteen screws. I didn't have to have chemo but it's been 6 years last Feburary...Everything will be okay...