Another surgery date!

kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello! Well, it looks like the wait may finally be over. It's hard to believe, but i have another surgery date planned for May the first. I would recap, but i don't even remember where i'm at. I was scheduled in February for the ileostomy takedown, and it got aborted while i was on the table because of stricture. Two dilations later, the GI and surgeon could not get their schedules in synch to finish the job. The GI wouldn't do the dilation in the morning, and the surgeon wanted it done in the morning so she could do the surgery right afterwards in the afternoon. So i guess the GI won the battle because i'm getting the dilation/colonoscopy at 1:00 in the afternoon, and she's doing the surgery after that!

Why do i get the feeling this has all been scripted???? I thought this would be a good time to finally quit smoking for good. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life!

Many hugs!


  • tiny one
    tiny one Member Posts: 465 Member
    I'm glad you have your surgery scheduled. I saw my surgeon yesterday and he basically told me these options. This is due to the problems I'm still having from my reversal. The radiation I received has caused narrowing in the rectal area. My options are to do nothing. Or he can try and remove the damaged area, which would be extensive surgery and I would have the bag temporarily again. Or to put the bag back on. I don't like any of these options. Think I'm going for a second opinion. I wonder if I hadn't had the radiation if I wouldn't have had these problems. Today I see my oncologist just for a checkup.
  • johnnybegood
    johnnybegood Member Posts: 1,117 Member
    tiny one said:

    I'm glad you have your surgery scheduled. I saw my surgeon yesterday and he basically told me these options. This is due to the problems I'm still having from my reversal. The radiation I received has caused narrowing in the rectal area. My options are to do nothing. Or he can try and remove the damaged area, which would be extensive surgery and I would have the bag temporarily again. Or to put the bag back on. I don't like any of these options. Think I'm going for a second opinion. I wonder if I hadn't had the radiation if I wouldn't have had these problems. Today I see my oncologist just for a checkup.

    i know
    what ya mean tiny still having issues.i wear a pad at nite because i seem to not have control over the muscle that pushes it fine during the day its just at nite when i sleep.i only had my iliostomy for 5 weeks just wondering when or if this gets any better.goodluk krista on your surgery i know it gets frustrating dealing with these doctors Godbless......johnnybegood
  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member

    i know
    what ya mean tiny still having issues.i wear a pad at nite because i seem to not have control over the muscle that pushes it fine during the day its just at nite when i sleep.i only had my iliostomy for 5 weeks just wondering when or if this gets any better.goodluk krista on your surgery i know it gets frustrating dealing with these doctors Godbless......johnnybegood

    I am glad things are moving along they way you would like now.good luck

  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    I am positive that all will go well :) and for the smoking, I am 2-years smoke free. I had been a smoker for 20+ years and when we purchased our new home there was NO smoking inside only in the garage, so when I started chemo in Aug 06 I was still smoking, but around Sept 06 the chemo and I just nicotine just didn't mix and I smoke one cig in the garage in the morning and never touch another one.

    My husband has been trying for several years to quit and is loosing the battle once again, but he is trying. He smokes about 10-12 cigs a day, which I guess is better than a pack.

    The cost of smoking sure has changed. In WV it is about $5.00+ per pack.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • FAPMom47
    FAPMom47 Member Posts: 68
    Good Luck
    Hope your surgery goes well. I just hate that we have to keep going through surgery, I have had 3 and getting ready for #4 and shortly after #5. I have FAP and non-cacerous poylps keep showing up.

    Many Hugs and Prayers
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    oh, i know
    Cigs have gone up here considerably too. I quit when i was first diagnosed for four months, then went back to it thinking i could control the addiction...HAHAHA. Total denial. The fact that my boyfriend smokes has honestly made it very difficult to quit since. Well, he just got diagnosed with GERD (gastroesophogeal reflux disease), and smoking is the second worst thing that aggravates it. NOW he wants to quit. I've been preparing myself for the last two months to quit, so it won't be as hard for me. Last night was our last cig! I'm doing okay, he's suffering. I just hope he doesn't go back. If he does, he must not smoke around me for at least a few months so it won't be tempting.

    Tiny...I do not like those options, either! I hope the second opinion can offer something else. What about stints (sp)?, or dilation? I'm so afraid i'll have the same problems because i have radiation scarring too. The dilation has worked. i'm still getting some backflow, albeit air. Johnnybegood, i heard that it takes twice as long as you had the ostomy to retrain your bowels. So ostomy for five weeks, things should be okay, or at least controllable in ten weeks. Everyone is different, though. I've heard of others who've bounced right back after having their ostomy for a long time.

    Thank you all for your well wishes, and advise.

  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    FAPMom47 said:

    Good Luck
    Hope your surgery goes well. I just hate that we have to keep going through surgery, I have had 3 and getting ready for #4 and shortly after #5. I have FAP and non-cacerous poylps keep showing up.

    Many Hugs and Prayers

    Jackie, where are you getting polyps? Do you still have some large intestine? I thought they took the large intestine so there wouldn't be anymore polyp problem? Does this have something to do with the stump you were talking about? I think i'll go online and look this up so i can stop asking you so many ignorant questions! LOL!
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member

    oh, i know
    Cigs have gone up here considerably too. I quit when i was first diagnosed for four months, then went back to it thinking i could control the addiction...HAHAHA. Total denial. The fact that my boyfriend smokes has honestly made it very difficult to quit since. Well, he just got diagnosed with GERD (gastroesophogeal reflux disease), and smoking is the second worst thing that aggravates it. NOW he wants to quit. I've been preparing myself for the last two months to quit, so it won't be as hard for me. Last night was our last cig! I'm doing okay, he's suffering. I just hope he doesn't go back. If he does, he must not smoke around me for at least a few months so it won't be tempting.

    Tiny...I do not like those options, either! I hope the second opinion can offer something else. What about stints (sp)?, or dilation? I'm so afraid i'll have the same problems because i have radiation scarring too. The dilation has worked. i'm still getting some backflow, albeit air. Johnnybegood, i heard that it takes twice as long as you had the ostomy to retrain your bowels. So ostomy for five weeks, things should be okay, or at least controllable in ten weeks. Everyone is different, though. I've heard of others who've bounced right back after having their ostomy for a long time.

    Thank you all for your well wishes, and advise.


    Question because I'm somewhat confused ;)
    Hey Krista and Tiny et al...

    I'm a little confused here and wonder if it is just me or if it is because the put colon, rectal and anal cancer all under the same umbrella of "colorectal". I hear of you all having what sounds like completely nasty results after your various surgeries... from narrowing to needing "dilation"(??) to having bowel issues with regards to diahrrea or constipation, etc.

    Am I one of the odd ducks because I don't have any of these issues or even close to them? Or is it because colon cancer is quite different from rectal or anal cancer? I realize when I was on chemo, there was the various odd bout of nausea or diahrrea which I know was caused by the meds (either the chemo or the meds to counteract the chemo side affects)

    When I read some of these things that you all go through, to having to wear pads at night, or pads when you are going for a drive in the car, I sometimes wonder if I'm on the wrong board... or are there others out there who have had colon cancer and do not have any of these symptoms/side affects?

    The reason I bring this up... I figure if I'm a little confused, then someone who has just newly been diagnosed, should they be expecting some of these side affects or does it really depend on the type of cancer, even though they all are under the colorectal umbrella?


  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member

    Question because I'm somewhat confused ;)
    Hey Krista and Tiny et al...

    I'm a little confused here and wonder if it is just me or if it is because the put colon, rectal and anal cancer all under the same umbrella of "colorectal". I hear of you all having what sounds like completely nasty results after your various surgeries... from narrowing to needing "dilation"(??) to having bowel issues with regards to diahrrea or constipation, etc.

    Am I one of the odd ducks because I don't have any of these issues or even close to them? Or is it because colon cancer is quite different from rectal or anal cancer? I realize when I was on chemo, there was the various odd bout of nausea or diahrrea which I know was caused by the meds (either the chemo or the meds to counteract the chemo side affects)

    When I read some of these things that you all go through, to having to wear pads at night, or pads when you are going for a drive in the car, I sometimes wonder if I'm on the wrong board... or are there others out there who have had colon cancer and do not have any of these symptoms/side affects?

    The reason I bring this up... I figure if I'm a little confused, then someone who has just newly been diagnosed, should they be expecting some of these side affects or does it really depend on the type of cancer, even though they all are under the colorectal umbrella?



    Hi Cheryl
    I understand your confusion. Colon cancer is different from rectal and anal cancer in only one major thing...rectal and anal cancer can be treated with radiation. That is what my onc told me, since mine was high up in the rectum, they weren't sure if radiation would work for me. The reason is because the colon is mobile, and almost impossible to target accurately. The rectum and anus aren't mobile. Then with the radiation treatments, you get all sorts of problems like the scarring. The scarring causes blockage, and other problems. Not to mention that with rectal cancer, anywhere from some, to all of a person's rectum is gone. The rectum is the storage facility for waste. It sits there until it's ready to tell you it's tim to go...when you're missing a portion of that, there isn't much time between storing, and having to go. Then you get urgnency, and accidents.

    So you're on the right board! You're just colo when we're rectal!

    many hugs,
  • FAPMom47
    FAPMom47 Member Posts: 68

    Jackie, where are you getting polyps? Do you still have some large intestine? I thought they took the large intestine so there wouldn't be anymore polyp problem? Does this have something to do with the stump you were talking about? I think i'll go online and look this up so i can stop asking you so many ignorant questions! LOL!

    Try being me trying to figure this all out. I will most definetly ask a million questions tomorrow. I just don't understand what is exactly going on. My large intestine was removed in 2005 all of it, it was covered in over 300 polyps. So I don't know if I have rectal or colorectal cancer. Sorry not much help.
    Many Hugs and Prayers
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    glad it's scheduled
    Hi Krista,

    I'm so glad you've finally got your long-awaited date for surgery. I hope and pray all will go well for you this time. You really went through a lot last time!
    Best wishes, also, with quitting smoking. I've never smoked, but I've heard it's harder to quit than quitting drugs. You can do it- hopefully your boyfriend will be strong too!
    Have you tried using anything like the patch or the nicorette gum or anything like that?

    You take care!
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    lisa42 said:

    glad it's scheduled
    Hi Krista,

    I'm so glad you've finally got your long-awaited date for surgery. I hope and pray all will go well for you this time. You really went through a lot last time!
    Best wishes, also, with quitting smoking. I've never smoked, but I've heard it's harder to quit than quitting drugs. You can do it- hopefully your boyfriend will be strong too!
    Have you tried using anything like the patch or the nicorette gum or anything like that?

    You take care!

    Hi Lisa!
    Thank you for your kind words! Yes, this time i think will be a charm. I quit the first time on Wellbutrin, but stopped it after only three weeks. I completely lost the craving, but i guess not the desire. The next time i got on the pills, it was harder, and i had to quit taking them because of insurance reasons. I've been back on them for four months now, and it has taken longer for them to work. I think they are now because the cravings are not that strong, and it's been nearly an entire day since i've smoked. By now i should be climbing the walls, but i'm fine! Just some physical withdrawls like dry mouth, and shakiness. Yes, i hope David can do it. He's going to have a much harder time, mainly because i don't think he really wants to quit.

    I will respond to your private email right now!

    Many hugs, girl!