Newbie here

christianchickcher Member Posts: 26
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1

My name is Cheryl and I have been diagnosed with stage 3c ovarian cancer. I had surgery on February 20 to remove the large mass on my ovary as well as a total hysterectomy, they also removed my appendix, lymph nodes, and the omentum (I hope that's what it is called). I was in surgery for 5 hours. What an ordeal it has been to heal.

Now, I'm gearing up to start IP chemo to get the small amount that was left behind my liver. There is a spot less than a cm, but my physician felt it was too risky to go after because of all I went through. They say my prognosis is good. I would really love to hear from anyone, especially those who have had or in process of having IP chemo. I will be on a 21 day cycle for the next 6 months, having treatments on day 1, 2, and 8.


  • arbor3
    arbor3 Member Posts: 103


  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    IP Chemo
    Hi Cheryl,

    I didn't have IP chemo, but from the results a couple of friends have had with that type of chemo delivery, I'd go for it if it was an option. It seems to be a better way of doing it, and you want the best results, of course.

    I know someone else on the board will step in and give you feedback on it, and I hope you'll have great success with it!

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  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member
    IP Chemo
    Hi Cheryl,
    I was dx with stage 3c in April of 2008...I had surgery and IP chemo. I was to do 6 sets of day 1, 2 and 8 but only got thru 3 sets because of blood clots in my lungs....I feel like the IP treatment gives you a much better chance of beating this was not hard to do the IP. My prayers and thoughts will be with you....stay hydrated!!! Chemo sucks all hydration out of you.
    Welcome you will get alot of advice and support here.
    ((HUGS))) Joan
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Hi Cheryl, and welcome to the club no one wanted to belong to. It sounds like you have a good surgeon that did a good job debulking you. Healing from surgery is no fun! You don't mention which chemo you are getting.

    I have OVCA 3C and after a complete debulk surgery I had carboplatin/taxol IV for 8 cycles, which is the gold standard for OVCA. I missed the 21 days by a few days a few times, but did very well otherwise. I had some fatigue and sore joints. My appetite was too good and I actually gained about 30 pounds.

    Since you will be doing IP, the side effects could be a bit harsher. There is a lot of info on this board if you go back to the archives. Reading up as much as you can, may help alleviate any fear or worry. It sure helped me a lot. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to post, the gals here are very caring and informative.

    Warm hugs,
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Hi Cheryl, welcome to the board and so glad you found us here. I never had IP therapy as they weren't doing it when I was diagnosed, but know you'll hear from lots of women that have. My chemo nurse says for those that even do one or two treatments do way better than those that don't. I am stage 3c survivor also. Sending lots of hugs ♥ prayers your way. Bonnie
  • ladyjogger31
    ladyjogger31 Member Posts: 289
    Hi Cheryl, welcome to this site. You will find a lot of information hear, also the women on this board are full of knowledge. I did not have an IP port but there are a few on here that have. Perhaps if you go back and check out old posts you will find some of the answers you are looking for.Please come back and let us know how you are doing.
    Hugs and Prayers, Terry
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Good you found this site!!!
    Hate to welcome new members but, since you found us, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!!!! I am stage IV and had 4 chemos before surgery of taxol/carboplatin, major debulking surgery including burning out three tumors in my liver by radio frequency, then 5 more chemos, non by IP. Then I chose to have a maintenance dose of taxol (lower) and got thru 11 of those before it quit working.

    For now, you need to recover from surgery and deal with the chemo side effects (constipation, neuropathy, nausea,and bone and joint pain.) It is better if you educate yourself before the first dose.
    You can search this site by entering these side effects in the upper right hand box of this page and reading past posts. I did have first time ever, constipation. I took Vit. B6 and L-glutamine for the neuropathy from the start and had very little of that. I also was not hit with nausea much, but took my anti nausea pills the doctor gave me. Fatigue was my largest side effect.

    Now I am on the anti-estrogen pill "Femara" which works on about 10-15% OVCA but is usally used in breast cancer. My CA125 is around 50 and my CT scans and physicals are clear so far.

    (((HUGS))) Saundra
  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312
    saundra said:

    Good you found this site!!!
    Hate to welcome new members but, since you found us, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!!!! I am stage IV and had 4 chemos before surgery of taxol/carboplatin, major debulking surgery including burning out three tumors in my liver by radio frequency, then 5 more chemos, non by IP. Then I chose to have a maintenance dose of taxol (lower) and got thru 11 of those before it quit working.

    For now, you need to recover from surgery and deal with the chemo side effects (constipation, neuropathy, nausea,and bone and joint pain.) It is better if you educate yourself before the first dose.
    You can search this site by entering these side effects in the upper right hand box of this page and reading past posts. I did have first time ever, constipation. I took Vit. B6 and L-glutamine for the neuropathy from the start and had very little of that. I also was not hit with nausea much, but took my anti nausea pills the doctor gave me. Fatigue was my largest side effect.

    Now I am on the anti-estrogen pill "Femara" which works on about 10-15% OVCA but is usally used in breast cancer. My CA125 is around 50 and my CT scans and physicals are clear so far.

    (((HUGS))) Saundra

    HI Cheryl
    I am a 7 year survivor taking chemo off and on. Didnt have IP. I pray for the best for you and pray you don't have to go thru this for very long. We all have been thru a lot and each of us are individuals on how things effect us and what helps but we have been thru the tiredness and weakness and just know you can and will get better. I too am here for you.
    Prayers and Hugs
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I have no experience with IP, but lots of experience with OVCA. You'll need time to heal from the surgery, no doubt, but you are well on your way to getting better, one day at a time! Keep us up-to-date and let us know how you are doing with treatments. Welcome to the board!

    Luv, Hugs, Prayers,
  • christianchickcher
    christianchickcher Member Posts: 26
    arbor3 said:




    Positive thoughts
    Thank you for the positive thoughts, they definitely help.
  • christianchickcher
    christianchickcher Member Posts: 26
    JoanC said:

    IP Chemo
    Hi Cheryl,
    I was dx with stage 3c in April of 2008...I had surgery and IP chemo. I was to do 6 sets of day 1, 2 and 8 but only got thru 3 sets because of blood clots in my lungs....I feel like the IP treatment gives you a much better chance of beating this was not hard to do the IP. My prayers and thoughts will be with you....stay hydrated!!! Chemo sucks all hydration out of you.
    Welcome you will get alot of advice and support here.
    ((HUGS))) Joan

    Thanks for the tip on staying hydrated. I wish you the very best as well.
  • christianchickcher
    christianchickcher Member Posts: 26
    kayandok said:

    Hi Cheryl, and welcome to the club no one wanted to belong to. It sounds like you have a good surgeon that did a good job debulking you. Healing from surgery is no fun! You don't mention which chemo you are getting.

    I have OVCA 3C and after a complete debulk surgery I had carboplatin/taxol IV for 8 cycles, which is the gold standard for OVCA. I missed the 21 days by a few days a few times, but did very well otherwise. I had some fatigue and sore joints. My appetite was too good and I actually gained about 30 pounds.

    Since you will be doing IP, the side effects could be a bit harsher. There is a lot of info on this board if you go back to the archives. Reading up as much as you can, may help alleviate any fear or worry. It sure helped me a lot. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to post, the gals here are very caring and informative.

    Warm hugs,

    Thank you for the warm welcome and how to search for information. Much appreciated. I am sore since I had my ports installed. It's always something isn't it.
  • christianchickcher
    christianchickcher Member Posts: 26
    BonnieR said:

    Hi Cheryl, welcome to the board and so glad you found us here. I never had IP therapy as they weren't doing it when I was diagnosed, but know you'll hear from lots of women that have. My chemo nurse says for those that even do one or two treatments do way better than those that don't. I am stage 3c survivor also. Sending lots of hugs ♥ prayers your way. Bonnie

    Thank you for the support Bonnie, I know this board is going to help me so much to get through this adventure in my life. Look forward to making new friends.
  • christianchickcher
    christianchickcher Member Posts: 26
    Port Placement
    Hello ladies,

    I had my ports placed last Thursday and I am so sore. It feels harder to bounce back from this than my hysterectomy. But with God on my side, I know I will win. I will be calling to find out when they are starting chemo-my surgeon wants them to jump on it right away as he felt the spot left was starting to grow.
  • therevslittlegirl
    therevslittlegirl Member Posts: 29
    Get Some Rest!
    Hi Cheryl,

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I was diagnosed with Stage 2B Ovarian and Uterine Cancer in December 2008. You're right, recovering from the hysterectomy was nothing compared to the port. Mine still hurts after 4 months. It does get better though.

    As for treatment, hopefully you will be as luck as I am. I haven't been sick from the chemo at all. Like some of the others have posted, my biggest problems have been with fatigue and joint pain. Advil helps with the joint pain. I have also experienced some other problems like anxiety and emotional outbursts. I'm told that will go away and was prescribed an anti-depressant to help me through this.

    My advice to you is to stay as rested as possible. There will be days when you feel you can take on the world and there will be days when you'll feel you don't have the strength to lift your head off your pillow. Take care of yourself and remember you are not alone in any of this. We are here with you and for you.

    You're in my prayers....Rebekah
  • 1trublonde
    1trublonde Member Posts: 18
    I'm always a little slow with things, but welcome.....!!!! STAY as strong as you can and surround yourself with lovely REALLY helps!!!
    I'll say prayers for you, they help soooooo much!!!
    Love from Jules xoxoxo

    ps, I know I've read this somewhere before, but how come I don't have the happy person by my name????? I'm sure the blonde is taking over again, and it has NOTHING to do with all the chemo I got!!!!!!! :-)
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member

    I'm always a little slow with things, but welcome.....!!!! STAY as strong as you can and surround yourself with lovely REALLY helps!!!
    I'll say prayers for you, they help soooooo much!!!
    Love from Jules xoxoxo

    ps, I know I've read this somewhere before, but how come I don't have the happy person by my name????? I'm sure the blonde is taking over again, and it has NOTHING to do with all the chemo I got!!!!!!! :-)

    It only shows to us.
    When you sign on, it shows to us, but not to you. Either way you can click on any name and it will take you to that persons "About Me" page. A lot of posters do not fill this in (history of your disease, etc) but you can post pictures, writings, poems etc for others to read under the expressions gallery. After two years I am still trying to figure it all out. ❤ Saundra