Has anyone stopped radiation before the prescribed number of sessions?

hustleNbustle Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am posting for a friend who has no internet right now. She had 25 rad'n treatments out of 30 but stopped. She was supposed to get 30.

Has anyone else stopped radiation before the prescribed number of treatments?


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I had to stop early because
    I had to stop early because I was pretty burnt up (my skin). They gave me a couple weeks to heal and then continued treatment and I finished. So technically I stopped but I finished also.
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    I don't know anyone
    I don't know anyone personally, and, I just finished #11 out of 37. And, I hope to continue thru. But, the radiation oncologist said sometimes people have had to miss out of illnes or bad weather etc. He said they strive, at the least, to get 3 treatments a week. And, I have read where a few stopped for a week or so because of the burn, but, then went back and finished. Why did she stop?
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Kristin N said:

    I don't know anyone
    I don't know anyone personally, and, I just finished #11 out of 37. And, I hope to continue thru. But, the radiation oncologist said sometimes people have had to miss out of illnes or bad weather etc. He said they strive, at the least, to get 3 treatments a week. And, I have read where a few stopped for a week or so because of the burn, but, then went back and finished. Why did she stop?

    I was in treatment with a
    I was in treatment with a girl who was being radiated on both breasts. She stopped with only 3 days to go because of the terrible burns she had experienced. I don't think she ever came in to complete the treatment cycle, but she was so close, I would imagine the radialogist didn't feel it was necessary. Poor thing, she was raw in places under both arms, and cried every time she came out of a treatment for the last two weeks. I know it depends on how much radiation exposure they are giving, and that depends on how sever the stage/grade of your cancer may be. The last week of treatment is normally more concentrated in the specific tumor area, and is much deeper. Sure hope your friend is able to find some answers, and may finish the treatment in the near future. Hugs.

  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    Yikes..this scares me now.

    Yikes..this scares me now.
  • hustleNbustle
    hustleNbustle Member Posts: 9
    Kristin N said:

    I don't know anyone
    I don't know anyone personally, and, I just finished #11 out of 37. And, I hope to continue thru. But, the radiation oncologist said sometimes people have had to miss out of illnes or bad weather etc. He said they strive, at the least, to get 3 treatments a week. And, I have read where a few stopped for a week or so because of the burn, but, then went back and finished. Why did she stop?

    She stopped because of nervousness and general unhappiness.
  • hustleNbustle
    hustleNbustle Member Posts: 9

    I was in treatment with a
    I was in treatment with a girl who was being radiated on both breasts. She stopped with only 3 days to go because of the terrible burns she had experienced. I don't think she ever came in to complete the treatment cycle, but she was so close, I would imagine the radialogist didn't feel it was necessary. Poor thing, she was raw in places under both arms, and cried every time she came out of a treatment for the last two weeks. I know it depends on how much radiation exposure they are giving, and that depends on how sever the stage/grade of your cancer may be. The last week of treatment is normally more concentrated in the specific tumor area, and is much deeper. Sure hope your friend is able to find some answers, and may finish the treatment in the near future. Hugs.


    Cream Puff, I will encourage her to finish the rad'n.

    She has been hanging in there with Herceptin, but she stopped the rad'n. I am in another city, so I cannot see what she is doing, what the rad'n tech. is doing and she did not make a single connection to a trusted support person. Too nervous and afraid, I guess.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Jeanne D said:

    Yikes..this scares me now.

    Yikes..this scares me now.

    Don't be afraid. It is
    Don't be afraid. It is gradual. The reason I got burnt up is the doctor wasn't paying attention and I didn't know what it was supposed to look like. The technicians also didn't say anything until I got a new one and she suggested the doctor take a look. I had that session anyway and showed the doctor after and he stopped treatment. Every two or three days I'd go in and he'd check me. It took a couple weeks to heal. He said I was healing very fast because I was younger. I was 52. I think once a week the doctor is supposed to look at the site and he wasn't me. He was just talking to me. I guess he thought I'd say something if it was getting bad. So just make sure your doctor looks at it.
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    Don't be afraid. It is
    Don't be afraid. It is gradual. The reason I got burnt up is the doctor wasn't paying attention and I didn't know what it was supposed to look like. The technicians also didn't say anything until I got a new one and she suggested the doctor take a look. I had that session anyway and showed the doctor after and he stopped treatment. Every two or three days I'd go in and he'd check me. It took a couple weeks to heal. He said I was healing very fast because I was younger. I was 52. I think once a week the doctor is supposed to look at the site and he wasn't me. He was just talking to me. I guess he thought I'd say something if it was getting bad. So just make sure your doctor looks at it.

    I appreciate your comments
    I appreciate your comments Marcia. My radiation oncologist looks at me every week. He has from the start to check my skin and see how I am doing, and, to see if I have any complaints. That is awful that yours didn't..I am so sorry. You shouldn't have had to go thru that. I know I will be burnt probably towards the end, but, I will do the best I can with the cremes to help it feel better. ( hopefully ) I did ask about aloe vera and they told me no. So, I am using the hydrocortisone for the red bumps from the radiation and biofine after my treatment. So far, so good, but, it is still early.
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    How is your friend doing?
    How is your friend doing? Is she going to continue radiation? There is a girl that goes before me that is only a few treatments ahead of me. She is really burnt, so, I think they will stop hers for awhile. But, she had chemo before the radiation and they said that made it worse for her. Anyone else hear of that? I feel so sorry for her..she is really burnt.