Some good news for a change

CanadaSue Member Posts: 339 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all,

Bill just got a call from the onc....

The biopsey of the tailbone area came back clean!

They are sending him for another CT scan and blood work. The last CT showed 2 tumors on the liver, as well as the ellivated CEA. The CEA has been a good marker for Bill.

Now I have a question for those who have had tumors there. Does it depend on where they are located, as to whether surgery is an option.

Thanks for all the good vibes and prayers!



  • kimby
    kimby Member Posts: 797
    Liver Mets

    Yes, size and location do make a difference on whether or not they are operable, but 2 sounds like a very good number. Larger doesn't mean they can't operate, either. It's just so individual. A liver resection is always the goal and inoperable mets can be managed and become operable - happens all the time.

    Chin up, waiting is the hardest part.

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    kimby said:

    Liver Mets

    Yes, size and location do make a difference on whether or not they are operable, but 2 sounds like a very good number. Larger doesn't mean they can't operate, either. It's just so individual. A liver resection is always the goal and inoperable mets can be managed and become operable - happens all the time.

    Chin up, waiting is the hardest part.



    and Sue don't always take no for the final answer. I was diagnosed with 7 liver mets and turned down by 3 surgeons....the fourth did a re-section and 2 years another re-section.

    There is always a way

    Best regards,

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    great news!
    Great news on the tailbone biopsy, Sue- so glad to hear it!
    Yes, as others have already stated, size and location of liver tumors does matter. For example, if a tumor is located on an artery, etc. it would make things more difficult. If that should be the case and a surgeon says they couldn't do the resection because of it, get another opinion! What one might say "can't do", another will be able to do! I had a resection in May & one of my tumors was along an artery. I was told some surgeons may not have done it, but I did get it done- the artery was removed along with the tumor (and was of course clamped off where it had entered to liver).

    Will be praying for good results on your hubby's upcoming CT!

    Best wishes,
  • CanadaSue
    CanadaSue Member Posts: 339 Member
    kimby said:

    Liver Mets

    Yes, size and location do make a difference on whether or not they are operable, but 2 sounds like a very good number. Larger doesn't mean they can't operate, either. It's just so individual. A liver resection is always the goal and inoperable mets can be managed and become operable - happens all the time.

    Chin up, waiting is the hardest part.


    Chin is up!
    Thanks Kimby,

    We know the waiting game so well.


  • CanadaSue
    CanadaSue Member Posts: 339 Member
    maglets said:


    and Sue don't always take no for the final answer. I was diagnosed with 7 liver mets and turned down by 3 surgeons....the fourth did a re-section and 2 years another re-section.

    There is always a way

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mags
    I know you are in Ontario, in the Toronto or Ottawa area?

    I would like to go back to the sugeon who did Bill's first sugery, but will look around if we have to.


  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    That's really good news!
    I'm so glad to hear the tailbone is clear! I'd thought about you several times today, wishing your hubby well.
  • CanadaSue
    CanadaSue Member Posts: 339 Member
    lisa42 said:

    great news!
    Great news on the tailbone biopsy, Sue- so glad to hear it!
    Yes, as others have already stated, size and location of liver tumors does matter. For example, if a tumor is located on an artery, etc. it would make things more difficult. If that should be the case and a surgeon says they couldn't do the resection because of it, get another opinion! What one might say "can't do", another will be able to do! I had a resection in May & one of my tumors was along an artery. I was told some surgeons may not have done it, but I did get it done- the artery was removed along with the tumor (and was of course clamped off where it had entered to liver).

    Will be praying for good results on your hubby's upcoming CT!

    Best wishes,

    Thanks Lisa,
    Is sure is a big weight off to know it is not in that area. At least they should be able to do surgery. And we certainly will get 2nd, 3rd, or 4th opionions if we don't like the 1st one.

    I have told Bill about this site, and I finally think he is ready to check out. Should be after 3

    Thanks again for the info.

  • CanadaSue
    CanadaSue Member Posts: 339 Member

    That's really good news!
    I'm so glad to hear the tailbone is clear! I'd thought about you several times today, wishing your hubby well.

    Thanks Diane
    We are relieved beyond belief!
    This sitting on pins and needles sucks as much as the cancer does!


  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    Good News...
    We take it where we can! I know the waiting is hard, but you are strong. We are still praying.

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    VickiCO said:

    Good News...
    We take it where we can! I know the waiting is hard, but you are strong. We are still praying.


    Hi sue I am in Owen sound but the liver surgeon is in London at the University hospital. They went directly with surgery for me.....i have noticed lots of people on this forum have done chemo first then surgery and then some chemo. where are u?

    Best wishes,
  • CanadaSue
    CanadaSue Member Posts: 339 Member
    VickiCO said:

    Good News...
    We take it where we can! I know the waiting is hard, but you are strong. We are still praying.


    Thanks Vicky,

    The waiting is the worst, I may have to become like Lisa and call the lab for the results.

    All prayers are accepted and, appreciated,

    ANd it is good to hear the Zofran worked for you. I know Bill was on that and Maxiran, and another I can't think of.

    Have a great weekend!


  • CanadaSue
    CanadaSue Member Posts: 339 Member
    maglets said:

    Hi sue I am in Owen sound but the liver surgeon is in London at the University hospital. They went directly with surgery for me.....i have noticed lots of people on this forum have done chemo first then surgery and then some chemo. where are u?

    Best wishes,


    We are just outside of Edmonton. We have a great hospital - University of Alberta. I am pretty sure I know which doctor they will send us to, and if he won't do it, I will contact the doctor who did Bill's first surgery.

    Have a great weekend!


  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Fabulous News!
    Hi Sue,

    I am so glad that Bill's biopsy came back negative. I know how worried you have been.

    Please keep us posted on his upcoming CT scan and his blood work results.

    Thinking of you both.


  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Good news comes in increments
    And you just got the first of many hon.

    Surgical possiblities to mets in the liver are usually based on how many and where they are. Where they are in extremely important especially if they are close to a hematic artery. The liver is pretty bloody anyway and there is no way surgeons will cut close to a main artery or vein but that does not mean they won't do a resection. My liver mets died from chemo and my immune system with no resection needed so don't rule that out.

    Keep us posted and keep asking those good questions.

    Lisa P.
  • CanadaSue
    CanadaSue Member Posts: 339 Member
    Kanort said:

    Fabulous News!
    Hi Sue,

    I am so glad that Bill's biopsy came back negative. I know how worried you have been.

    Please keep us posted on his upcoming CT scan and his blood work results.

    Thinking of you both.



    We think so too

    Kay and Scouty,

    Thanks for the kind words, we are feeling much calmer tonight.

    I will be asking questions, and pushing if they are not what we want to hear.


  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member
    Great news
    So glad you got good news about the tailbone. Location of liver mets like everyone has said is important. Keep in mind that the first oncologist I saw said I would not be operable. I got a second opinion and 3 months after seeing that first doctor I was coming out of surgery for my liver re-section. So what did that first DR know? Make sure your opinions concerning operability come from an oncological surgeon (preferably one that does livers only), not the oncologist.
  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member
    kimby said:

    Liver Mets

    Yes, size and location do make a difference on whether or not they are operable, but 2 sounds like a very good number. Larger doesn't mean they can't operate, either. It's just so individual. A liver resection is always the goal and inoperable mets can be managed and become operable - happens all the time.

    Chin up, waiting is the hardest part.


    Your pic...

    I know you switched your pic a while back but I have been meaning to tell you that I love this pic a lot!!
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Yay for the good news! Isn't it wonderful to have something turn out in a positive way? We'll have to pray that the rest of the news turns out well, too. Keep us posted!

  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    CanadaSue said:


    We are just outside of Edmonton. We have a great hospital - University of Alberta. I am pretty sure I know which doctor they will send us to, and if he won't do it, I will contact the doctor who did Bill's first surgery.

    Have a great weekend!



    Hey Sue,

    For some reason (don't ask me why ) I thought you and Bill lived in Ontario!! But you two are from Western Canada which makes 4 of us out West ;)

    That's great news about the tailbone!! I hope the surgeon you are referred to will do the surgery and that you don't have to go hunting around. I think I would find that a little exhausting.

    Do keep us posted!!


  • CanadaSue
    CanadaSue Member Posts: 339 Member

    Hey Sue,

    For some reason (don't ask me why ) I thought you and Bill lived in Ontario!! But you two are from Western Canada which makes 4 of us out West ;)

    That's great news about the tailbone!! I hope the surgeon you are referred to will do the surgery and that you don't have to go hunting around. I think I would find that a little exhausting.

    Do keep us posted!!



    Hey Cheryl
    Yes it was great news!

    After all Bill has been thru lately, it was great to hear it wasn't in the tailbone area.
    The onc said it was just scar tissue, and taking it's time healing.

