My Mom is no longer here

als26 Member Posts: 46 Member
edited March 2014 in Surviving Caregivers #1
My Mom passed away on Jan. 7th, 2004 from Ovarian Cancer. I've been grieving for months now and I need to find a way to make this tragedy into something positive or I feel like I'm going to wither away. Does anyone have any good ideas to raise awareness of OVC? September is ovarian cancer awareness month, but I'd like to get something in motion. Does anyone know if there's a Michigan chapter of the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance? Also, does anyone know if teal ribbon stickers exist? I'd like one to put on my car to help spread the word.


  • mymomsdaughter
    mymomsdaughter Member Posts: 5
    I know how you feel. You can get several things with teal ribbons on them at I bought a whole roll of little lapel ribbons and give them to everyone. I also bought a little teddy bear that has the teal ribbon on it. I don't think there is anything that could go on your car, but if you found out where to get one, please pass it on. You can call the American Cancer Society and just ask them how you can help. They always need plenty of volenteers and I'm sure would love some help. Just explain to them your situation and tell them you are willing to help however you can. My mom died in October, and I still ache for her every day. Mother's Day was especially difficult. I think I may have emailed you before. If you need to talk, I know how you feel. Margie
  • tala84
    tala84 Member Posts: 2
    Hi! I lost my mom last
    Hi! I lost my mom last august to ovarian cancer. How are you doing now? I feel really down.
    I hope you are better. I'd like to help in any campaign! My mom was amazing, and I don't want more women to have to go through this and remain unheard.
    Thank you for posting.
  • aandj
    aandj Member Posts: 33
    I have registerd a website called but dont know what to do with it or where to start. My wife died in Feb this year. Wanted to make an international site to raise awareness but there are so many out there already I really dont know.

    I live in South Africa

    Any Ideas or know of any webdesigners \?