
Jadie Member Posts: 723
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I know this subject has been discussed here before but it's easier to make a new post rather than look back through the threads and try to find it.

Yesterday I had a check-up with my onc. He wants me to take an infusion of Zometa every six months along with Aromasin (daily) for prevention of reoccurance. As studies have shown that women on Zometa had less reoccurance than ones that were not on it.

Is anyone else doing this? What is your opinion? Isn't Zometa a chemo drug? I took the first infusion yesterday and feel like crud today. I am debating on continuing the injections or not. All opinions are welcome.



  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Jadie, I will be starting on Zometa after my treatments end as well -- infusions every six months. From my understanding, it helps to strengthen bones and prevent osteoblasts, which help to reduce recurrence not only in the bones, but in other organs as well. I have heard many good things about it and am happy to have it in my arsenal. I have heard that some people experience flu-like syptoms as a side effect. They should be short-lived. That is all I know so far. I hope you feel better soon.

  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    I have no experience with
    I have no experience with Zometa. All I can say is ask your Dr. and look on chemocare.com to find possible side effects and uses of specific drugs.

    I expect someone else will post with more personal information, but maybe this is a bit useful. seof.
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    I have no experience with
    I have no experience with Zometa. All I can say is ask your Dr. and look on chemocare.com to find possible side effects and uses of specific drugs.

    I expect someone else will post with more personal information, but maybe this is a bit useful. seof.
  • ohilly
    ohilly Member Posts: 441
    my opinion
    I am in the Zometa clinical trial (I got infusions once a month, and now get them every 3 months). Fortunately, so far I have had no side effects (I am more concerned about the aromatase inhibitor I'm taking: I have another post on this if you're interested). But even if I did, I personally would continue to do the Zometa because so much new information is coming out now that it cuts down on recurrence. It's supposed to make the bone hostile to cancer, and apparently bone is one of the first places mets go.

    Good luck on whatever you decide, and feel free to pm me if you have more questions.

  • crazylady55
    crazylady55 Member Posts: 92
    I had my first Zometa infusion on the same day as my last chemo, so it is hard to sort out the side affects of the Zometa from the chemo, but usually by day 18 or so I feel ok, this time I have had "flu like symptoms" into day 28. I have been wondering if it was the Zometa or if it is just the chemo (usually my next treatment was on day 21).

    One warning about the Zometa or an of the other drugs like it is to make sure you keep up with your dental check ups. It can cause rare but serious jaw problems.
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723

    I had my first Zometa infusion on the same day as my last chemo, so it is hard to sort out the side affects of the Zometa from the chemo, but usually by day 18 or so I feel ok, this time I have had "flu like symptoms" into day 28. I have been wondering if it was the Zometa or if it is just the chemo (usually my next treatment was on day 21).

    One warning about the Zometa or an of the other drugs like it is to make sure you keep up with your dental check ups. It can cause rare but serious jaw problems.

    Hi Crazylady I had my
    Hi Crazylady I had my first infusion on Mon. Tue I had the flu like symptoms and I had to take advill every 4 hrs. Today (wed) I feel a little better still taking advill. I have another one in six months. I did hear about the jaw problems and ask the nurse. She said it was very rare and the ones it happened to were the ones taking it every 3 weeks or so and was usually being treated for bone mets.
  • libmama
    libmama Member Posts: 5
    ohilly said:

    my opinion
    I am in the Zometa clinical trial (I got infusions once a month, and now get them every 3 months). Fortunately, so far I have had no side effects (I am more concerned about the aromatase inhibitor I'm taking: I have another post on this if you're interested). But even if I did, I personally would continue to do the Zometa because so much new information is coming out now that it cuts down on recurrence. It's supposed to make the bone hostile to cancer, and apparently bone is one of the first places mets go.

    Good luck on whatever you decide, and feel free to pm me if you have more questions.


    I'm in the clinical trial, once a month for three mos., then every three mos. for 2 1/2 years. I guess I'll continue with it, but boy oh boy, the first two infusions were really bad. Couldn't walk or even move in the bed for three days. Finally, was told to take advil or something for 3 to 5 days before, 3 times daily, and 3 to 5 days after, same amount. I really did the job, but, hey, thats alot of medicine, isn't it. I just joined CSN, so hope I don 't act like a complete nut.
  • susieraph
    susieraph Member Posts: 12
    Hi there, I am a 2 year 4 month survivor, mother of 4, premenopausal, stage 2B. I am on Zometa every 6 months. My oncologist started me on it when they suspected a lesion in my humerous was mets. (Since then they have determined it is likely a benign feature.) Because I have an osteoporosis diagnosis they have gone ahead and continued Zometa IV just less frequently. Zometa strengthens bone and has been shown to reduce recurrance in bone. I feel fortunate to be able to be on it given I am not in a clinical trail and don't have bone mets! The very first infusion resulted in minor fluish feeling and some legs aches, but I have had no symptoms with subsequent infusions. Take care.
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    libmama said:

    I'm in the clinical trial, once a month for three mos., then every three mos. for 2 1/2 years. I guess I'll continue with it, but boy oh boy, the first two infusions were really bad. Couldn't walk or even move in the bed for three days. Finally, was told to take advil or something for 3 to 5 days before, 3 times daily, and 3 to 5 days after, same amount. I really did the job, but, hey, thats alot of medicine, isn't it. I just joined CSN, so hope I don 't act like a complete nut.

    Hi and welcome. Thank you
    Hi and welcome. Thank you for the comment (and everyone else). I am glad that I am not the only one with side effects. My nurse told me that she hadn't heard any patients complain about side efects. Sometimes I think that I am such a woose. I felt really bad for a few days. My vitamin D and iron levels are low so that dosen't help matters either. My energy level is at rock bottom. I am trying to eat healther and be more active. Sometimes I am at tears because I never feel good. Although I was born a little lazy please don't take it that I am a lazy person. I want to feel better and be more active. I find myself slipping a little deeper into depression because of this. I've been on anti-depressents for years.

    Sorry didn't mean to complain so. It just helps to vent sometimes.
  • chetra
    chetra Member Posts: 17
    I had reaccurence in the bone in my spine dx March 09. I had 15 radiation treatments. Also having infusion once a month of Zometa with no ending date at this time. I feel kinda crappy the first couple days but it does get better for me. Side effect are not to bad so far. Mine was not a clinical trial. Wish you the best. Hang in there.