
jaavon2002 Member Posts: 57
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Since having my first treatment on March 19th I haven't been able to really eat. It's only been one day when my stomach wasn't doing flip flops. I can't eat ice cream all day & everyday, so I need some suggestions...I've tried rice, soup, noodles and TUMS. Everything seems to irritate my stomach and keeps me up at night (except for eggs & baked potatoes). I don't know if I need to continue with the meds, talk to my doctor or just eating wrong. PLEASE HELP!!!


  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Upset Tummy
    I made my cancer center , the Dr and especially the RNs there my best friends through chemotherapy. I didn't hesitate to call them anytime I was unsure about how I was feeling or a possible reaction to chemo. They have seen/heard/done it all, and will have suggestions for you. Have you tried drinking Ensure? It has the calories, vitamins and minerals and many "ill" as well as elderly, and ppl who are having a hard time eating find it a tasty and filling way to eat until they are feeling like normal food again. Also, peppermint tea is soothing to the stomach, as is Ginger Ale. I also ate frozen grapes! They were refreshing, and I liked how they felt in my mouth.

    Hnag in there girlfriend~we are pulling for you!

  • divablu
    divablu Member Posts: 75
    Smoothies ..
    I lived on yogurt Smoothies ... organic yogurt with berries (any berry that is blue is a cancer fighter), soy protein or some type of powdered protein, powdered milk. I lived on that!

    Soup is good, broth.

    I couldn't drink milk or eat milk products like ice cream. Also couldn't eat chocolate!

    I also made a tea of boiled ginger root with honey and lemon. This helped me more with my nausea than the meds the doctor gave me.

    My oncologist told me to use Prilosec for acid stomach. He said to take it daily, I did an "as needed" dose.

    Try this and see what works for you. Really try the Prilosec. It worked wonders for me.

    Stay strong!

  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    divablu said:

    Smoothies ..
    I lived on yogurt Smoothies ... organic yogurt with berries (any berry that is blue is a cancer fighter), soy protein or some type of powdered protein, powdered milk. I lived on that!

    Soup is good, broth.

    I couldn't drink milk or eat milk products like ice cream. Also couldn't eat chocolate!

    I also made a tea of boiled ginger root with honey and lemon. This helped me more with my nausea than the meds the doctor gave me.

    My oncologist told me to use Prilosec for acid stomach. He said to take it daily, I did an "as needed" dose.

    Try this and see what works for you. Really try the Prilosec. It worked wonders for me.

    Stay strong!


    Follow this link, jaavon!
    This link is to a thread from last month called "What is good to eat and drink after Chemo?" Lots of helpful suggestions here; the ones which worked for me helped me stop losing weight. I even gained some. I hope some of them will work for you too.

    Remember too, that just as everyone gets different side effects, everyone's taste is effected differently. Unfortunately, you will likely have to keep experimenting on your own, like I do. I never could stand Alfredo sauce before, but now that it's one of the few things I can taste (ironic, I know) I eat it on pasta, chicken, broccoli and even bread. Good luck finding more foods that you can taste... or at least tolerate!

  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    food and chemo
    I'm glad you are experimenting around to find stuff that works for you. While you are doing chemo though, don't fret too much about whether your diet meets all the nutritional standards you are used to. The important thing is eating enough calories of stuff that goes down okay and tastes alright to you. Cold stuff is better for most folks, so eat ice cream every meal if that's what works for you. You can make those shakes or smoothies with Ensure or Boost to add in the vitamins and protein you need. You could freeze some fruit to toss in the blender along with ice cream and protein drinks.

    Bland foods like eggs and potatoes also work for lots of folks on chemo. Both have lots of nutrition in them. Bland cereals like oatmeal or cream of wheat with brown sugar might sit okay too. Try baked custards or French toast with maple syrup. Sometimes you can add some blended veggies with the mashed potatoes or custards, but go easy on the spices and keep portions small enough that you aren't overwhelmed. Sweet stuff may taste better than salty or spicy. I have seen cookbooks for cancer patients at my local library. If your library doesn't have any, try interlibrary loan. It is free and you can usually keep the cookbook for a week or two. That's long enough to copy your favorite recipes or see if you want to buy the book. Good luck!

    C. Abbott
  • jaavon2002
    jaavon2002 Member Posts: 57
    Moopy23 said:

    Follow this link, jaavon!
    This link is to a thread from last month called "What is good to eat and drink after Chemo?" Lots of helpful suggestions here; the ones which worked for me helped me stop losing weight. I even gained some. I hope some of them will work for you too.

    Remember too, that just as everyone gets different side effects, everyone's taste is effected differently. Unfortunately, you will likely have to keep experimenting on your own, like I do. I never could stand Alfredo sauce before, but now that it's one of the few things I can taste (ironic, I know) I eat it on pasta, chicken, broccoli and even bread. Good luck finding more foods that you can taste... or at least tolerate!


    Thanks for the link
    Moopy thanks for the link...I was going to make Alfredo the other day, but I chickened out.

    Today I am going to try Prilosec...couldn't hurt. I read through the responses on the link and I'm going to try rotissere chicken with my best friends "The Baked Potato & White Rice". I want to try some beans, maybe pinto, with rice but I am scared. Can anyone tolerate beans??
  • jaavon2002
    jaavon2002 Member Posts: 57

    Thanks for the link
    Moopy thanks for the link...I was going to make Alfredo the other day, but I chickened out.

    Today I am going to try Prilosec...couldn't hurt. I read through the responses on the link and I'm going to try rotissere chicken with my best friends "The Baked Potato & White Rice". I want to try some beans, maybe pinto, with rice but I am scared. Can anyone tolerate beans??

    I want to try some beans, maybe pinto, with rice but I am scared. Has anyone tried and can a tolerate beans??
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967

    I want to try some beans, maybe pinto, with rice but I am scared. Has anyone tried and can a tolerate beans??

    Give it a shot, Jaavon!
    Moopy is about to fall asleep so she is having me type this, but she ate red beans and rice at Popeye's Chicken last week. It tasted pretty much like it was supposed to, and better yet, no gastro-intestinal consequences. Fried chicken the same - tasted pretty good and no consequences. Actually, chicken is a pretty good choice no matter how it is prepared; Moopy's eaten quite a bit of it since starting chemo. Good luck!

  • jaavon2002
    jaavon2002 Member Posts: 57
    Aortus said:

    Give it a shot, Jaavon!
    Moopy is about to fall asleep so she is having me type this, but she ate red beans and rice at Popeye's Chicken last week. It tasted pretty much like it was supposed to, and better yet, no gastro-intestinal consequences. Fried chicken the same - tasted pretty good and no consequences. Actually, chicken is a pretty good choice no matter how it is prepared; Moopy's eaten quite a bit of it since starting chemo. Good luck!


    Thanks Moopy & Joe...I am cooking my pinto beans and rice today. I will let you know the result.

    I read on one of the other discussions that one or more of the ladies take Prilosec to counteract stomach irritation. I tried it and it worked for me yesterday. I was able to "EAT & PARTICIPATE" at my son birthday party at Chuck E Cheese yesterday. I only ate a salad but boy let me tell you...that was the best salad I have ever had. I ate 2 small plates...I waited about an half hour before the second just to make sure this was real. Today I took one this morning and was able to eat a tuna stomach seems to stay empty today maybe it because I haven't really had a meal since last Thursday :)
