my CT scan results

lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone,

Well I had the CT scan Tuesday and went into the oncology office today to pick up a copy of the radiologist's report as well as a copy of my latest labwork. The labwork was all good- my white count was above the normal point- yay!
The CT scan results had mixed results- nothing bad at all- my colon and rectum are still cancer free and nothing new has grown anywhere in my body. Two things that had shown up on my last two scans have disappeared- the swollen hilar lymph node in my right lung and a lesion that had started growing since my liver surgery are now both gone- so I'm definitely pleased with that news!
The part of the results that was somewhat of a bummer is that (in the words of the radiologist who wrote the report) "the multiple nodules in the lungs that were present on the CT scan in November 2008 are present on today's scan. No growth has occured and there is no change in size or character." So, although they didn't get any larger, they didn't go away or get any smaller either. Since they're all under a centimeter, I don't believe I'm a candidate for any radiation, cyberknife, or RFA due to their smallness. It's good that the chemo kept it from getting growing, but 7 months of chemo now hasn't done anything to them! I guess I know chemo won't do it for them. My oncologist told me after my November scan that "nothing you have right now is life threatening". I'm a bit better off than I was in November due to my liver now being clear and the hilar node being clear, so I guess I'm doing okay! Although I would have loved to proclaim the magic letters "NED" to everyone, this is something I can live with. As long as it can be managed and kept from growing, then I'll be okay. I'll be seeing my oncologist this Friday to go over these results and discuss what he thinks, maintenance chemo possibilities, etc. I will also be faxing my report and sending my scan to another oncologist at UCSD/Moores Cancer Center who I've consulted with before to also see what he thinks.

As I mentioned in another thread a couple of days ago, I had a bad week both physically and emotionally, but I've been given a peace these past two days. I'm doing okay and am thankful to be alive!!



  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    CT Scan results
    Hey Lisa... I'm thinking that those results aren't too bad at all and you have every right to celebrate them :) In some ways, it looks like you and I are in similar situations with our "multiple nodules" in the lungs. The difference between us at the moment is that I am not on any chemo currently and am in a "wait and see" mode to see just what they (the nodules) are planning to do. Other than one of them that I know was 7mm back in January, the other 5 are all 5mm or under, so are considered very small... and very slow growing.

    Your report says your multiple nodules have not changed in size or character... do you know how many nodules you have?

    I guess I'll know more on Friday what's happening with mine, or, it may be I am just getting the results of how the lung ablation healing is going and my oncologist will go over with me how the nodules are doing when I see her April 3.

    On a more upbeat note... when I was in to see my GP back, shortly after my lung ablation procedure and voiced concern about the fact I still have 6 nodules on my lungs, he told me about another patient of his. A big man who, other than his lungs, is a healthy guy. This man has NUMEROUS nodules on both his lungs and has had for over 2 years, but they are not causing him any problems. I asked him if "numerous" is the same as "multiple" and when he says numerous does he mean 5 or 6 like me? He said, "Oh no... numerous is much more... after 150 they stopped counting, but he is still doing fine and is having no side affects or problems with breathing." So sometimes, it's true... someone can have problems with just one or two nodules... where as, there is no explaining it, some people can have "numerous" and still live normal, active lives.

    Hehehe... me... I'd just as soon find a way of getting rid of the ones I have and then having no more grow, thanks :):)


  • concernedgal
    concernedgal Member Posts: 33

    CT Scan results
    Hey Lisa... I'm thinking that those results aren't too bad at all and you have every right to celebrate them :) In some ways, it looks like you and I are in similar situations with our "multiple nodules" in the lungs. The difference between us at the moment is that I am not on any chemo currently and am in a "wait and see" mode to see just what they (the nodules) are planning to do. Other than one of them that I know was 7mm back in January, the other 5 are all 5mm or under, so are considered very small... and very slow growing.

    Your report says your multiple nodules have not changed in size or character... do you know how many nodules you have?

    I guess I'll know more on Friday what's happening with mine, or, it may be I am just getting the results of how the lung ablation healing is going and my oncologist will go over with me how the nodules are doing when I see her April 3.

    On a more upbeat note... when I was in to see my GP back, shortly after my lung ablation procedure and voiced concern about the fact I still have 6 nodules on my lungs, he told me about another patient of his. A big man who, other than his lungs, is a healthy guy. This man has NUMEROUS nodules on both his lungs and has had for over 2 years, but they are not causing him any problems. I asked him if "numerous" is the same as "multiple" and when he says numerous does he mean 5 or 6 like me? He said, "Oh no... numerous is much more... after 150 they stopped counting, but he is still doing fine and is having no side affects or problems with breathing." So sometimes, it's true... someone can have problems with just one or two nodules... where as, there is no explaining it, some people can have "numerous" and still live normal, active lives.

    Hehehe... me... I'd just as soon find a way of getting rid of the ones I have and then having no more grow, thanks :):)



    Hi Lisa
    I can see why you

    Hi Lisa

    I can see why you would be disappointed but to me your already a miracle case. As you said before the liver is always the priority and you have that clear which is amazing!

    I hope your oncologist has a plan for you and it is good that they've not grown bigger, now that would have been a nightmare.

    You're doing great and you are so strong so please don't get disheartened. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Take care
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    Hi Lisa,

    Well of course we'd all love to be celebrating NED for you. I'm sorry the news wasn't THAT wonderful. But, I am very happy to hear about the disappearance of those two nasties and also the stability of the lung nodules. That IS good news, and I am glad you are able to appreciate it as such. Bit of a pity, after all that chemo. I am in a somewhat similar situation. Although I don't have any lung nodules now, the damn things do keep appearing, in spite of chemo (that is, none of the chemos I've done seem to have really been effective in wiping out all the micrometasteses (sp?). I am on maintainence chemo now (xeloda pills). Although 5FU and all the wonderful additions don't seem to have been 100% effective for me, I'm hoping this maintenance chemo may trick those little nasties....or at least postpone things. As others have said, I think many of us are looking at new "models" of cancer -- living with a chronic illness. I may have a few more flare-ups ahead of me, but I could well outllve this! I don't know if you have been on xeloda alone ever -- if you end up on that as a maintenance drug, let me know if you want to share experiences (and I know a couple of others on our board are on that too). I am finding it very manageable -- I'm on a 2 week on, 2 week off schedule......

    In the meantime, I'm celebrating your "pretty darn good" news!

  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    "my colon and rectum are still cancer free and nothing new has grown anywhere in my body."

    Hang onto those wonderful words! And no change on the lung nodules is not bad news! We are all praying for you. You will get those NED letters that we all want. It's just taking a bit longer to get there.

    My onc & surgeon both said I have no detectable cancer anywhere, but until I have that next scan in June, I can't say NED either. It's just too soon. I can wait! They are doing everything they can to head me that way.

    Many hugs, Vicki
  • dixchi
    dixchi Member Posts: 431
    Good words
    As Vicki said, hang on to the good sounds like it can be worked with....
    I am remembering something Kimby or msscolon said about not liking the statement,
    "beating the beast, but living with it in the same body" and also recently someone
    said they didn't like the term "survivor" so much as "living with cancer". That's
    what we all are doing thanks to the miraculous advances made in treatment. My
    biggie comes up April 6 when I get another PET/CT scan and I am scared.....trying
    to plan on going to my high school reunion May 1-3 and wondering if I will go or
    will I go with bad news in the back of my mind and trying to have a good time or what.
    It is very trying to be living from scan to with the beast is
    challenging to say the least.

  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    dixchi said:

    Good words
    As Vicki said, hang on to the good sounds like it can be worked with....
    I am remembering something Kimby or msscolon said about not liking the statement,
    "beating the beast, but living with it in the same body" and also recently someone
    said they didn't like the term "survivor" so much as "living with cancer". That's
    what we all are doing thanks to the miraculous advances made in treatment. My
    biggie comes up April 6 when I get another PET/CT scan and I am scared.....trying
    to plan on going to my high school reunion May 1-3 and wondering if I will go or
    will I go with bad news in the back of my mind and trying to have a good time or what.
    It is very trying to be living from scan to with the beast is
    challenging to say the least.


    Those were good results considering what it could have shown....I would be happy also...You have to consider that when they say that nothing is life threatening that it gives us a lot more time for more research and medicines to come up front and be the new "Knight in Shining Armor" that we all look for. The cure or something close. Maintenance chemo would certainly be better than the alternative. It sounds as close to a miracle as one could get...Take every bit of good news and concentrate on that and let what you think is not so good and give that part to God.........God Bless you hun....and He will....
  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    Those lung nodules
    No one has said they are cancer, correct? Let's just believe they are not and praise God for this good report!

    I am keeping you in prayer, Lisa, for a 100% and forever healing and for your peace of heart/ mind.

    In His love,
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Dear Cheryl, ConcernedGal, Tara, Vicki, Barbara, Buzzard, and Diane...
    Thank you for your comments and kind words of encouragement! Cheryl, it does appear we're in a similar boat now, except I fear my lung nodules won't be "very slow growing" as you said yours are. I don't actually know how many I have- I know it's more than 5 or 6- probably more like 20 or so. Semantics... "multiple" vs. "numerous"- this scan report said mulitple and the last one said numerous, but it seems that whatever the amount is, that it's the same as before, so here I think multiple and numerous are being used the same.
    The last time I was off chemo (4 months), the nasty things started growing back and had a "very high uptake value" on the August PET scan. My dopey oncologist didn't ever mention putting me on adjuvant chemo following my liver surgery & I never thought of it either. Anyhow, I wouldn't feel comfortable not being on any chemo at all now knowing that they'll likely start sprouting up again- so I'll probably end up on a maintenance chemo. Diane, you said "no one ever mentioned they were cancerous, right?"- yes, I do know they're cancerous from past PET scans.
    I am glad, though, and am praising my Creator today for giving me peace and joy, and for knocking out the two things in me (liver nodule and hilar node in lung) that were more of a threat. Buzzard- yes, I'm giving "the rest" over to God. Because I've had some real shoddy scan reports in the past that didn't give enough information, I prayed specifically this time for "the radiologist to read my scans carefully and completely and to write a very specific report for whatever is there or not there, so that I can fully trust the report to really be what it says it is". I was so pleased when I fully read my report- my prayer was answered because this CT scan report was more detailed and thorough than any report I've had in the past. It has lots of info. and addresses everything that I had a concern or worry over. I KNOW God hears and answers our prayers. I think sometimes when we think that God hasn't answered a prayer of ours, it may have actually been answered, but just not in a way we expected or perhaps not even in a way that we didn't want, but he DOES hear us!

    I think I mentioned before that my bloodwork and white counts were really good. My CEA count was 0.9, so can't ask for better than that (as CEA has been a good indicator for me, so I'll keep getting that checked).

    Anyhow, enough about me now- I know some others out there are getting scans done also and are also dealing with getting ready for surgeries. I'll continue to check in w/ everyone and keep everyone in my prayers. I really feel like this board is becoming like a little family. Buzzard, I look forward to your uplifting, encouraging words- Cheryl, I look forward to reading your funny rambling stories- you're a kick and I can always count on you for a chuckle and a boost in spirits. Same to the rest of you- thanks for the support and I'll gladly keep on supporting and listening to you all, too!

    Have a great day!
  • Glv49
    Glv49 Member Posts: 206 Member
    That report doesn't sound
    That report doesn't sound too bad at all.. I am happy for you.. God Bless You.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Good news

    That sounds like pretty good news to me! I think a celebration is in order for this weekend! I know if I were you, I'd be concerned about lung nodules, too, but it's good that they haven't grown. We'll just keep praying that they will go away.

  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    great cea
    I'm glad to hear about your blood work and cea. Good things to celebrate. I am praying that there is no new growth. You are a beautiful and postive woman.
  • johnnybegood
    johnnybegood Member Posts: 1,117 Member

    great cea
    I'm glad to hear about your blood work and cea. Good things to celebrate. I am praying that there is no new growth. You are a beautiful and postive woman.

    news all that hard work paid off.hey is there such thing called a half naked dance[ha ha} Godbless....jpohnnybegood