How do you deal with being tired all the time?

chili Member Posts: 32
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had a lumpectomy and now am in radiation. I've had 7 radiation treatments, not too bad, my skin turns red but is "tan" by the next session. My biggest problem is being tired all the time. Probably because I can't sleep through the night even with Ambien I wake up 3 to 4 times and am up for good around 4. Which means I'm exhausted by 7 pm. I was crying when I got the notice from work that I was supposed to be back full time. Stressed all night - called the next morning and was told it was a mistake - I'm still on disability working as tolerated for another month. HELP!!!!! I've gotten great suggestions from this group and am hoping for more.


  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Chill, the thing you have to
    Chill, the thing you have to remember is that your body is fighting hard to get rid of this beast, and therefore all of your energy is directed toward that end. I know I experienced the same thing, and found that an afternoon nap really helped. When your body tells you to stop, please listen, and don't think you have to be superwoman at this time. It is hard for all of us to step back and take a less active part in our daily routines, and this is something that really plays on your mind. However, the dust on the furniture won't hurt anything, and the floors can wait for their weekly/daily bath. When you feel up to it, do what you can. When you feel tired, pay attention and do what is necessary to get your energy level back. Ensure helps, and has some vitamins that really perk you up on a really down day. Also, try to eat 5 small meals each day, rather than our regular three. This spreads your energy out over the day. Good luck in your journey....and don't give up. It does pass, and you will soon be back to your old self. Hugs.

  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    Feeling Pooped
    Chili...I had 7 weeks of radiation after my lumpectomy. I managed to work through the first 4, but started getting very tired. So I went on disability for 7 weeks. Sleep when you can, eat when you can. Who says you have to have 3 suare meals a day? Judy is right about the small meals throughout the keep your energy up. This is your time to pamper you. Rest as much as you can, when you can. Fresh air helped me. I would sit ourside when the weather was good or take short walks. Little by little I started to feel my energy come back. Do as much as you feel able and do not feel guilty about the rest. This is not a permanent condition. You did not mention what city you live in, bu there is a group...Cleaning for a that does house cleaning for women who are undergoing cancer treatment for free. They will come in for a couple hours a week/month and dust, vacuum, or tidy for you.They do have a website, so it may be worth checking out. Again, this is a free service that is available to women only as long as they undergo cnacer treatment. Heres to better days, Cindy
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    It's OK
    Like the others have said, its OK to pamper yourself right now, you'll heal up faster if you get enough rest. Maybe you could make some arrangement to share work with someone if you are still tired when you go from home some, or trade days with someone who has a less demanding position? For now, rest! Get help! If you have had anyone offer to help (I hope you have) take them up on it. They can do your grocery shopping for you, carry your laundry basket for you, clean the house, run errands, cook a meal at their house and bring it (even if you buy the ingredients) drive you to the park to get some of that good spring air (or just drive you around to look at the sights if your spring air is not so good). Anything you can think of will do. Even having someone come sit and drink a cup of tea and listen to you talk about being tired can help.

    Remember...this too shall pass! seof
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Waking up 3 or 4 times a
    Waking up 3 or 4 times a night can exhaust anyone regardless of the fatigue caused by the radiation. If you could at least get a good nights rest perhaps the other will not seem so overwhelming. Perhaps your doc could prescribe something different to help you through the night or maybe an anti-anxiety on top of your ambien. At any rate, let them know you're not getting any rest at night and I'm sure they'll think of something. Let us know how it works out.
  • divablu
    divablu Member Posts: 75
    Me too ... Chili ...
    I have 8 more radiation sessions left. The last 2 weeks I have really felt the fatigue. Right now, I'm exhausted! Of course, yesterday I know I did too much ... Rode my horse for the first time in 3 months! Not much of a ride, mostly sat, and loved every minute of it. Today, our house is for sale and we had a showing, so I was dusting, mopping, and de-cluttering. My husband did help.

    But I'm exhausted! And tired of being tired! And I'm a lousy napper!

    Has anyone got recommendations of vitamins to take for help with the fatigue? Friends keep telling/asking me if I'm taking vitamins.

    So, Chili ... we both need to take everyones' advice and just relax.

    Take care!
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    divablu said:

    Me too ... Chili ...
    I have 8 more radiation sessions left. The last 2 weeks I have really felt the fatigue. Right now, I'm exhausted! Of course, yesterday I know I did too much ... Rode my horse for the first time in 3 months! Not much of a ride, mostly sat, and loved every minute of it. Today, our house is for sale and we had a showing, so I was dusting, mopping, and de-cluttering. My husband did help.

    But I'm exhausted! And tired of being tired! And I'm a lousy napper!

    Has anyone got recommendations of vitamins to take for help with the fatigue? Friends keep telling/asking me if I'm taking vitamins.

    So, Chili ... we both need to take everyones' advice and just relax.

    Take care!

    Hi chili
    I think that is the worst thing is the fatigue. I am on my way to radiation soon 2 more chemo's to go. I am already tired.

    Diva, do the radiation treatments make you more tired than the chemo? geez i hope not!! let me know what vitamins you take. big hugs and restful dreams to you.
    God bless
  • divablu
    divablu Member Posts: 75
    rjjj said:

    Hi chili
    I think that is the worst thing is the fatigue. I am on my way to radiation soon 2 more chemo's to go. I am already tired.

    Diva, do the radiation treatments make you more tired than the chemo? geez i hope not!! let me know what vitamins you take. big hugs and restful dreams to you.
    God bless

    The fatigue with the radiation treatments is much more tolerable than the chemo was. I just have a tendency to over do. I need to learn to pace myself a bit better!

    I'll let you know what I find out about vitamins.

    Good for you ... Only 2 more chemo treatments! You are about to hit a milestone finishing chemo.
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    divablu said:

    The fatigue with the radiation treatments is much more tolerable than the chemo was. I just have a tendency to over do. I need to learn to pace myself a bit better!

    I'll let you know what I find out about vitamins.

    Good for you ... Only 2 more chemo treatments! You are about to hit a milestone finishing chemo.

    Thanks Diva
    I have been following your posts. Thanks for letting me know ..Didn't know if i could be more tired than i am now. I am glad rads are going ok. i will soon be following in your footsteps. I am sorry you have to sell your horse. But glad you are almost to the end. I have learned alot from you. So glad you keep us informed. may God Bless and keep you.
  • chili
    chili Member Posts: 32
    rjjj said:

    Thanks Diva
    I have been following your posts. Thanks for letting me know ..Didn't know if i could be more tired than i am now. I am glad rads are going ok. i will soon be following in your footsteps. I am sorry you have to sell your horse. But glad you are almost to the end. I have learned alot from you. So glad you keep us informed. may God Bless and keep you.

    Thanks for the tips
    I'll try smaller meals more often (just like when I was pregnant!), and I think there are energy vitamins out there - I'll pick some up and give them a shot. Right now anything will help. I took Ambien 2 hours ago and am wide awake. Part of it is the pain, and maybe I am a little anxious. It's hard to relax but some of the exercises the lymphadema PT gave me really do help. Even though I don't have lymphadema, I went for a consult - she has helped immensely with my range of motion, stiffness and loosening up the scar tissue.
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    Hi Chili
    I start my 10th radiation treatment tomorrow. I have to have 37 total. It is taking a toll on me already too. I tire very easily. Just give yourself breaks, relax, take a nap at home if you can. I wish you the best!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Chili, sorry you are feeling so tired. Your sleep patterns could definitely be making things worse on top of the radiation fatigue. Have you tried Xanax? When I was first diagnosed I took a .5 mg. tablet every night so I wouldn't keeping waking up with anxiety. It really helped. Now, I only take as needed and havn't had one in a while. Also, you dr. could prescribe a sleep aid, or maybe you could research some natural remedies if you don't want to go the prescription route. Hope things are better now.

  • MollysGma
    MollysGma Member Posts: 13
    divablu said:

    Me too ... Chili ...
    I have 8 more radiation sessions left. The last 2 weeks I have really felt the fatigue. Right now, I'm exhausted! Of course, yesterday I know I did too much ... Rode my horse for the first time in 3 months! Not much of a ride, mostly sat, and loved every minute of it. Today, our house is for sale and we had a showing, so I was dusting, mopping, and de-cluttering. My husband did help.

    But I'm exhausted! And tired of being tired! And I'm a lousy napper!

    Has anyone got recommendations of vitamins to take for help with the fatigue? Friends keep telling/asking me if I'm taking vitamins.

    So, Chili ... we both need to take everyones' advice and just relax.

    Take care!

    about vitamins
    I saw a new product by One A Day vitamins in Walmart last weekend. It was a drink mix that you add to a bottle of water. It's suppose to hydrate, be good for breast health, heart health, mood, etc. There was a drink mix for energy, too. Has anyone else seen this or tried it? I almost bought it, but decided to ask my doctor tomorrow first. I can't swallow the big women's multi vitamins they make. My daughter bought those, and she couldn't get them down either.

    MollsyGma Joyce