Hemp Oil....

what do you think? it's black and looks scary. There is 7 parts to this video, I just haven't watched them all yet, but it's pretty interesting.
My .02 worth
I've never heard of Rick Simpson before but I have serious concerns about making promises that he, as one person, can not guarantee... let alone, giving instructions on processing your own "medicinal" Hemp Oil at home (at the same time saying he is not responsible for any problems that might come up if you use your own home remedy)?? Hello??
I have no doubt that there are some major, wonderful things that can come out of the marijuana plant (Hemp oil is just one by-product). There is documented proof on how good hemp seed, hemp oil, hemp protein, etc. is for one's health (this is not to be confused with smoking marijuana... hemp is another part of the plant and does not contain the THC that makes one "high" when they smoke the leaves of the plant.
Also, as Phil and I have both mentioned in more than one post... the phenomenal way that even only a puff or two of smoking the plant has taken away any nausea that we, personally, were feeling, is all the proof I need to believe that there is a lot of potential for this plant and the medicinal purposes it can be used for.
But for one fellow to basically be saying this one product (Hemp Oil) is going to CURE cancer (and a multitude of other illnesses)... well, I don't buy that for a second. The product would be a lot more mainstream by now, since Hemp products are legal... it's the plant with the THC in it that is illegal
Cheryl0 -
He has a famous brotherCherylHutch said:My .02 worth
I've never heard of Rick Simpson before but I have serious concerns about making promises that he, as one person, can not guarantee... let alone, giving instructions on processing your own "medicinal" Hemp Oil at home (at the same time saying he is not responsible for any problems that might come up if you use your own home remedy)?? Hello??
I have no doubt that there are some major, wonderful things that can come out of the marijuana plant (Hemp oil is just one by-product). There is documented proof on how good hemp seed, hemp oil, hemp protein, etc. is for one's health (this is not to be confused with smoking marijuana... hemp is another part of the plant and does not contain the THC that makes one "high" when they smoke the leaves of the plant.
Also, as Phil and I have both mentioned in more than one post... the phenomenal way that even only a puff or two of smoking the plant has taken away any nausea that we, personally, were feeling, is all the proof I need to believe that there is a lot of potential for this plant and the medicinal purposes it can be used for.
But for one fellow to basically be saying this one product (Hemp Oil) is going to CURE cancer (and a multitude of other illnesses)... well, I don't buy that for a second. The product would be a lot more mainstream by now, since Hemp products are legal... it's the plant with the THC in it that is illegal
Homer Simpson...
Cheryl sure knows her stuff. I would be cautious of this though. I did a quick search on the subject and was surprised at all I saw on it. But just because it's on the internet doesn't make it true.0 -
I'd have to say that if
I'd have to say that if 'hemp' were a cancer drug I never would have gotten colon cancer in the first place, if you get my drift. So as a means of getting rid of cancer I totally doubt it. As Cheryl said, it does have its place as a medicinal if one chooses to use it. As an antinasuea drug there's not much that beats it, especially with the extremely high cost of some of the prescription meds that do the same thing. It also soothes the stomach, and increases the appetite among other things. I think Rick may mean well but he's off base.0 -
I thought...neon356 said:I'd have to say that if
I'd have to say that if 'hemp' were a cancer drug I never would have gotten colon cancer in the first place, if you get my drift. So as a means of getting rid of cancer I totally doubt it. As Cheryl said, it does have its place as a medicinal if one chooses to use it. As an antinasuea drug there's not much that beats it, especially with the extremely high cost of some of the prescription meds that do the same thing. It also soothes the stomach, and increases the appetite among other things. I think Rick may mean well but he's off base.
...it just looked scary, and really concerned me that people were using this stuff as well, unless he paid them all to say it, you just never know about these informercials for drugs it seems.0 -
To prove your point....PhillieG said:He has a famous brother
Homer Simpson...
Cheryl sure knows her stuff. I would be cautious of this though. I did a quick search on the subject and was surprised at all I saw on it. But just because it's on the internet doesn't make it true.
This website claims the California VELCRO Crop is in danger.... Local schools have used this and the dehydrated water for sale websites to prove the internet is full of falsehoods. :oP0 -
Okay...I confess!neon356 said:I'd have to say that if
I'd have to say that if 'hemp' were a cancer drug I never would have gotten colon cancer in the first place, if you get my drift. So as a means of getting rid of cancer I totally doubt it. As Cheryl said, it does have its place as a medicinal if one chooses to use it. As an antinasuea drug there's not much that beats it, especially with the extremely high cost of some of the prescription meds that do the same thing. It also soothes the stomach, and increases the appetite among other things. I think Rick may mean well but he's off base.
Hey, Neon...I suppose I could say the same thing...if hemp cures more than...um, teen spirit?...I never would have had cancer either.~
0 -
Stranger Danger!!!
Hello Donna!
I watched your video link, which is the first in a series of seven - I only watched video one of the series, so what I write here is based upon what I saw in that one video, and further, this is just my opinion/advice (for what that's worth).
The video makes some fantastic claims about curing cancer, heart disease, skin issues, migraines, and all sorts of other illnesses and aliments, but something to consider is the video features anecdotal evidence / testimonials, not scientific evidence (perhaps scientific evidence is somewhere presented in videos two - seven, which I did not watch). The medical community knows that drugs like 5-FU and Oxaliplatin works (in many, but not all patients) because it underwent/undergoes rigorous and balanced scientific study, so we, the consumers can be assured that claims are validated and results are based in unbiased and unadulterated fact. Also we are assured they are safe in the prescribed dosages.
Back in the long lost (and I mean really long lost) days of my wild youth in California I actually tried some hemp oil - it was black with a sticky consistency like honey and it tasted horrible! I suppose you could say my ailment was youth angst, but I do remember it gave me a peaceful easy feeling. Anyway, hemp oil and other hemp products, including marijuana, that are used for specific medical purposes and are prescribed by a licensed medical doctor are legal in California, however Federal law is completely oppositional to California law. Because of this legal dichotomy there have been legally operated dispensaries of hemp products in California that have been raided and shut down by the Federal government. Sort of crazy isn't it? Our tax dollars at work...
As for my personal opinion (I'm a true born and raised California girl), I believe that anything that can ease pain and suffering, and even cure people of devastating illnesses should be made available to the public, however the substances should be regulated and approved by the Federal government, just like any other supplement or medication - this assures quality, purity and safety to the consumers. I do think medical marijuana should be made legal at the Federal level, because it is within Federal jurisdiction, but that is just my personal opinion....I know lots of people who are against it, but hey, we are all entitled to our opinions, right?
Now aside from the medical marijuana issue, there is something else for you to consider when looking at any type of alternative cancer treatments, marijuana, et al. - BE CAREFUL!!! There are woefully too many modern day snake oil salesmen out there offering all sorts of alternative therapies to cure cancer or other ailments and illnesses with wild claims of success - but again - are those treatments/products put through the same rigorous testing as drugs like Oxaliplatin? In most cases no.
I am all for complementary medical approaches - I like "traditional", for lack of a better word, medicine, and I also like Chinese medicine (acupuncture, healing massage, touch therapy, etc.) and others that are used to treat the various medical conditions that plague human kind. Using a double whammy approach seems great to me, but of course, only under the supervision of a LICENSED doctor (preferred) or other licensed medical practitioners.
Going the alternative route requires lots of research and discretion to make sure the patient or consumer can be certain they are not being sold a bunch of snake oil - a very tricky terrain indeed. This is why the more I hear of Cancer Treatment Centers of America, the more I like them - they often use complementary medicine in their approach to patient care and treatment. It's a whole body approach that I personally like.
If I may, I would like to tell you about our dear friend Bud "Nanuk", who was a member of this board when I first logged on in the Summer of 2006. Bud was stage IV and running out of options. Bud had come across a product - supplements - that were being manufactured in Japan, not subject to FDA regulations, and was being touted as a guaranteed cure all to cancer. Bud, looking for anything that might help him, was marketed "prescribed" this supplement by a guy claiming to be a doctor. Bud started taking this "doctor's" very expensive supplements. They cost more than $1500.00 for a 90 day supply and were not covered by insurance.
Bud posted a topic here about that product and asked if any of us had heard about the doctor and his products. I checked it out, and lo and behold, this doctor was in Orange County, California, where I was living. So one day, I went to the doctor's office (the address was posted on his website) and it was not a doctor's office, but rather a Postal Plus shop, a mail services shop where the doctor had a postal box from where he distributed his products and picked up his checks from customers. I asked the clerk at the shop if the doctor had a box there and the clerk said he did.
Afterward I called the doctor myself and told him I was in treatment for Stage III colon cancer and was interested in his product. He, without asking any questions about my current condition or medical history, told me he could cure me with his supplements. I told this "doctor" that I was unsure because how could he make that claim without examining me or looking at my medical records? He said he didn't have to. Once I expressed my apprehension, he told me I was going to die from my cancer if I didn't take his product. I challenged him by stating there was no way he could know that or suggest anything of the sort with certainty without knowing anything about my specific case. The phone call ended badly and I was furious! After all, our dear friend Bud was taking his products.
I contacted the California medical board to see if the guy was a licensed physician in the state of California because I had a surgically altered gut feeling that the guy wasn't all he was claiming to be. It was no surprise to find out he wasn't - he was not licensed in the State of California to practice medicine. I felt horrible. I didn't know what to tell Bud about what I found out. After careful consideration, and talking for hours about it with my husband, Bob (SopongeBob here at CSN), I decided I would just tell Bud the truth about what I had discovered, but try to be as delicate and unbiased as I could.
I was so worried about Bud losing hope in the face of what I had to tell him because a huge part of me believes that cures, whatever they are, work because we BELIEVE they work - the placebo affect I suppose. And after looking at the website and talking to my own doctor, it seemed like the supplements, even though they most likely wouldn't cure Bud, they probably wouldn't hurt either. They were nothing more than natural vitamins, similar to what you could buy at any store.
Needless to say Bud unfortunately, and with great sadness to all of us here at CSN - he was dearly loved, lost his battle with cancer in the Fall of 2007.
In any case, Donna, ultimately you have to choose your own path to health, and only you can decide who, what, how and where, but do your homework and be your own best advocate. After all, you know your own body better than anyone! And lastly, be sure that if you are thinking about using hemp products to supplement or use instead of the current program you are on now, make sure it's legal in your state. While I'm sure a Thelma and Louise adventure might be fun, I wouldn't want to have to bake a file in a cake for you and keep my car running in the parking lot until you saw your way out of a jail cell.
I hope this helps....
Katie0 -
Well said Kate!usakat said:Stranger Danger!!!
Hello Donna!
I watched your video link, which is the first in a series of seven - I only watched video one of the series, so what I write here is based upon what I saw in that one video, and further, this is just my opinion/advice (for what that's worth).
The video makes some fantastic claims about curing cancer, heart disease, skin issues, migraines, and all sorts of other illnesses and aliments, but something to consider is the video features anecdotal evidence / testimonials, not scientific evidence (perhaps scientific evidence is somewhere presented in videos two - seven, which I did not watch). The medical community knows that drugs like 5-FU and Oxaliplatin works (in many, but not all patients) because it underwent/undergoes rigorous and balanced scientific study, so we, the consumers can be assured that claims are validated and results are based in unbiased and unadulterated fact. Also we are assured they are safe in the prescribed dosages.
Back in the long lost (and I mean really long lost) days of my wild youth in California I actually tried some hemp oil - it was black with a sticky consistency like honey and it tasted horrible! I suppose you could say my ailment was youth angst, but I do remember it gave me a peaceful easy feeling. Anyway, hemp oil and other hemp products, including marijuana, that are used for specific medical purposes and are prescribed by a licensed medical doctor are legal in California, however Federal law is completely oppositional to California law. Because of this legal dichotomy there have been legally operated dispensaries of hemp products in California that have been raided and shut down by the Federal government. Sort of crazy isn't it? Our tax dollars at work...
As for my personal opinion (I'm a true born and raised California girl), I believe that anything that can ease pain and suffering, and even cure people of devastating illnesses should be made available to the public, however the substances should be regulated and approved by the Federal government, just like any other supplement or medication - this assures quality, purity and safety to the consumers. I do think medical marijuana should be made legal at the Federal level, because it is within Federal jurisdiction, but that is just my personal opinion....I know lots of people who are against it, but hey, we are all entitled to our opinions, right?
Now aside from the medical marijuana issue, there is something else for you to consider when looking at any type of alternative cancer treatments, marijuana, et al. - BE CAREFUL!!! There are woefully too many modern day snake oil salesmen out there offering all sorts of alternative therapies to cure cancer or other ailments and illnesses with wild claims of success - but again - are those treatments/products put through the same rigorous testing as drugs like Oxaliplatin? In most cases no.
I am all for complementary medical approaches - I like "traditional", for lack of a better word, medicine, and I also like Chinese medicine (acupuncture, healing massage, touch therapy, etc.) and others that are used to treat the various medical conditions that plague human kind. Using a double whammy approach seems great to me, but of course, only under the supervision of a LICENSED doctor (preferred) or other licensed medical practitioners.
Going the alternative route requires lots of research and discretion to make sure the patient or consumer can be certain they are not being sold a bunch of snake oil - a very tricky terrain indeed. This is why the more I hear of Cancer Treatment Centers of America, the more I like them - they often use complementary medicine in their approach to patient care and treatment. It's a whole body approach that I personally like.
If I may, I would like to tell you about our dear friend Bud "Nanuk", who was a member of this board when I first logged on in the Summer of 2006. Bud was stage IV and running out of options. Bud had come across a product - supplements - that were being manufactured in Japan, not subject to FDA regulations, and was being touted as a guaranteed cure all to cancer. Bud, looking for anything that might help him, was marketed "prescribed" this supplement by a guy claiming to be a doctor. Bud started taking this "doctor's" very expensive supplements. They cost more than $1500.00 for a 90 day supply and were not covered by insurance.
Bud posted a topic here about that product and asked if any of us had heard about the doctor and his products. I checked it out, and lo and behold, this doctor was in Orange County, California, where I was living. So one day, I went to the doctor's office (the address was posted on his website) and it was not a doctor's office, but rather a Postal Plus shop, a mail services shop where the doctor had a postal box from where he distributed his products and picked up his checks from customers. I asked the clerk at the shop if the doctor had a box there and the clerk said he did.
Afterward I called the doctor myself and told him I was in treatment for Stage III colon cancer and was interested in his product. He, without asking any questions about my current condition or medical history, told me he could cure me with his supplements. I told this "doctor" that I was unsure because how could he make that claim without examining me or looking at my medical records? He said he didn't have to. Once I expressed my apprehension, he told me I was going to die from my cancer if I didn't take his product. I challenged him by stating there was no way he could know that or suggest anything of the sort with certainty without knowing anything about my specific case. The phone call ended badly and I was furious! After all, our dear friend Bud was taking his products.
I contacted the California medical board to see if the guy was a licensed physician in the state of California because I had a surgically altered gut feeling that the guy wasn't all he was claiming to be. It was no surprise to find out he wasn't - he was not licensed in the State of California to practice medicine. I felt horrible. I didn't know what to tell Bud about what I found out. After careful consideration, and talking for hours about it with my husband, Bob (SopongeBob here at CSN), I decided I would just tell Bud the truth about what I had discovered, but try to be as delicate and unbiased as I could.
I was so worried about Bud losing hope in the face of what I had to tell him because a huge part of me believes that cures, whatever they are, work because we BELIEVE they work - the placebo affect I suppose. And after looking at the website and talking to my own doctor, it seemed like the supplements, even though they most likely wouldn't cure Bud, they probably wouldn't hurt either. They were nothing more than natural vitamins, similar to what you could buy at any store.
Needless to say Bud unfortunately, and with great sadness to all of us here at CSN - he was dearly loved, lost his battle with cancer in the Fall of 2007.
In any case, Donna, ultimately you have to choose your own path to health, and only you can decide who, what, how and where, but do your homework and be your own best advocate. After all, you know your own body better than anyone! And lastly, be sure that if you are thinking about using hemp products to supplement or use instead of the current program you are on now, make sure it's legal in your state. While I'm sure a Thelma and Louise adventure might be fun, I wouldn't want to have to bake a file in a cake for you and keep my car running in the parking lot until you saw your way out of a jail cell.
I hope this helps....
Well said Kate!
Carl0 -
No Way...usakat said:Stranger Danger!!!
Hello Donna!
I watched your video link, which is the first in a series of seven - I only watched video one of the series, so what I write here is based upon what I saw in that one video, and further, this is just my opinion/advice (for what that's worth).
The video makes some fantastic claims about curing cancer, heart disease, skin issues, migraines, and all sorts of other illnesses and aliments, but something to consider is the video features anecdotal evidence / testimonials, not scientific evidence (perhaps scientific evidence is somewhere presented in videos two - seven, which I did not watch). The medical community knows that drugs like 5-FU and Oxaliplatin works (in many, but not all patients) because it underwent/undergoes rigorous and balanced scientific study, so we, the consumers can be assured that claims are validated and results are based in unbiased and unadulterated fact. Also we are assured they are safe in the prescribed dosages.
Back in the long lost (and I mean really long lost) days of my wild youth in California I actually tried some hemp oil - it was black with a sticky consistency like honey and it tasted horrible! I suppose you could say my ailment was youth angst, but I do remember it gave me a peaceful easy feeling. Anyway, hemp oil and other hemp products, including marijuana, that are used for specific medical purposes and are prescribed by a licensed medical doctor are legal in California, however Federal law is completely oppositional to California law. Because of this legal dichotomy there have been legally operated dispensaries of hemp products in California that have been raided and shut down by the Federal government. Sort of crazy isn't it? Our tax dollars at work...
As for my personal opinion (I'm a true born and raised California girl), I believe that anything that can ease pain and suffering, and even cure people of devastating illnesses should be made available to the public, however the substances should be regulated and approved by the Federal government, just like any other supplement or medication - this assures quality, purity and safety to the consumers. I do think medical marijuana should be made legal at the Federal level, because it is within Federal jurisdiction, but that is just my personal opinion....I know lots of people who are against it, but hey, we are all entitled to our opinions, right?
Now aside from the medical marijuana issue, there is something else for you to consider when looking at any type of alternative cancer treatments, marijuana, et al. - BE CAREFUL!!! There are woefully too many modern day snake oil salesmen out there offering all sorts of alternative therapies to cure cancer or other ailments and illnesses with wild claims of success - but again - are those treatments/products put through the same rigorous testing as drugs like Oxaliplatin? In most cases no.
I am all for complementary medical approaches - I like "traditional", for lack of a better word, medicine, and I also like Chinese medicine (acupuncture, healing massage, touch therapy, etc.) and others that are used to treat the various medical conditions that plague human kind. Using a double whammy approach seems great to me, but of course, only under the supervision of a LICENSED doctor (preferred) or other licensed medical practitioners.
Going the alternative route requires lots of research and discretion to make sure the patient or consumer can be certain they are not being sold a bunch of snake oil - a very tricky terrain indeed. This is why the more I hear of Cancer Treatment Centers of America, the more I like them - they often use complementary medicine in their approach to patient care and treatment. It's a whole body approach that I personally like.
If I may, I would like to tell you about our dear friend Bud "Nanuk", who was a member of this board when I first logged on in the Summer of 2006. Bud was stage IV and running out of options. Bud had come across a product - supplements - that were being manufactured in Japan, not subject to FDA regulations, and was being touted as a guaranteed cure all to cancer. Bud, looking for anything that might help him, was marketed "prescribed" this supplement by a guy claiming to be a doctor. Bud started taking this "doctor's" very expensive supplements. They cost more than $1500.00 for a 90 day supply and were not covered by insurance.
Bud posted a topic here about that product and asked if any of us had heard about the doctor and his products. I checked it out, and lo and behold, this doctor was in Orange County, California, where I was living. So one day, I went to the doctor's office (the address was posted on his website) and it was not a doctor's office, but rather a Postal Plus shop, a mail services shop where the doctor had a postal box from where he distributed his products and picked up his checks from customers. I asked the clerk at the shop if the doctor had a box there and the clerk said he did.
Afterward I called the doctor myself and told him I was in treatment for Stage III colon cancer and was interested in his product. He, without asking any questions about my current condition or medical history, told me he could cure me with his supplements. I told this "doctor" that I was unsure because how could he make that claim without examining me or looking at my medical records? He said he didn't have to. Once I expressed my apprehension, he told me I was going to die from my cancer if I didn't take his product. I challenged him by stating there was no way he could know that or suggest anything of the sort with certainty without knowing anything about my specific case. The phone call ended badly and I was furious! After all, our dear friend Bud was taking his products.
I contacted the California medical board to see if the guy was a licensed physician in the state of California because I had a surgically altered gut feeling that the guy wasn't all he was claiming to be. It was no surprise to find out he wasn't - he was not licensed in the State of California to practice medicine. I felt horrible. I didn't know what to tell Bud about what I found out. After careful consideration, and talking for hours about it with my husband, Bob (SopongeBob here at CSN), I decided I would just tell Bud the truth about what I had discovered, but try to be as delicate and unbiased as I could.
I was so worried about Bud losing hope in the face of what I had to tell him because a huge part of me believes that cures, whatever they are, work because we BELIEVE they work - the placebo affect I suppose. And after looking at the website and talking to my own doctor, it seemed like the supplements, even though they most likely wouldn't cure Bud, they probably wouldn't hurt either. They were nothing more than natural vitamins, similar to what you could buy at any store.
Needless to say Bud unfortunately, and with great sadness to all of us here at CSN - he was dearly loved, lost his battle with cancer in the Fall of 2007.
In any case, Donna, ultimately you have to choose your own path to health, and only you can decide who, what, how and where, but do your homework and be your own best advocate. After all, you know your own body better than anyone! And lastly, be sure that if you are thinking about using hemp products to supplement or use instead of the current program you are on now, make sure it's legal in your state. While I'm sure a Thelma and Louise adventure might be fun, I wouldn't want to have to bake a file in a cake for you and keep my car running in the parking lot until you saw your way out of a jail cell.
I hope this helps....
... would i put that black thick stuff on my skin or in my mouth, a friend on myspace actually sent that link as a bulletin, and I thought it looked so weird and scary I couldn't even watch all the other episodes, I'm weary of "alternative methods", I don't care about taking hits off of maryjane to help with the nausea, but that's about as far as I'd probably go with trying any other kind of drug or treatment that may hurt my traditional chemo and whatever else may come way, I'm not that "exploratory", I'd rather just go the way that the onc wants me too, I trust her, and she knows I want to kick this cancer's a$$, and don't plan on ever trying out of the ordinary
That's so sad to hear about Bud, I didn't know him, but am sure he was one hell of a fighter and guy, it's sad to hear when someone isn't doing well or responding, but I hope they never lose their faith and hope.
Huggss to you!
~Donna0 -
Donna,Shayenne said:No Way...
... would i put that black thick stuff on my skin or in my mouth, a friend on myspace actually sent that link as a bulletin, and I thought it looked so weird and scary I couldn't even watch all the other episodes, I'm weary of "alternative methods", I don't care about taking hits off of maryjane to help with the nausea, but that's about as far as I'd probably go with trying any other kind of drug or treatment that may hurt my traditional chemo and whatever else may come way, I'm not that "exploratory", I'd rather just go the way that the onc wants me too, I trust her, and she knows I want to kick this cancer's a$$, and don't plan on ever trying out of the ordinary
That's so sad to hear about Bud, I didn't know him, but am sure he was one hell of a fighter and guy, it's sad to hear when someone isn't doing well or responding, but I hope they never lose their faith and hope.
Huggss to you!
The below video is a dedication to Bud Martin, the pictures were taken in Austin Texas at CP3.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQAq06Q8c2Q
Bud was a great guy!0 -
Baking cakes with filesusakat said:Stranger Danger!!!
Hello Donna!
I watched your video link, which is the first in a series of seven - I only watched video one of the series, so what I write here is based upon what I saw in that one video, and further, this is just my opinion/advice (for what that's worth).
The video makes some fantastic claims about curing cancer, heart disease, skin issues, migraines, and all sorts of other illnesses and aliments, but something to consider is the video features anecdotal evidence / testimonials, not scientific evidence (perhaps scientific evidence is somewhere presented in videos two - seven, which I did not watch). The medical community knows that drugs like 5-FU and Oxaliplatin works (in many, but not all patients) because it underwent/undergoes rigorous and balanced scientific study, so we, the consumers can be assured that claims are validated and results are based in unbiased and unadulterated fact. Also we are assured they are safe in the prescribed dosages.
Back in the long lost (and I mean really long lost) days of my wild youth in California I actually tried some hemp oil - it was black with a sticky consistency like honey and it tasted horrible! I suppose you could say my ailment was youth angst, but I do remember it gave me a peaceful easy feeling. Anyway, hemp oil and other hemp products, including marijuana, that are used for specific medical purposes and are prescribed by a licensed medical doctor are legal in California, however Federal law is completely oppositional to California law. Because of this legal dichotomy there have been legally operated dispensaries of hemp products in California that have been raided and shut down by the Federal government. Sort of crazy isn't it? Our tax dollars at work...
As for my personal opinion (I'm a true born and raised California girl), I believe that anything that can ease pain and suffering, and even cure people of devastating illnesses should be made available to the public, however the substances should be regulated and approved by the Federal government, just like any other supplement or medication - this assures quality, purity and safety to the consumers. I do think medical marijuana should be made legal at the Federal level, because it is within Federal jurisdiction, but that is just my personal opinion....I know lots of people who are against it, but hey, we are all entitled to our opinions, right?
Now aside from the medical marijuana issue, there is something else for you to consider when looking at any type of alternative cancer treatments, marijuana, et al. - BE CAREFUL!!! There are woefully too many modern day snake oil salesmen out there offering all sorts of alternative therapies to cure cancer or other ailments and illnesses with wild claims of success - but again - are those treatments/products put through the same rigorous testing as drugs like Oxaliplatin? In most cases no.
I am all for complementary medical approaches - I like "traditional", for lack of a better word, medicine, and I also like Chinese medicine (acupuncture, healing massage, touch therapy, etc.) and others that are used to treat the various medical conditions that plague human kind. Using a double whammy approach seems great to me, but of course, only under the supervision of a LICENSED doctor (preferred) or other licensed medical practitioners.
Going the alternative route requires lots of research and discretion to make sure the patient or consumer can be certain they are not being sold a bunch of snake oil - a very tricky terrain indeed. This is why the more I hear of Cancer Treatment Centers of America, the more I like them - they often use complementary medicine in their approach to patient care and treatment. It's a whole body approach that I personally like.
If I may, I would like to tell you about our dear friend Bud "Nanuk", who was a member of this board when I first logged on in the Summer of 2006. Bud was stage IV and running out of options. Bud had come across a product - supplements - that were being manufactured in Japan, not subject to FDA regulations, and was being touted as a guaranteed cure all to cancer. Bud, looking for anything that might help him, was marketed "prescribed" this supplement by a guy claiming to be a doctor. Bud started taking this "doctor's" very expensive supplements. They cost more than $1500.00 for a 90 day supply and were not covered by insurance.
Bud posted a topic here about that product and asked if any of us had heard about the doctor and his products. I checked it out, and lo and behold, this doctor was in Orange County, California, where I was living. So one day, I went to the doctor's office (the address was posted on his website) and it was not a doctor's office, but rather a Postal Plus shop, a mail services shop where the doctor had a postal box from where he distributed his products and picked up his checks from customers. I asked the clerk at the shop if the doctor had a box there and the clerk said he did.
Afterward I called the doctor myself and told him I was in treatment for Stage III colon cancer and was interested in his product. He, without asking any questions about my current condition or medical history, told me he could cure me with his supplements. I told this "doctor" that I was unsure because how could he make that claim without examining me or looking at my medical records? He said he didn't have to. Once I expressed my apprehension, he told me I was going to die from my cancer if I didn't take his product. I challenged him by stating there was no way he could know that or suggest anything of the sort with certainty without knowing anything about my specific case. The phone call ended badly and I was furious! After all, our dear friend Bud was taking his products.
I contacted the California medical board to see if the guy was a licensed physician in the state of California because I had a surgically altered gut feeling that the guy wasn't all he was claiming to be. It was no surprise to find out he wasn't - he was not licensed in the State of California to practice medicine. I felt horrible. I didn't know what to tell Bud about what I found out. After careful consideration, and talking for hours about it with my husband, Bob (SopongeBob here at CSN), I decided I would just tell Bud the truth about what I had discovered, but try to be as delicate and unbiased as I could.
I was so worried about Bud losing hope in the face of what I had to tell him because a huge part of me believes that cures, whatever they are, work because we BELIEVE they work - the placebo affect I suppose. And after looking at the website and talking to my own doctor, it seemed like the supplements, even though they most likely wouldn't cure Bud, they probably wouldn't hurt either. They were nothing more than natural vitamins, similar to what you could buy at any store.
Needless to say Bud unfortunately, and with great sadness to all of us here at CSN - he was dearly loved, lost his battle with cancer in the Fall of 2007.
In any case, Donna, ultimately you have to choose your own path to health, and only you can decide who, what, how and where, but do your homework and be your own best advocate. After all, you know your own body better than anyone! And lastly, be sure that if you are thinking about using hemp products to supplement or use instead of the current program you are on now, make sure it's legal in your state. While I'm sure a Thelma and Louise adventure might be fun, I wouldn't want to have to bake a file in a cake for you and keep my car running in the parking lot until you saw your way out of a jail cell.
I hope this helps....
Ok... now that line made me laugh out loud and is probably one of the more humours things said on the boards in the last few days!! I had such a visual of you running into prison with your lovely decorated cake for Donna, knowing there was a nail file baked in the middle of it... and the car I see still running on in the parking lot was a lovely convertible mustang!! HAHAHAHA!!
Anywho... yes, I have to admit, for the most part, alternative medicines don't excite me these days. I had a friend, only 42 years old who had terminal cervical cancer. The poor girl tried everything that she and friends could possibly find in the alternative medicine world, when given the word that there were no more traditional options left for her. I TOTALLY understand being so desperate you are willing to try anything... she even went down to Mexico for the "cure all" (I don't know how many times I've heard of people dashing down to Mexico for some procedure or medication that can ONLY be gotten in Mexico).
What made me really mad is that there are people out there who have no conscience and will sell ANYTHING, knowing terminally ill people are desperate. Talk about taking advantage of someone when they are most vulnerable
It's like those emails that you constantly get sent from well-meaning friends -- "BEWARE!! Diet sodas and aspartame are going to make you grow two heads!! I know this is true... a lawyer told me because it happened to her!!"Some people actually believe these emails... it is so totally unbelievable to me that supposedly intelligent human beings can not read them and spot an urban legend right then and there. Or how about those Nigerian mail scams? The ones that started in Nigeria but now there are a kajillion of them with a slightly different twist to the story -- "Hello, I'm Dr. Cheryl Hutcherson and I have been left in charge of a patient's estate. She died recently and has no living relatives, no heirs. But we are in the middle of a war here in XXXX and I need to get her money out of the country. I am hoping you will be confidential and work with me on this, in return for 20% of her estate which would be approx. $15 million US." PEOPLE actually fall for these and never once stop to think, "How do I know this person is a Dr... and how did they get my name since I don't know anyone in XXX, let alone someone who is that rich?"
Well, the same thing happens over and over again for the magical cures for cancer, AIDS and any other serious, terminal illnesses. And when you are desperate, your logic changes... and you begin to think, "Maybe THIS is the one thing that will cure ME"
I find a lot of alternative medicines are somewhat like that. They aren't cures. They, for the most part, won't hurt you because if they are vitamin and mineral type supplements... your body will take what it needs and eliminate the rest. But chances are, you can put those same supplements together at your corner drugstore or Vitamin store for a fraction of the price you pay for the "Guarantee Cure".
But Katie... I LOVE it when I see one of your posts!! They are well thought out and easy to follow!!
Cheryl0 -
What a Coinky-Dink!
Funny the subject of hemp has come up today. Apparently Eric Holder, Obama's Attorney General, has said Federal agencies will no longer take action against medical marijuana dispensaries in states that have legalized medical marijuana, provided the dispensaries comply with state and local laws. I'm glad the DEA can now focus on real bad guys - the killer drug gangs...I mean really, isn't raiding legal pot shops like shooting fish in a barrel? It's not a fair fight.
Hmmm...do you think that maybe if we're stoned we're less likely to pay much attention to all the shenanigans in Washington? Either way, at least innocent people won't get caught in the cross-fire of oppositional state and federal laws, especially if they are suffering and are actually helped by medical marijuana.
I'm not advocating anything here, but for your enjoyment:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryLqfNwSSFE&feature=related
0 -
I thought it was....but it ain't!usakat said:What a Coinky-Dink!
Funny the subject of hemp has come up today. Apparently Eric Holder, Obama's Attorney General, has said Federal agencies will no longer take action against medical marijuana dispensaries in states that have legalized medical marijuana, provided the dispensaries comply with state and local laws. I'm glad the DEA can now focus on real bad guys - the killer drug gangs...I mean really, isn't raiding legal pot shops like shooting fish in a barrel? It's not a fair fight.
Hmmm...do you think that maybe if we're stoned we're less likely to pay much attention to all the shenanigans in Washington? Either way, at least innocent people won't get caught in the cross-fire of oppositional state and federal laws, especially if they are suffering and are actually helped by medical marijuana.
I'm not advocating anything here, but for your enjoyment:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryLqfNwSSFE&feature=related
How about dinky donk... Put that in your box of cures. Rather then focus in on one agent, like hemp, that can help,look at the big picture. Cancer is a complex disease, but cancer is cancer and it responds dramaticly to an experenced, wholistic practitioner that can combine effectly, series of different nutritional treatment protocols and agents that work in support of the body in the healing process. A careful evaluation of a patient comming off chemo, and or radiation, under stress, with a depressed immune system is required for the proper selection of treatment protocols for that individual. Ofen the body chemistery is so far out of whack it takes several IV bags of minerals to get the body up to a level where it can absorb alternative meds, herbs, vitamins, ect. Thats the problem with using nutritional supplements. Its our ability to absorb what were taking if the bodies under attack and stressed out. Cancer centers of America combines conventional and alterative treatments wholisticly, as they do in Europe, with better outcomes for their patients. They look at the underlying cause of cancer and treat the patient acordingly I bypassed the agent-orange treatment and went totally wholistic. Think of it terms of cancer cessation. If you succeed in getting your immune system up to where it can recognize the enemy, rally the troops to the cause and take out those wayward cells as they pop up from time to time ( like in the pacman game: gobble, gobble), and live the rest of life without the beast, you've been cured!
Look upon your immune system as your security system, operating 24/7. Unfortunely, were exposed to many enviornmental hazards in food, water, plastics, ect we have to deal with every day that can compromise our immune system and allow cancer to grow. Google cardiogenic causes of cancer, and you'll gets hundreds of hits our ancestors diden't have to deal with.
Once your in remission, it requires eternal vigilance.... detoxing daily with a careful selection of foods, vitamins, minerals, and whole plant herbs that support a healthy immune system. Its a whole new ball game that requires lifestyle changes. Eat organic! Eat fresh and avoid foods that feed cancer, especially fast foods and packaged foods that contain GMO!
Cheers..0 -
Snake Oil Maybemono5 said:I thought it was....but it ain't!
How about dinky donk... Put that in your box of cures. Rather then focus in on one agent, like hemp, that can help,look at the big picture. Cancer is a complex disease, but cancer is cancer and it responds dramaticly to an experenced, wholistic practitioner that can combine effectly, series of different nutritional treatment protocols and agents that work in support of the body in the healing process. A careful evaluation of a patient comming off chemo, and or radiation, under stress, with a depressed immune system is required for the proper selection of treatment protocols for that individual. Ofen the body chemistery is so far out of whack it takes several IV bags of minerals to get the body up to a level where it can absorb alternative meds, herbs, vitamins, ect. Thats the problem with using nutritional supplements. Its our ability to absorb what were taking if the bodies under attack and stressed out. Cancer centers of America combines conventional and alterative treatments wholisticly, as they do in Europe, with better outcomes for their patients. They look at the underlying cause of cancer and treat the patient acordingly I bypassed the agent-orange treatment and went totally wholistic. Think of it terms of cancer cessation. If you succeed in getting your immune system up to where it can recognize the enemy, rally the troops to the cause and take out those wayward cells as they pop up from time to time ( like in the pacman game: gobble, gobble), and live the rest of life without the beast, you've been cured!
Look upon your immune system as your security system, operating 24/7. Unfortunely, were exposed to many enviornmental hazards in food, water, plastics, ect we have to deal with every day that can compromise our immune system and allow cancer to grow. Google cardiogenic causes of cancer, and you'll gets hundreds of hits our ancestors diden't have to deal with.
Once your in remission, it requires eternal vigilance.... detoxing daily with a careful selection of foods, vitamins, minerals, and whole plant herbs that support a healthy immune system. Its a whole new ball game that requires lifestyle changes. Eat organic! Eat fresh and avoid foods that feed cancer, especially fast foods and packaged foods that contain GMO!
It is a shame that people continue to try and flim-flam people with goofy and dangerous promises like this.They are preying on the hopes of those going through difficult times especially with cancer. And I don't buy the argument that the big bad drug companies are suppressing so called "cures" like this. Everyone in the world knows someone who is battling cancer. I just wish the drug companies would lower their prices.
Cheers, Lance0 -
I heard this toousakat said:What a Coinky-Dink!
Funny the subject of hemp has come up today. Apparently Eric Holder, Obama's Attorney General, has said Federal agencies will no longer take action against medical marijuana dispensaries in states that have legalized medical marijuana, provided the dispensaries comply with state and local laws. I'm glad the DEA can now focus on real bad guys - the killer drug gangs...I mean really, isn't raiding legal pot shops like shooting fish in a barrel? It's not a fair fight.
Hmmm...do you think that maybe if we're stoned we're less likely to pay much attention to all the shenanigans in Washington? Either way, at least innocent people won't get caught in the cross-fire of oppositional state and federal laws, especially if they are suffering and are actually helped by medical marijuana.
I'm not advocating anything here, but for your enjoyment:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryLqfNwSSFE&feature=related
I was happy to hear this. I think this is what they should do. It's a democracy or it was up until 8 years ago - the laws seemed to have changed with the big Dubbya but now that the Decider is gone, maybe we can let people who voted to legalize it for medical purposes to stop getting harassed. The DEA should focus on more important issues. All this anti-pot is caused by the pharmaceutical companies. They certainly do not want a natural drug that can be grown at home out there and legal. How else can they push their "miracle" $150 Emend pills. The only "miracle" is that people are willing to pay that much for it.
I wish more states would leave US alone. Aren't we going through enough???
Give this poor soul a break!
-phil0 -
Drug Companiesldot123 said:Snake Oil Maybe
It is a shame that people continue to try and flim-flam people with goofy and dangerous promises like this.They are preying on the hopes of those going through difficult times especially with cancer. And I don't buy the argument that the big bad drug companies are suppressing so called "cures" like this. Everyone in the world knows someone who is battling cancer. I just wish the drug companies would lower their prices.
Cheers, Lance
I know what you mean about the story that drug companies really have a cure and are keeping it secret, but with all that's gone on with secret CIA torture prisons, stolen elections, the AIG bonus's, Exxon making history with the headline: Exxon shatters profit records.
Oil giant makes corporate history by booking $11.7 billion in quarterly profit; earns $1,300 a second in 2007 nothing, NOTHING would surprise me at this point. I really dislike to have this feeling but the Govt, Big Oil, Big Pharmaceuticals do keep a lot of secrets and it IS in their best interest to NOT go Electric with cars and to NOT go herbal with remedies (cancer and who knows what else) and NOT look to wind, solar and other options for energy.
Most average people, I believe, are good, honest, hard working souls. Then there's the select few who control things we need and I do not feel they really have our best interests at heart.
Man, I sound like a paranoid lunatic but it seems the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
Maybe I just need one of these.
-phil0 -
Funny!PhillieG said:Drug Companies
I know what you mean about the story that drug companies really have a cure and are keeping it secret, but with all that's gone on with secret CIA torture prisons, stolen elections, the AIG bonus's, Exxon making history with the headline: Exxon shatters profit records.
Oil giant makes corporate history by booking $11.7 billion in quarterly profit; earns $1,300 a second in 2007 nothing, NOTHING would surprise me at this point. I really dislike to have this feeling but the Govt, Big Oil, Big Pharmaceuticals do keep a lot of secrets and it IS in their best interest to NOT go Electric with cars and to NOT go herbal with remedies (cancer and who knows what else) and NOT look to wind, solar and other options for energy.
Most average people, I believe, are good, honest, hard working souls. Then there's the select few who control things we need and I do not feel they really have our best interests at heart.
Man, I sound like a paranoid lunatic but it seems the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
Maybe I just need one of these.
Now that made me laugh out loud!
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