Any women over 60 out there?

tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Just wondering if there might be a little community of "older" women out there on this journey who might like to share their coping skills with a fellow "senior citizen" living alone.

hugs to you all!



  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    I am not in that group (I'm
    I am not in that group (I'm 44 and live with spouse and 2 teenage girls, with a very supportive Church), but I would advise anyone living alone who has to go through this to find help and support somewhere, if you don't already have it. One option is to call the American Cancer Society. They can put you in touch with people who can: a) drive you to treatments and maybe sit with you, b)"look good, feel better" (a support group for cancer survivors who help you guessed it.... look good and feel better) c)someone to call or visit when you need to talk to a person who has been there/done that d)someone to help bring you groceries/run errands, e)other help. A Church may be a good source of emotional support too.

    I am sure there are some ladies on this site who are in the group you describe who may give you better information.

    take care, seof
  • Lelana
    Lelana Member Posts: 32
    Living alone!
    You have to get help as the other poster said.
    Going alone through this will be very hard.
    I'm 68 and Cry all the time, even with my husbands help.
    I have not driven a car since my diagnoses.
    This is my third time with cancer, and will be my last time.
    I have gone broke and can't afford any more.
    I'm at peace at home, and it's the way I want it.
    My husband has been great through all this and is understanding.
    You go and beat this, I did twice and this last year have gotten rid of all my tumors in my right lung. It has now spread to other parts of my body though, and we are still trying to find a way to continue the fight.
  • sunnygirl
    sunnygirl Member Posts: 57 Member
    older, I am
    Hi Teena,
    I'm among the senior group, I'm 67, and was dignosed the 18th of Dec. after a lumpectomy. Followed by a mastectomy on Jan. 8th. I'm now into chemo--AC 4 rounds, every two weeks, then 4 taxol, every two weeks. I just finished my 3rd rd of AC on tues. Friends, family and church are a great support system. Ask your surgeon and your oncologist also--there's information all over my oncology center. Plus, this site is wonderful for those day to day questions that pop up--about anything. And check for a local ACS site.
    I'd be happy to help in anyway I can.
  • Celie
    Celie Member Posts: 1
    women over 60
    Hi, I hear you I am 68 diagnosed in Jan Lump removed Feb and am doing radiation right now have had 11 treatments. Yesterday I noticed little red pimples (thought I was over that from being a teenager) LOL So I just put some aquaphor on the site and they are just dots today.

    Make sure your breast is free from any creams when you get the radiation. My breast feels a little heavy and is swollen a little.

    I live alone but have a wonderful support system with family and girlfriends. I don't get asked how are you feeling everyday as I told everyone I am doing fine so far.

    I am on Arimidex and one of my friend told me yesterday I just jump from one subject to another---hummmm is it the arimidex?? I go all week and do stuff and then on Saturday hang around in my nightgown in and out of bed. I am having some joint pain---not bad yet.

    I find that this forum sure has answered loads of my questions.

    Where do you live? I live in Phx. Arizona.

  • redriverartist
    redriverartist Member Posts: 54
    Hi, Teena
    I'm 61 and proud of every minute of it. We've worked for it and earned it! I have a wonderful boss who lets me come & go as I feel like it. In fact, she's taken me for treatments a few times. What more could I ask. I've been so very blessed throughout all this- just shows that God isn't through with me yet. LOL!!!!!!! And he's not through with you, either. Love and blessings, Teresa
  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    Celie said:

    women over 60
    Hi, I hear you I am 68 diagnosed in Jan Lump removed Feb and am doing radiation right now have had 11 treatments. Yesterday I noticed little red pimples (thought I was over that from being a teenager) LOL So I just put some aquaphor on the site and they are just dots today.

    Make sure your breast is free from any creams when you get the radiation. My breast feels a little heavy and is swollen a little.

    I live alone but have a wonderful support system with family and girlfriends. I don't get asked how are you feeling everyday as I told everyone I am doing fine so far.

    I am on Arimidex and one of my friend told me yesterday I just jump from one subject to another---hummmm is it the arimidex?? I go all week and do stuff and then on Saturday hang around in my nightgown in and out of bed. I am having some joint pain---not bad yet.

    I find that this forum sure has answered loads of my questions.

    Where do you live? I live in Phx. Arizona.


    jumping subjects
    I hear you as far as jumping from subject to subject. I can't believe how flakey I am. Well ... maybe I've always been a bit flakey ... but since all of this (lumpectomy, chemo) started I am REALLY flakey. I work full time as an administrative assistant (glorified name for secretary!) ... and thank goodness it doesn't require too many brain cells because I don't think half of mine are working. I've tried to make lists ... but then when I look at the list I'm not sure what in the world I meant... and I find myself asking the same questions over and over. It never really sinks in. Thank goodness my boss is understanding ... and very patient with me.

    Oh ... and I live in Indiana.
