sort of got more news also

Lauracec Member Posts: 101
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
my nurse called today and said the onc wants to see my husband and I on thursday he got my ct results. just had it yesterday and last week did my first pet scan. he said there is progression so definantly going off avastin study and says I have some in my lymph nodes in my chest also. that scares me because my lymph nodes looked clear b-4 although they never removed any during surgery so thats not a fact. do other people have them in ther lymph nodes and keep living for years? Laura


  • aandj
    aandj Member Posts: 33
    Hi, I dont know what has happened to the posting I put on the site yesterday, I did put some info on the Neurophathy posting but that was a very small bit. If you are interested in the entire rport then please email me your address to
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Lymph Nodes
    Dearest Laura,

    My first pet scan showed lots of lymph nodes with cancer and that was over 4 years ago. So yes lots of people live for years. :-) I have a friend who is in her seventh year and has had cancer in node since the beginning, in fact she just had radiation on one in her neck that grew to golf ball size. Also remember some things light up and that doesn't always mean it is cancer. Sending prayers ♥ hugs your way. Bonnie
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Answer is yes!
    There are a LOT of lymph nodes in the trunk of the body, so it is rare that the cancer cells do not get into the lymph system. My surgeon did not remove any of mine during the surgery for my Stage IV. He said they did not do that with Stage IV because it caused more problems than help. I didn't ask what the problems were but have thought it may be the collection of fluid like in breast cancer women who have collection of fluid in their arms. I have not had any of that. Chemo knocks them out too.

    It is hard to train your mind not to go crazy with being called into the doctor's. Please go to movies, play games with friends, eat out or anything else that can occupy your mind before the appt. You don't need to torture yourself and that is what worrying is. Most likely you will be put on another form of treatment and it will knock the cancer cells back down. He probably just wants to discuss options with you so be ready to ask questions about side effects etc.

    Keep us informed and I will pray today that you find comfort and arrive at a peaceful state of mind.
    (((Hugs))) Saundra
  • Lauracec
    Lauracec Member Posts: 101
    saundra said:

    Answer is yes!
    There are a LOT of lymph nodes in the trunk of the body, so it is rare that the cancer cells do not get into the lymph system. My surgeon did not remove any of mine during the surgery for my Stage IV. He said they did not do that with Stage IV because it caused more problems than help. I didn't ask what the problems were but have thought it may be the collection of fluid like in breast cancer women who have collection of fluid in their arms. I have not had any of that. Chemo knocks them out too.

    It is hard to train your mind not to go crazy with being called into the doctor's. Please go to movies, play games with friends, eat out or anything else that can occupy your mind before the appt. You don't need to torture yourself and that is what worrying is. Most likely you will be put on another form of treatment and it will knock the cancer cells back down. He probably just wants to discuss options with you so be ready to ask questions about side effects etc.

    Keep us informed and I will pray today that you find comfort and arrive at a peaceful state of mind.
    (((Hugs))) Saundra

    thankyou I do feel better already
    Saundra, you are the first person that I heard of who didn't have some lymph nodes removed except for myself. My surgery report says I am stage 4 also but my doc said stage 3c. not much diff there I suppose anyway. thankyou guys for the encouragement. God Bless Laura
  • ladyjogger31
    ladyjogger31 Member Posts: 289
    Lymph Nodes
    Hi Laura, I'm also a stage 3c and never had any lymph nodes removed. They did take about 6 inches of my colon out.Wishing you good luck on your Doctor's appointment.God is great!! He will be with you evry step of the way.
    Hugs and Prayers Terry
  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312

    Lymph Nodes
    Hi Laura, I'm also a stage 3c and never had any lymph nodes removed. They did take about 6 inches of my colon out.Wishing you good luck on your Doctor's appointment.God is great!! He will be with you evry step of the way.
    Hugs and Prayers Terry

    Mine in Spleen and Lymphnodes
    Mine came back in spleen which is a lymphnode and my smaller lymphnodes 6 years ago and here I am. They found ovarian 3 7 years ago then probably five and half years ago came back there in lymphnodes. I have chemo off and on with little breaks but mine are small and chemo just makes me tired. It hasnt gone in vital organs and hope to keep it that way.
    Prayers and hugs
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    Lymph Nodes

    I had only one lymph node removed as it was hard and bigger. And it was cancerous. I did find out that we are even more wonderfully and uniquely made as we each have a different amount of lymph nodes. I may have 10 in my pelvic area and you may have 200! God is so awesome. His Word is Truth and we can testify to it!

    Have a great day!

    Living to Serve,
  • kris43
    kris43 Member Posts: 275
    LPack said:

    Lymph Nodes

    I had only one lymph node removed as it was hard and bigger. And it was cancerous. I did find out that we are even more wonderfully and uniquely made as we each have a different amount of lymph nodes. I may have 10 in my pelvic area and you may have 200! God is so awesome. His Word is Truth and we can testify to it!

    Have a great day!

    Living to Serve,

    lymph nodes
    Hi Laura - I am stage IIIC and did not have any lymph nodes removed either. They never said it had spread to them that I am aware of, which was lucky, considering how large my tumors were when my cancer was discovered.

    Hopefully you hear good news. I'll be thinking of you!!

