The Blue Update

Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi Ladies..I wanted to update you all on my adventures since losing my Highmark Blues insurance.
I have navigated the COBRA plans, yes the stimlus plan does help a lot. The problem is you need to pay two months up front without the 65% discount..that would be over $1000 for way could I do this. So, sorry Highmark COBRA, I cannot do you.

Next, I applied for and got on the waiting list for the low income insurance..Adult Basic..another Highmark run insurance. The waiting list is 3 years long. They do offer the option of paying for the insurance..but again, it requires two months in advance...this would be over $700. So I will stay on the waiting list.

To be eligible for medicaid here I can only have an income of $205 dollars per month. Yes, I said per MONTH. So that is out also.

Got entered into charity care at our cancer center. This means that for all of this year, my treatments and follow ups will be taken care of. They are also going to get a years supply of any anti-estrogen drug I may need from the manufacturer at no cost to me. I can also get any cancer related scans, labwork done there that is ordered by any doctor outside the center, free of charge.

Am in the process of getting charity care at our local hospital so I can be okay when I nee my MRI's. The cancer center cannot do them.

And today my family doctor called and has said that he will be seeing me free of charge. I could not believe it. He said that if I had the insurance I would be coming to see him as I had in the past. That I had too much going on and someone needed to keep tabs on me. So I will be able to check in with him if I have any problems or questions.

Ladies, I feel very blessed. Since I am still going to school two nights a week, I was going to try to get a loan through the school to just pay my medical insurance. I would have had to pay it back, but I thought that was my only alternative. I cannot believe how things have happened so quickly for me.

I feel so blessed and humbled today at all that has happened to me this week and wanted to share it with you. It is only because of the people on this board and in my life who lift me up in prayer that I am still here. Hugs, Cindy


  • knarrly
    knarrly Member Posts: 24
    so glad
    I am so happy that everything worked out!
  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312 Member
    knarrly said:

    so glad
    I am so happy that everything worked out!

    Awesome Cindy
    I am so happy for you. I have medicaid but its because Dr. put me on social security disability will be getting Medicare next year. But I am really happy things are working out for you, keep the faith.
    Prayers and Hugs
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Blessing to you
    Well, I see you have received the most medical blessing that I have ever read on this discussion post.
    That is wonderful news. The anti estrogen drug, Femara, runs about $300/month. I have to pay the medicare co-pay of about $30/mo. but will soon reach my limit with all the others I am taking and will have to pay it all starting in May. So that your doctor can get it through the mfg. is good news. I got samples the first two months I was on it. So far it is holding my CA125 at 50 and no other positive tests.
    I have had to ad Foxamax because it does a number on your bone density, so be aware.
    ((Hugs))) Saundra
  • ladyjogger31
    ladyjogger31 Member Posts: 289
    That is great news. I'm so happy for you. I'm on Medicare and have Atena as my supplement.
    There are miracles.
    Hugs and Prayers, terry
  • kris43
    kris43 Member Posts: 275
    Congratulations Cindy
    You have someone out there looking over your shoulder Cindy. I have a friend here in SD whose son was just diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma - no insurance as he works in landscaping and then lost his job due to the economy. He's been waiting and waiting to hear from the Colorado system re: disability insurance - nothing yet - this after 4 weeks. He NEEDS to get started on treatment. It is SO ENCOURAGING to hear that things are falling in to place for you - as they should.

    If I lost my insurance tomorrow - I think I would have a nervous breakdown. I've never been without and now there are so many places that wouldn't touch a cancer patient with a 10 foot pole - it can get downright scary.

    Keep up the good work and thanks for letting us know that miracles still happen every day.

  • newhopechurchli
    newhopechurchli Member Posts: 126
    kris43 said:

    Congratulations Cindy
    You have someone out there looking over your shoulder Cindy. I have a friend here in SD whose son was just diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma - no insurance as he works in landscaping and then lost his job due to the economy. He's been waiting and waiting to hear from the Colorado system re: disability insurance - nothing yet - this after 4 weeks. He NEEDS to get started on treatment. It is SO ENCOURAGING to hear that things are falling in to place for you - as they should.

    If I lost my insurance tomorrow - I think I would have a nervous breakdown. I've never been without and now there are so many places that wouldn't touch a cancer patient with a 10 foot pole - it can get downright scary.

    Keep up the good work and thanks for letting us know that miracles still happen every day.


    God bless that Doctor who has such a heart of compassion. The world could certainly use more people like that!!!
    Congratulations on your great news.